I just realised tt on the last day of 2009, I penned my 300th entry... Sweet... =)
Well, this is my 1st post for the yr 2010... 9 days into the yr... How... Efficient... =P
02/01/2009... I met up with my JC classmates (or rather, the regulars who usually turn up for almost any class gathering) and headed to our J2 form teacher's house to disturb their baby... I was kinda early in leaving the house, so I decided to take a walk @ [Jurong Point] instead of heading all the way to [Pioneer] stn immediately...
As 172 was abt to arrive @ the interchange, the following sight greeted me...

[Boon Lay Bus Interchange]... Surprisingly empty and lack of any crowd @ all!!! LOL... Yep, if I were to actually catch the news or something, I would've known tt the interchange has been relocated, merging with the entire [Jurong Point] shopping centre...
I had a kick out of checking out the new interchange and exploring where all the different exits lead to... Ha~... Mountain totrise... -_-"'
I've no idea whether lunch will be provided, so I grabbed 2 bread from [BreadTalk] before heading towards [Pioneer] stn... I initially wanted to walk all the way there de, but upon feeling a couple of rain drops, I've decided not to take tt chance in case a heavy downpour ensues... In the end, there wasn't any rain @ all... The sun decided to be all happy and shiny after I've took the train...
Which is just as well cause I realised tt it's really a hell of a walk and there's no way I could've covered tt distance in like 15 mins... And it's totally uncool to meet up with everyone when I'm drenched in sweat... Ewwww...
Once we arrived @ [Mr. Ling]'s house, I was grateful for tt 2 bread which I've ingested as there wasn't any decent food except for snacks... And I'm not much of a snacks person la... However, the main attraction this time was our teacher's daughter... My classmates kinda enjoyed attempting to make the baby warm up to us and smile, but it seems she's really afraid of strangers and takes a hell of a long time to warm up to us...

A couple of shots featuring the 14 mths old velcro baby who couldn't stop sticking to either the dad or the mum like, well, velcro...

A group shot before we decided to give our teacher and his family some peace and quiet... Not before hinting tt we could be back on [CNY]... LOL...
Most left shortly after while the remaining decided to chill awhile @ [Anderson's] before heading to [NTUC] to grab more snacks for the stay @ [SH]'s house... Oh, and we did buy some durians too!!! 4 boxes of it for $10... And this was something tt we kinda regret soon after upon tasting it... The durians are kinda bland and this is the 1st time tt I'm actually not thrilled @ eating durians...
No matter what, lesson learn... No more buying durians on my own...
I totally binged on the grapes tt's available and tt was my dinner... LOL... Bread in the afternoon and only grapes and snacks for dinner...
Watched my friends played [Little Big World], a [PS3] puzzle game... Had a great laugh seeing them attempting to complete the individual level... The concept is similar to the [MS] jump quests where you have to navigate through various obstacles and try your very best not to get yourself killed by hitting the traps...
Lots of patience is required... Totally. Not. Easy...
Watched [Up] after tt before calling it a day...
06/01/2010... It was a [Wed] and as usual, [Dragonica] will have a patch... So, rather than waste my existence @ home, I decided to head out after I've completed my [Wed] house chores... Headed all the way to town again but this time, I'm exploring [Ion Orchard]... I started with the top floor and it was really OMG, WTH!!! All the goddamn branded stuff are there... No wonder it's so ulu... Where patrons are there only to make use of the charis around tt floor to chillax...
Found out tt there's a nice bookstore @ the top floor and as I headed towards B4, stuff got slightly cheaper though @ B1, a freaking belt from [G-Star Raw] still cost a whooping $112... Shit, did they like miss out a decimal point or something, geez!!!
A couple of tops did catch my eyes, but it didn't captivate me tt much for me to decide to buy it on the spot... Perhaps some other time when I stumble upon it somewhere else @ a cheaper price, perhaps I'll consider... Haha... The usual pattern when it comes to me buying clothes...
Headed to [Taka] for [Mos Burger] @ abt 1600 hrs... I didn't have my lunch and tt was like a combination of both my lunch and dinner... Hmmm... I wonder how I managed to survive tt day with only 1 meal after tt much walking... Oh well, I guess I must be burning those hidden fats bah... Wahahaha... =P
Walked all the way to [PS] to return the book which I've rented before renting [The Immortal Hunter], another book in the [Argeneau Vampire] series by [Lynsay Sands]...
Headed back to [Ion] after tt do a little more walking and time killing till like 1900 hrs, when I think it's a decent enough time to have desserts... So I travelled to [Far East] to [The Graffiti Cafe] which [XP] brought me there previously for my [Black Glutinous Rice]...
It's when I'm done with it tt I heard from my friend tt there's a [BK] in [Ion], which totally caught me off guard cause I didn't see any [BK] as I was touring... So I decided to check it out...
And discovered to my dodo-ness tt I totally, completely missed out a wing @ B3 where [BK] was located... Zzz... So much for exploring in detail the entire mall...
Made my way home when the clock striked 2000 hrs...
My dodo-ness didn't end @ the [BK] issue... I also took the wrong train... I initially wanted to take the train via [Woodlands] so tt I can enjoy my book w/o changing trains... However, not 5 mins later, I noticed tt the announcement for the next stop was [Raffles City]...
I took the wrong train by mistake... WTH is wrong with me??? Ha~... I guess it's the fatigue and the fact tt I was busy burning like close to 100 SMSes chatting with a friend tt caused me to enter blur mode le lor... Haha...
Yep, yep... It was a good day, but not the best...
07/01/2010... Met up with [YH], [MJ], [SH] and his bro for a movie @ [Illuma]... But before we went to catch the movie, all of us less [YH] met up 1st for dinner @ [PastaMania]... Once tt was done and [YH] arrived, we headed to [Illuma] to collect our tickets and while killing the time, we were a little crazy with wanting to take pics every now and then @ almost every other area tt we step foot on the mall, like some kuku like tt...
It's a pity I didn't bring my cam, but it's just as well as I'm not the efficient type tt'll post all the pics immediately or within 24 hrs... Whatever the case, the pics are with the ever efficient [SH] and it's already posted on [FB] even before the day was over!!!
Yeah, so the movie tt we watched was [Avatar] and it's in 3-D!!! Haha... Well, it's no debate tt the movie plot bears a striking resemblance to [Pocahontas], but tt's not the point... I think the whole reason tt the movie's able to make the ranks of one of the highest grossing film in history is perhaps due to it's totally awesome CG effects... The scens in [Pandora] is very beautiful... The day scenes are stunning enough, but the night scenes are totally breathtaking...
And it seems like there's a possibility of there having a sequeal to the show!!! Haha... But if you think abt it, if it takes like 14 yrs to develope the 1st part... ... -_-"'
Anyway, before I end of this already very long entry, I saw the following article in [The Staits Time], [Life!] section, page E3 today...
Shameful Act...
Recently I saw one of the most harrowing videos I have seen in a long time. And it was less than a minute long.
Many people would probably have seen it. It shows a bikini-clad woman being molested by four men at a New Year's countdown party on Sentosa.
The men grope her breasts and press against her. When she falls, they pull her to her feet and continue to molest her. She tries to get away but they surround her.
So many things about this clip haunt me.
It was not just the leering, swinish and crimial behaviour of the men that made my blood run cold. The offence itself was hellish. But what really made me feel violated and implicated in the girl's plight were the cameras.
In the video, you can see flashes of cameras going off. Some onlookers were also filming the event.
Not only did they think it was okay to stand around and watch a crime unfold without doing anything, but they also decided to whip out their mobile phones to record it.
A lot has been said about Singaporeans being an apathetic lot. Many of us, trained in the reticent, anti-busybody Asian school of thought, hestitate in interfering in other people's affairs.
Last year, a LifeStyle article showed that most Singaporeans would not stop a man hitting a woman in public. They did not think it was their business to intervene in a private quarel.
In the New Year's Eve molest case, the onlookers also thought it was not their business to stop the men. It was not their business to get someone, such as a security guard or a bouncer, to stop it. But it became their business to film it.
The apathy is staggering. So is the exploitation of the poor woman.
Videos of the molest have been posted on the Internet. YouTube has taken down the video because the video-hosting site knows that there are boundaries that should not be crossed and there are perverts out there who enjoy looking at such images.
Then there are the comments on the video. I will paraphrase the remarks because some of the comments do not bear repeating in a family paper. They are along the lines of 'She deserved it', 'She was drunk' and 'She was wearing so little, she was asking for it'.
Worst of all: 'She looked like she was enjoying it.
I thought I was living in a civilised and enlightened society which, by and large, respects women, and that such ludicrous reasoning was behind us. Clearly not.
A woman wearing a halter top and a short skirt walking down a dark street gets molested. Was she foolish? Maybe. Did she lack awareness? Yes. Did she deserve to be molested or raped? No.
Just suppose a man wearing a flashy watch is robbed while walking down a dark street. Would people say that he deserved his comeuppance?
No one deserves to be assaulted, sexually or otherwise.
The victim has been accused of being an attention-seeker. Deejay Daaniel Ong, who was hosting the party, was quoted as saying that she mooned the crowd by showing her buttocks and dirty-danced with someone.
The implication, again, is that she was asking for it. She was a slut. Good girls do not dance like that. Good girls stay home.
Those who blame the victim are putting forth a poor argument that is dressed up with huge lashings of misogyny.
No, she was not asking for it. She was clubbing and she might have been behaving provocatively, but she was a human being with rights that need to be respected.
This case reminds me of what happened to Jodie Foster's character in the movie, The Accussed.
She was dirty-dancing with a man in a pub and ended up being gang-raped, cheered on by onlookers. After fighting prejudice and a tortuous legal system, she got justice in the end.
The Accused was made in 1988. It is time we got the message: A woman does not forfeit her rights when she drinks too much or behaves 'wildly'. (Incidentally, a man tends to be forgiven for transgressions committed when he is drunk.)
Each time a somebody says a woman behaves like a whore and, hence, deserves something bad to happen to her, we take a step backwards. And the world becomes a nastier place for women.
Totally WTH... I couldn't resist feeling a sense of rage when I read tt some ppl actually thinks tt the women who got molested deserved it... Seriously, they can just die...