However, after what my [Dad] said, I decided to go anyway... And here's what changed my mind: 'I'll just cook maggie mee for lunch can already, no need for you to go out and buy...' A mad rush and I got all the necessary items for tt short trip...
Had [FInsh N Chips] from the new food court tt had just opened in [JEC] and the food's just average... Once lunch was done, I heard a loud crackle - lightning... But tt wasn't my first thought... My first thought was tt something had fallen from the sky... Not an acorn... To me, it's more like a cow tt had fallen 52 stories and hit the pavement with a loud 'WHAM!' and splattering blood all over the floor (A little sadistic here, much to some of the readers' delight)...
Forseeing tt it's going to rain soon, I rushed to the library, just when those mildly acidic rain start to hit me... Any later and I would be totally drenched... Made my way up to the [Adult Fiction] section and was browsing from the 'A' section... Perhaps it's instinct, and I suddenly made my way to the 'D' section to look... Viola!!! I finally found it!!! [Mr. & Mrs. Smith]!!! [XP] has been raving @ how good tt book is (see??? I remember what you recommend!!!) and has been encouraging me to borrow it as well... After she recommended [Constantine], I know her words must be taken for real... I mean, both movies of the same titles are good, but the books are definitely better as they did fill us in on the many details, crucial details, tt movies always leave out... In addition, the books allow me to re-imagine the scenes all over again... And this is good as it keeps our imagination alive!!!
O-k-a-y... I'm beginning to digress a little... So the book was fabulous and I borrowed it... I was reading it from the beginning when the announcement came on... 'The library will be closed @ 5pm for preparation of New Year...' WTH... Now I'm trapped outside the library and outside [JEC] as well... Thanks god there's shelter in the planes in between...
The rain finally stopped after who-knows-how-long and I was glad tt i'm able to return to [JEC] to join [Mum] and [Sis]... [Sis] got a new hairstyle and she even had a hair straightened (this is not permanent... It'll curl back after she washed her hait the next day)... Looking nice there...
Er... I guess after this, there's nth much le as I soon made my way home alone while [Mum] and [Sis] went to [Woodlands]... Ha~... It's [New Year's Eve] and I just wanna wish you ppl out there a [HAPPY NEW YEAR]!!! Have you made any resolutions??? Or you're like me, not bothering @ all???
Oh and check out [MJ]'s entry on 28/12/2005... It's totally hilarious!!! I'd rate it M18 so if you're below tt age, read it @ your own risk... Of course, it isn't her own composing... Credits should be given to [XiaXue]!!! It's after all, from her... And don't blame any of us (me, [MJ] and [XiaXue]) for any corruption of your purity... Unless you're already defiled... =D
Memorable quotes from [XP]: