It's horrendous... With our [Phy SPA Skill A] on [Tue] as our first major exams, it marked the start of the terror tt's yet to come...
I'm not saying tt the [SPA]'s tough... After all, all you have to do is to memorise everything on how to design an experient to mesure the efficiency of the bow and arrow... Of course, the qus's on how to measure the efficiency of a catapult so all we have to do is to change accordingly and presto!!! The lv. 8's yours... Not tt hard eh???
Wait till you hear this... Tt our mid-year [GP] papers' like hell... If tt paper's a measurement of how deep hell is like, I would say tt paper is the 99th floor of hell... There's only like 1 qus tt I can attempt for [Paper 1]!!! Not tt I didn't study okay... It's just tt... The way the qus's are being phrase made me think tt those qus are though... In the end, I ended up doing on the topic of [Science And Tech]... And it's not a good one as well, considering tt my conclusion's only 1 sentence and there's only 3 pts, 3 not-good-in-my-opinion points...
As for [Paper 2]??? Don't even talk abt it... I can hardly understand the second passage!!! Morality just isn't my cup of tea and both passages are talking abt different things, not your usual opposite views... Now you know the severity of the situation, don't you??? *Sigh*
Hence, I welcomed the early dismissal as well as this weekend... Have been rotting since yesterday, playing [StarCraft] and [MS] yesterday... *Grins* For today however, I actually went to a LAN shop!!! It's my 2nd time so far, entering there and playing... The last time was aeons ago, when [CounterStrike] has just became the hottest thing in town... This time, I'm playing [DOTA] and I'm not exactly the pro... I think you can rank me on a scale of 10 where 10's god-like, I'm abt a 2, no different from a noob...
I couldn't see my full potential when I'm restricted to random heros... I can't use [Drow Ranger] and see if she's my cup of tea... I'm in control of heros tt I've no idea how to contol!!! However, i won't despair as practice makes perfect!!! I'm sure with more practices, I will improve... LOL...
Oh well, I think tt's abt it... Oh and frankly speaking, I feel tt [Colin And Kero] rocks... They're simply so sweet and both are very cute as well... I like both of them... *Laughs* Now, wonder when I'll be my turn to find my prince charming??? *Frowns*
Saturday, May 27, 2006
Sunday, May 21, 2006
It occurred last year... I finally managed to burn the movie from [Dar]... It's hard work... From borrowing the disc from a friend and realising tt there's no subtitles... To figuring tt the subtitles are separated from the movie itself (-_-"')... To go to [Dar] house and burning the movie... I've certainly spent a lot of effort to get tt movie... Yet the end result??? I watched it once and dumped it in the safety of my drawer... Just the occassional glimpsed of the disc once in a while, nth more...
Tt changed when I saw tt the DVD's actually being released already... Watching the preview outside the shop did bring back those times... The times when I'm so despo to get the disc... Thank goodness I didn't wait for the sales of the movie or else I would've forked out $20+ on a DVD!!! Haha... With 2 CDs, I'm contented already... Even though the quality isn't top-notch, no full screen... It's enough as long as I can understand the movie... It's not a DVD after all, packed full with crystal clear images and sounds...
So as I watched the movie again, I'm able to understand the storyline better... I'm able to pick up what I've missed out on the first watch... Then tt feeling came again... The feeling of being in the past... This time, I'm @ tt timeline when I really wanna play FFVII... It's a pity really... Cause I only managed to play the 1st disc... Until tt disc conked out... Don't know what's the prob... It just froze half-way... Pity... *Sigh*... Wanna play the whole game and know the actual storyline...
Tt changed when I saw tt the DVD's actually being released already... Watching the preview outside the shop did bring back those times... The times when I'm so despo to get the disc... Thank goodness I didn't wait for the sales of the movie or else I would've forked out $20+ on a DVD!!! Haha... With 2 CDs, I'm contented already... Even though the quality isn't top-notch, no full screen... It's enough as long as I can understand the movie... It's not a DVD after all, packed full with crystal clear images and sounds...
So as I watched the movie again, I'm able to understand the storyline better... I'm able to pick up what I've missed out on the first watch... Then tt feeling came again... The feeling of being in the past... This time, I'm @ tt timeline when I really wanna play FFVII... It's a pity really... Cause I only managed to play the 1st disc... Until tt disc conked out... Don't know what's the prob... It just froze half-way... Pity... *Sigh*... Wanna play the whole game and know the actual storyline...
Friday, May 19, 2006
A Wk Has Passed...
Changing a skin is like shopping for THE perfect outfit for a special occassion... Thus, it's no wonder tt I can spend up to 2 hrs doing 1 skin change... From selecting the skin to beautifying it and adding the post, it's sheer hardwork... I want perfection, so don't tease me abt spending a long time doing the skin and stuff like tt... Yet I still can't achieve perfection... The 'Cannot run Active-X Control' keep pooping up and I have no idea what's the prob... I wish to get rid of tt even though it's not affecting my viewing of my own blog... *Grins*
Exactly 7 days ago, I have my b-day celebration and as promised, here are the pictures... This time, there'll be not much typing least I get accused of having poor language once again... Haven't tt notion of a typo error ever popped into your mind???
Exactly 7 days ago, I have my b-day celebration and as promised, here are the pictures... This time, there'll be not much typing least I get accused of having poor language once again... Haven't tt notion of a typo error ever popped into your mind???
Saturday, May 13, 2006
Finally!!! I've waited for this day for 1 long year already!!! And this is yet another 1 of those days whereby I can let my hair down and relax, really relax, to the max... Of course, there's a price to be paid for relaxing on a weekend... Which means tt I'll be in greater stress tml and for the next 1 wk... Tt fact dawned onto me not too far back in the past and I've accepted tt relaxation on a weekend now is only instant gratification... The only time I can truly relax after all, is when the 'A's are over...
*Slaps myself* Back on track... Celebrated b-day with family members and for the first time in history, we actually finished the whole cake in 1 day!!! Guess it's because tt's our breakfast and the mango cake's simply too decilious??? *Grins* SMSes rained jammed my phone in the morn as friends sent me well wishes... It's so sweet of them!!! Esp [KL], [Lynn], [Joan], just to name a few... Of course there's tt guy who also SMSed me... Someone tipped him off and he suddenly 'remembered' it's my b-day... Asking to be pardoned??? Like real I will...
It's @ this pt tt the alarm went off and the reminder shouted out loud tt it's [Audrey]'s b-day as well... So I sent her a happy b-day SMS and swell, we met @ the MRT!!! What a small world huh... Tt's not all... As we approached [Bukit Batok], I saw the outline of [XP] and I knew it's her... So I rushed towards her and not before knocking myself on a couple of hand-rails... Oh the woes of being tall (Pls so don't trash me)...
Chatted with [XP] as I entered [Mac] for a light lunch... By the time I'm done, it's [1336 hrs] already and so I rushed to meet the rest of the gang... The were @ the interchange area and we stoned a little before heading to [PartyWorld]... Boy, I tell you, tt [PartyWorld] totally isn't as good as [K-Box]... The atmosphere was already a bummer... The moment we stepped into tt darkly lit place, the smoke's clogging up our trechea already... I can't imagine we singing in tt place... We probably die of passive smoking first before we even could spend 1 hr there...
Even the rates's almost the same as [K-Box]... Compulsory purchase of food!!! $140!!! So we decided tt even with the $20 voucher off, it's not worth it with all those negative externalities... Hence, we walked towards [K-Box] and the contrasts are like jumping out @ you once you step foot into the lounge... No smoke, brightly lit entrance, free snakes... It's confirmed, [K-Box]!!!
For the next few hrs, we are really high, esp [Yuling]... For the 1st time ever she's on cloud nine!!! The devour of snakes isn't a surprise and we sang tons of songs too!!! Even [Darrell] for the 1st outing, sang!!! Heke... Finally gave into our, er, I mean [Yuling]'s peer pressure... Heke...
Got a few gitfs from them as well... The [FFVII] figurines are cute and so are the books from [YH] & [Rec]... Thanks guys!!! They even gave me a card with some funny pics there... Hmmm... Nope, I shall not disclose any info abt tt in this entry... LOL...
Nevertheless, I took quite a no. of photos this time round, for the 1st time too till the cam's memory's full... Reckon it's the 3 videos tt I took... So as a result, I couldn't take any photos when it's time to cut and eat the cake... Such a pity cause the cake's really beautiful and yummy... *Laugh once again*...
[Yuling] and [Darrell] felt first, followed by [Rec]... The heat died down by a little by then and the rest of us finished singing or listening to all our selections of songs before footing the bill and leaving for home...
Overall, out of 10 where 10's the most fun outing, I'll give this a 15!!! It's been a long time since I've met the gang, a complete one tt is... So this is 1 memory tt has to be remembered for life...*Grins*...
Oh well, loko @ the time, gtg... Readers, don't dispair!!! The pics will be out next wk... You have my word for it!!! I'm doing this because I'm planning to change the skin as well and tt's gonna take a hell lot of time... So next wk!!!
*Slaps myself* Back on track... Celebrated b-day with family members and for the first time in history, we actually finished the whole cake in 1 day!!! Guess it's because tt's our breakfast and the mango cake's simply too decilious??? *Grins* SMSes rained jammed my phone in the morn as friends sent me well wishes... It's so sweet of them!!! Esp [KL], [Lynn], [Joan], just to name a few... Of course there's tt guy who also SMSed me... Someone tipped him off and he suddenly 'remembered' it's my b-day... Asking to be pardoned??? Like real I will...
It's @ this pt tt the alarm went off and the reminder shouted out loud tt it's [Audrey]'s b-day as well... So I sent her a happy b-day SMS and swell, we met @ the MRT!!! What a small world huh... Tt's not all... As we approached [Bukit Batok], I saw the outline of [XP] and I knew it's her... So I rushed towards her and not before knocking myself on a couple of hand-rails... Oh the woes of being tall (Pls so don't trash me)...
Chatted with [XP] as I entered [Mac] for a light lunch... By the time I'm done, it's [1336 hrs] already and so I rushed to meet the rest of the gang... The were @ the interchange area and we stoned a little before heading to [PartyWorld]... Boy, I tell you, tt [PartyWorld] totally isn't as good as [K-Box]... The atmosphere was already a bummer... The moment we stepped into tt darkly lit place, the smoke's clogging up our trechea already... I can't imagine we singing in tt place... We probably die of passive smoking first before we even could spend 1 hr there...
Even the rates's almost the same as [K-Box]... Compulsory purchase of food!!! $140!!! So we decided tt even with the $20 voucher off, it's not worth it with all those negative externalities... Hence, we walked towards [K-Box] and the contrasts are like jumping out @ you once you step foot into the lounge... No smoke, brightly lit entrance, free snakes... It's confirmed, [K-Box]!!!
For the next few hrs, we are really high, esp [Yuling]... For the 1st time ever she's on cloud nine!!! The devour of snakes isn't a surprise and we sang tons of songs too!!! Even [Darrell] for the 1st outing, sang!!! Heke... Finally gave into our, er, I mean [Yuling]'s peer pressure... Heke...
Got a few gitfs from them as well... The [FFVII] figurines are cute and so are the books from [YH] & [Rec]... Thanks guys!!! They even gave me a card with some funny pics there... Hmmm... Nope, I shall not disclose any info abt tt in this entry... LOL...
Nevertheless, I took quite a no. of photos this time round, for the 1st time too till the cam's memory's full... Reckon it's the 3 videos tt I took... So as a result, I couldn't take any photos when it's time to cut and eat the cake... Such a pity cause the cake's really beautiful and yummy... *Laugh once again*...
[Yuling] and [Darrell] felt first, followed by [Rec]... The heat died down by a little by then and the rest of us finished singing or listening to all our selections of songs before footing the bill and leaving for home...
Overall, out of 10 where 10's the most fun outing, I'll give this a 15!!! It's been a long time since I've met the gang, a complete one tt is... So this is 1 memory tt has to be remembered for life...*Grins*...
Oh well, loko @ the time, gtg... Readers, don't dispair!!! The pics will be out next wk... You have my word for it!!! I'm doing this because I'm planning to change the skin as well and tt's gonna take a hell lot of time... So next wk!!!
Thursday, May 11, 2006
Advance B-day...
When [ShunMing] presented the gift to me, I didn't know what to expect... Once I saw the toy, I find it really cute!!! It's round, plum and can even squeak when you press it!!! Never mind tt the gift was for me initially... As long as I liked it, who cares???
So tt's b-day gift from [ShunMing]... Of course, there's more to come... When I'm having my break, [PJ124] decided to present me with a gift of their own... I didn't know what to expect, assuming tt it's gonna be something nice... The chocolates's fine, though I haven't tasted them yet... But I believe tt it's gonna be tasty... Then came the ultimate gift... It's a pink file, secured by a panty!!! OMG!!! I was flabbergasted!!! When I opened the file, there laid a cow, wearing another 2 more panties!!! Seriously, OMG!!! I'm rendered speechless by them... So I didn't know what's their motive whether it was a prank or was it not a prank... Managed to took off all the undergarments and kept them hidden in the file in the [ConCourse]... Hopefully someone didn't take much notice of me... Can you imagine how weird it is??? Thank goodness there's [Cass] and [Rec] there... Imagine how the scene would be like if I had gone to the toilet to make my cow more normal... If another guy walks in, I think my rep's ruined for life... I'm gonna be lablled as some psycho/ pervo...
Of course, there's still the [PartyWorld] outing on [Sat] as another celebration... The whole gang's gonna be there, though some will be a little bit late... It's a good thing, being able to meet up again after being going our separate ways... Catch up with one another, strengthen our bonds... It's cool... And we can be our crazy self now tt there's no outsiders around... He couldn't make it... It's just as expected... Yet what's making me so peeved abt tt issue is tt he actually don't know what's the significance of having tt outing 2 days later!!! He actually asked me what's the significance!!! I should've told him it's to celebrate [Vesak Day]... Sheesh!!! Didn't know tt I'm actually so insinificant in his eyes... I guess in the future, he would even remember my existance as we enter the working world... WTH... I'm so dumb to have fallen for him... *Bash myself with a pico-pico hammer*
Hekes... I'm so eager for [Sat] to come... Finally can get to see them!!! Have to plan what to wear le... Have to concel some of my awful skin now tt I'm being atk by some unknown insect... It's like I'm being dumped in a pit full of mozzies... Don't know if it's mozzies or what, having itchy red spots appearing everywhere... They're not rashes... So I'm puzzled by it... *Sigh*
Interesting conversation... This happened in the [LT] when I showed [LX] [Rikku]'s pic on my phone...
LX: 'OMG, tt's so porn la!!!'
Me: 'Really meh??? It's so not porn lor!!! Haiz, even Lynn said the same thing as you too...'
LX (shouting across to Lynn): 'Lynn!!! Lynn!!! Really pron right???'
Lynn (puzzled look): 'Huh??? Porn??? Me???'
The conversation ended with us bursting out in laughter...
So tt's b-day gift from [ShunMing]... Of course, there's more to come... When I'm having my break, [PJ124] decided to present me with a gift of their own... I didn't know what to expect, assuming tt it's gonna be something nice... The chocolates's fine, though I haven't tasted them yet... But I believe tt it's gonna be tasty... Then came the ultimate gift... It's a pink file, secured by a panty!!! OMG!!! I was flabbergasted!!! When I opened the file, there laid a cow, wearing another 2 more panties!!! Seriously, OMG!!! I'm rendered speechless by them... So I didn't know what's their motive whether it was a prank or was it not a prank... Managed to took off all the undergarments and kept them hidden in the file in the [ConCourse]... Hopefully someone didn't take much notice of me... Can you imagine how weird it is??? Thank goodness there's [Cass] and [Rec] there... Imagine how the scene would be like if I had gone to the toilet to make my cow more normal... If another guy walks in, I think my rep's ruined for life... I'm gonna be lablled as some psycho/ pervo...
Of course, there's still the [PartyWorld] outing on [Sat] as another celebration... The whole gang's gonna be there, though some will be a little bit late... It's a good thing, being able to meet up again after being going our separate ways... Catch up with one another, strengthen our bonds... It's cool... And we can be our crazy self now tt there's no outsiders around... He couldn't make it... It's just as expected... Yet what's making me so peeved abt tt issue is tt he actually don't know what's the significance of having tt outing 2 days later!!! He actually asked me what's the significance!!! I should've told him it's to celebrate [Vesak Day]... Sheesh!!! Didn't know tt I'm actually so insinificant in his eyes... I guess in the future, he would even remember my existance as we enter the working world... WTH... I'm so dumb to have fallen for him... *Bash myself with a pico-pico hammer*
Hekes... I'm so eager for [Sat] to come... Finally can get to see them!!! Have to plan what to wear le... Have to concel some of my awful skin now tt I'm being atk by some unknown insect... It's like I'm being dumped in a pit full of mozzies... Don't know if it's mozzies or what, having itchy red spots appearing everywhere... They're not rashes... So I'm puzzled by it... *Sigh*
Interesting conversation... This happened in the [LT] when I showed [LX] [Rikku]'s pic on my phone...
LX: 'OMG, tt's so porn la!!!'
Me: 'Really meh??? It's so not porn lor!!! Haiz, even Lynn said the same thing as you too...'
LX (shouting across to Lynn): 'Lynn!!! Lynn!!! Really pron right???'
Lynn (puzzled look): 'Huh??? Porn??? Me???'
The conversation ended with us bursting out in laughter...
Friday, May 05, 2006
Starship Troopers...
Haha, 2nd entry for the day... Previous entry was rather depressing, and this one is to lock 1 of my many happy memories of the past...
[StarShip Troopers] was on TV today... You know by the look of it, tt it's an old movie... Despite the futuristic setting, the actor's hairstyle and dressing has already indicated tt this isn't movie tt's made with state of the art CGI, despite those cool pyrotechics and [Star Wars] like weapons and ships...
I reckon you ppl might be curious to know what movie I'm talking abt... Well, this movie is abt the future where the human race are staying in different planets and not just [Earth] alone... Then there's this federation, like the army tt's supposed to protect the human race tt's scattered all over the universe... There's peace until bugs invaded the planets... Not those min bugs, those bigger-than -human-size bugs... They come in swarms and wipe out the human race in a few planets and this is when the humans realise tt it's war... And they fight head on with the bugs... Well, the bugs aren't brainless, I tell you... Sure, they have those brainless ones tt look like aliens, wasps, bettles tt can spit fire and a brain bug - the queen of all bugs as it can control the bugs since it's the most intelligent as it's the one who drinks human brain to accquire intelligence...
Tt's the whole gist of the movie... Of course, there's also hunky actors, but tt's not the point... The point's the movie itself... This movie was actually a cartoon on [Kids Central] like 8 yrs ago... I remember this crystal clear as I remember I used to play around with my best buds then, imitating the characters from the cartoon and running all over the field... Which character did I imitate??? Definately not the commander... In the cartoon, it's the videographer... He's the timidest but I still liked him probably due to his psyhic ability to read the bugs' mind...
Oh, it really brings back fond memories... The nonchalant... ...
[StarShip Troopers] was on TV today... You know by the look of it, tt it's an old movie... Despite the futuristic setting, the actor's hairstyle and dressing has already indicated tt this isn't movie tt's made with state of the art CGI, despite those cool pyrotechics and [Star Wars] like weapons and ships...
I reckon you ppl might be curious to know what movie I'm talking abt... Well, this movie is abt the future where the human race are staying in different planets and not just [Earth] alone... Then there's this federation, like the army tt's supposed to protect the human race tt's scattered all over the universe... There's peace until bugs invaded the planets... Not those min bugs, those bigger-than -human-size bugs... They come in swarms and wipe out the human race in a few planets and this is when the humans realise tt it's war... And they fight head on with the bugs... Well, the bugs aren't brainless, I tell you... Sure, they have those brainless ones tt look like aliens, wasps, bettles tt can spit fire and a brain bug - the queen of all bugs as it can control the bugs since it's the most intelligent as it's the one who drinks human brain to accquire intelligence...
Tt's the whole gist of the movie... Of course, there's also hunky actors, but tt's not the point... The point's the movie itself... This movie was actually a cartoon on [Kids Central] like 8 yrs ago... I remember this crystal clear as I remember I used to play around with my best buds then, imitating the characters from the cartoon and running all over the field... Which character did I imitate??? Definately not the commander... In the cartoon, it's the videographer... He's the timidest but I still liked him probably due to his psyhic ability to read the bugs' mind...
Oh, it really brings back fond memories... The nonchalant... ...
Below The Weak Exterior Lies A Weaker Soul...
Studying this wk isn't the only thing tt's sapping me off my energy... Even the exercise's draining my energy like some black hole... The bottom line??? I'm absolutely not productive @ all, esp from [Thurs] onwards...
So what's the biggie??? Hmmm... Immediately after our long wk end break's over, the girls in my class decided to take their [NAFA] test, thier 2.4km run... All of them did better than usual and I even paced [Sheryl] @ her 5th & last lap... So it wasn't tt much, I know... But it's still draining a wee bit of my energy and this summation of leakages won't be small...
The worst energy sapping activity occured yesterday when we guys had our [NAFA] test, all 6 stations!!! It started @ [1700 hrs] and ended @ close to [1900 hrs]... I was lamenting abt the late hours and was abt to emit waves of negative vibes... However, the girls from my class decided to cheer and support me on (and the rest of the guys of course)... Now this gave me a little bit of confidence to excel in some of the stations...
Well, I tried my best in those tt I know I can pass, like the run, I clocked like 12mins 37s... I don't think I've ever ran tt fast before... As for the rest of the stations, I'm not sure if I made it in [Shuttle Run]... I got 10.6s... Not sure whether for a 17 yr old, is it a pass or fail... Haha... Who cares??? Now tt it's over, I'll now have 1 last thing on my mind to worry abt...
Funny huh... I used to be unaffected by the poor performance in the sporting arena as I tried to use my intellect to cover tt enlarging weakness of mine... Yet now, I'm stressed out over tt inevitable failure... I guess it's the gilrs... They cheer me on and if I turn a deaf ear on them, I'll portray a mean image... What's worse is tt I don't have the mindset to exercise, or to be active in sports... I know they mean well and would not like me to suffer an additional 3 more mths in NS... But truth be told, what are my chances of skipping tt 3 mths??? Given my current status, fail in [Standing Broad Jump], [Pull Up] and possibly [Shuttly Run] as well, from a 'Nil' to a 'Silver' is quite an impossible feat you know...
Okay, so 1 factor is my reluctance to train... But tt arise because I know my limits... And the opportunity cost incurred is quite high if I allocate more resources to exercise instead of studying... Hecne, I would rather partial specialise in playing games and studying...
I'll put an abrupt stop to tt topic now and hop to the next... I'm more aware of my weakness recently... More aware of how strong other's vocab are, and how good they are in certain subject... Take for example today during [GP]... When we're discussing abt the [GE], I knew nuts to nth abt what they're talking abt... I was like stoning there and trying to catch onto what's the issue... But I just can't grab hold of the ball... The woes of having a deficiency of general knowledge...
It doesn't end there... Just a couple of days ago, I noticed a crack on [ShunMing]'s [Frozen Throne] disc which I'm sure wasn't there mths ago... Now this overtly showed tt I've broke his disc... I feel so bad abt tt cause his property's destroyed while it's in my care... Me!!! Of all ppl, must break his disc!!! Me, a person who looks after his belonging as if t they're my precious ones, just have to break, of all the disc in the whole universe, my best friend's most valued disc... I haven't account for it and I plan to replace the disc with a new one... Money woes just came crashing down onto me even before I can even earn my keep... Imagine how much worse it'll get when I'm finally working!!!
*Long sigh*... Guess I'll stop here... But befroe this entry can end, here's a little food for thought again:
'He who fights and run away will live to fight another day; but he who's in a battle slain will never get to fight again...'
So what's the biggie??? Hmmm... Immediately after our long wk end break's over, the girls in my class decided to take their [NAFA] test, thier 2.4km run... All of them did better than usual and I even paced [Sheryl] @ her 5th & last lap... So it wasn't tt much, I know... But it's still draining a wee bit of my energy and this summation of leakages won't be small...
The worst energy sapping activity occured yesterday when we guys had our [NAFA] test, all 6 stations!!! It started @ [1700 hrs] and ended @ close to [1900 hrs]... I was lamenting abt the late hours and was abt to emit waves of negative vibes... However, the girls from my class decided to cheer and support me on (and the rest of the guys of course)... Now this gave me a little bit of confidence to excel in some of the stations...
Well, I tried my best in those tt I know I can pass, like the run, I clocked like 12mins 37s... I don't think I've ever ran tt fast before... As for the rest of the stations, I'm not sure if I made it in [Shuttle Run]... I got 10.6s... Not sure whether for a 17 yr old, is it a pass or fail... Haha... Who cares??? Now tt it's over, I'll now have 1 last thing on my mind to worry abt...
Funny huh... I used to be unaffected by the poor performance in the sporting arena as I tried to use my intellect to cover tt enlarging weakness of mine... Yet now, I'm stressed out over tt inevitable failure... I guess it's the gilrs... They cheer me on and if I turn a deaf ear on them, I'll portray a mean image... What's worse is tt I don't have the mindset to exercise, or to be active in sports... I know they mean well and would not like me to suffer an additional 3 more mths in NS... But truth be told, what are my chances of skipping tt 3 mths??? Given my current status, fail in [Standing Broad Jump], [Pull Up] and possibly [Shuttly Run] as well, from a 'Nil' to a 'Silver' is quite an impossible feat you know...
Okay, so 1 factor is my reluctance to train... But tt arise because I know my limits... And the opportunity cost incurred is quite high if I allocate more resources to exercise instead of studying... Hecne, I would rather partial specialise in playing games and studying...
I'll put an abrupt stop to tt topic now and hop to the next... I'm more aware of my weakness recently... More aware of how strong other's vocab are, and how good they are in certain subject... Take for example today during [GP]... When we're discussing abt the [GE], I knew nuts to nth abt what they're talking abt... I was like stoning there and trying to catch onto what's the issue... But I just can't grab hold of the ball... The woes of having a deficiency of general knowledge...
It doesn't end there... Just a couple of days ago, I noticed a crack on [ShunMing]'s [Frozen Throne] disc which I'm sure wasn't there mths ago... Now this overtly showed tt I've broke his disc... I feel so bad abt tt cause his property's destroyed while it's in my care... Me!!! Of all ppl, must break his disc!!! Me, a person who looks after his belonging as if t they're my precious ones, just have to break, of all the disc in the whole universe, my best friend's most valued disc... I haven't account for it and I plan to replace the disc with a new one... Money woes just came crashing down onto me even before I can even earn my keep... Imagine how much worse it'll get when I'm finally working!!!
*Long sigh*... Guess I'll stop here... But befroe this entry can end, here's a little food for thought again:
'He who fights and run away will live to fight another day; but he who's in a battle slain will never get to fight again...'
Monday, May 01, 2006
Or Or And???
Some wonder why I take such !@#$% time to bathe... Well, frankly speaking, I'm stoning in the toilet... Don't laugh... The routine washing of oneself can now be done w/o the use of any brain juice... It's like clockwork now... You enter the bathroom and 30 mins later, when you're done, you wonder, 'Huh??? I'm done bathing??? Did I wash my hair??? Ya, I did...'
So to maximise the use of time itself, I decided to do some self-reflection as well... And apart from thinking abt [DoTa], which is the rage now for me despite it being the rage for others long, long time ago, how to master the use of 1 particular hero, I've also been thinking abt life itself... More specifically, abt sch work, NS, etc...
Now this brings me to the point of the day... Some ppl are the 'And' type of ppl, those who can juggle sch work and sports... On the other hand, there's another group of ppl who are the 'Or' type... They can only master 1 aspect... As I was bathing, I concluded tt I'm the 'Or' category... I can only do sch or sports, and I've chosen sch (DUH!!!)... I'm not lamenting the choice, I'm who I am... Of course, there're will be time when you envy ppl like you-know-who who are the 'And' ppl...
Hmmm... Envy... It's a inborn thingy... When there're others who are better off than you, you'll wish you're like tt person, being so successful... I'm not referring to Him, okay... Frankly speaking, who didn't envy anyone in their life?! I envy a lot of ppl, Him, guys with great bods, girls with great bods (don't ask, this is on the whole another issue), ppl who can ace their NAFA test, ppl with good grades... Well, almost everything in the whole universe...
From tt, you ppl can infer tt I'm stressed out by the whole NS idea... Wonder why ppl like doing tt... To get away from studying??? To stop using your brain?! How can tt be classified as 'fun'?! O-k-a-y, a little emotional here... Yes, I'm a little unstable now... The whole NAFA test's in 3 days time and I'm bound to fail... Guess it's because almost the whole class's urging me to work hard to pass and this is adding more stress to the stress tt I've already have... WTH!!!
As I'm doing what I'm doing now - blogging - I'm thinking once again... I'm not acing my studies anyway... I'm doing just the average, good, but not excellent... As for gaming, I'm even worse... Guess there should be another category of ppl... 'Neither', ppl who can do more than 1 thing, but can't ace any... Yeah, the phrase 'A jack of all trade, but a master of none' can't be anymore ture... %#$!#@#$
Mother Earth's seriously sick... Stop chocking her with poisonous fumes and rape her off her resources!!! Hell hath no fury for a woman's scorn...
So to maximise the use of time itself, I decided to do some self-reflection as well... And apart from thinking abt [DoTa], which is the rage now for me despite it being the rage for others long, long time ago, how to master the use of 1 particular hero, I've also been thinking abt life itself... More specifically, abt sch work, NS, etc...
Now this brings me to the point of the day... Some ppl are the 'And' type of ppl, those who can juggle sch work and sports... On the other hand, there's another group of ppl who are the 'Or' type... They can only master 1 aspect... As I was bathing, I concluded tt I'm the 'Or' category... I can only do sch or sports, and I've chosen sch (DUH!!!)... I'm not lamenting the choice, I'm who I am... Of course, there're will be time when you envy ppl like you-know-who who are the 'And' ppl...
Hmmm... Envy... It's a inborn thingy... When there're others who are better off than you, you'll wish you're like tt person, being so successful... I'm not referring to Him, okay... Frankly speaking, who didn't envy anyone in their life?! I envy a lot of ppl, Him, guys with great bods, girls with great bods (don't ask, this is on the whole another issue), ppl who can ace their NAFA test, ppl with good grades... Well, almost everything in the whole universe...
From tt, you ppl can infer tt I'm stressed out by the whole NS idea... Wonder why ppl like doing tt... To get away from studying??? To stop using your brain?! How can tt be classified as 'fun'?! O-k-a-y, a little emotional here... Yes, I'm a little unstable now... The whole NAFA test's in 3 days time and I'm bound to fail... Guess it's because almost the whole class's urging me to work hard to pass and this is adding more stress to the stress tt I've already have... WTH!!!
As I'm doing what I'm doing now - blogging - I'm thinking once again... I'm not acing my studies anyway... I'm doing just the average, good, but not excellent... As for gaming, I'm even worse... Guess there should be another category of ppl... 'Neither', ppl who can do more than 1 thing, but can't ace any... Yeah, the phrase 'A jack of all trade, but a master of none' can't be anymore ture... %#$!#@#$
Mother Earth's seriously sick... Stop chocking her with poisonous fumes and rape her off her resources!!! Hell hath no fury for a woman's scorn...
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