If not, the mush will just grow @ an exponential rate till my entire brain is destroyed...
Anyway, call it self-denial if you want, but I realised tt I'm not really much of a camwhore, like [SH] who's extremely capable of taking like 32 self shots consecutively... Rather, I like to take pics of myself when I actually took the effort to dress up... Haha...
Yes, I believe there's a difference b/w being trigger happy when you're taking self shots and being selective of the pics tt you're taking when you took the effort to dress up...
Oh well... Shall not crap so much and let the pics do the talking instead...
Okay la, @ least I'm happy with this new purchase... Aaaaaannnnnddddd, while I was @ [Vivo], I saw some uber nice long sleeve tops and vasts, which made my uber tempted to try them on and buy them if I look good in them... The only prob is, my 2nd opinion personnel isn't around to condemn some of my quirky taste, so I better wait till tt person is around 1st before buying...
Hmmm, and $39 isn't really tt ex, considering tt [G2000] sells ties tt're $52... And obviously, higher end labels like [A|X] confirm have ties tt cost even more (recalls lovely [A|X] belt tt cost $140)...
Okay, so I took some pics again when I came home... And even though the shirt is the same, I didn't roll the sleeves up, so it's different!!! And I took the pics @ different angles too... Haha... Gotta experiment!!!