Is there a term to knowingly participate in something which you highly suspect is detrimental to your well-being??? I suspect tt the term is called 'Stupidity' and I've read abt such instances in the novels...
[Bella Swan] falling in love with [Edward Cullen] - [Twilight]...
[Kerry Nowicki] having a fatal attraction to [Ethan Bryan] - [Companions Of The Night]...
Okay, it's a little extreme to compare tt 2 examples to whatever tt's happening in reality because frankly speaking, vampires don't exist... Even if they do, I believe tt they're prefectly harmless in the way tt they don't go on a mass killing spree every single night... I'm now thinking of the vamps as depicted in the [Otherworldly] series by [Kelley Armstrong]...
Now back to reality...
So I really think tt it's utterly idiotic to try smoking when you know tt it's gonna kill your lungs as well as every other parts of your body... Similarly, I think tt it's really, really dumb of someone who after reading the dangers of meeting ppl whom you barely know online in person, actually goes abt doing the exact same thing which they're warned not to do...
Guess my brain has finally lost the battle...
What's even more frightening is tt I've only been chatting with tt person since [Christmas] evening, which translates to hardly knowing the person for 4 days... The most shocking part of all??? I've absolutely no idea how he looks like as well...
Because he asked me to [Jurong Point] and because he said tt he just wants to buy presents for his friends and because I figured tt nth much could go wrong, which is why I agreed to the request... Not before thinking whether such face-to-face meeting should be postponed for fear of spoiling the mystery... Or fearing tt there'll be loads of instances of those awkward silences... LOL... Somehow, don't you think tt my fear are all placed totally in the wrong areas???
The moment I arrived @ [JP], I seems to have more earthworm in my stomach turning into butterflies... With each passing second of his absence, there seems to be more butterflies... The thought of chickening out @ the last min seems so very alluring, but I immediately killed the thought... How can I screw up the 1st meeting like tt??? Anyway, my stomach is only tt big to contain tt many butterflies and it was a relief when we finally met face-to-face, not before the 2 of us waited for one another in different entrances... How was I to know tt [SK Jewellery] and [Sookee Jewellery] are 2 different entities???
Blunders aside, we went to have lunch 1st and I thanked the heavens for him being a talker... I'm after all, not much of a conversationalist... Once we're done with out meal, we decided to take a walk around the whole [JP] and since it's our 1st time exploring such a big shopping mall, it was kinda interesting to have an idea of what new shops there are...
You know the yougurt shop tt's in [Lot 1]'s [Basement 1]??? Another branch is also there in [JP]... It's bigger as well with more flavours... I couldn't resist buying so I bought the [Cuppachino] plus some almond combination... I've tried the former countless times already and there's no complains... The later on the other hand, was a regret... Somehow, the taste of the almond yougurt reminds me of mayo, which gives me the sick idea tt they accidently used mayo instead of yougurt when making tt particular flavour... Yucks... Oh well, there's a lesson learned from tt... Haha...
[V.I.P]'s also there, which means tt I can now shop for my layered tops and possibly nice bottoms from [JP] now, instead of travelling all the way to [West Mall] for tt... I also saw another botique selling some guys' clothes which seems like a promising shop for me to patronise...
As for the food, [JP] have lots of stuff for me to choose from... Those sweet, tooth-decaying inducing kinda food... We have [Donut Empire] @ lv. 1, [Anderson's] @ the old [JP] wing, [Starbucks] and [Coffee Bean] for the delicious coffee as well as [Bakerzinc] for those sinfully tasteful, yet expensive slices of cake... The only shop tt I saw tt caused the biggest response from me is tt of [Haagen Daz]... I mean, WTH la!!! If I had known tt [JP] have one, I wouldn't even need to travell all the way down town for tt fondue fix liao lor... Of course, once my head is cleared of tt outburst, I think going to town last [Fri] was inevitable... If I'm not wrong, [JP] has either a too early or too late a timeslot for [The Day The Earth Stood Still], which means tt either [SL] or [YH] couldn't make it respectively... Not tt I really mind [YH] not being able to make it then... OPPS!!! Just kidding!!! =P
Anyway, the 2 of us ghosted throughout the whole [JP] till 1600 hrs before we bid farewell with one another... @ least I did something else apart from gaming for the whole day, so all in all, a nice experience... One I wouldn't mind doing again... LOL!!!
Monday, December 29, 2008
Saturday, December 27, 2008
Of Vamps, Competition And The End Of The World...
I've watched [Twilight]... Finally... 4 days after it's officially released in the cinemas and I've got to say tt the movie really pales in comparison with the novel tt it's based on... Which is a gross understatement as no movie can be better than the novel as they can't possibly follow every single description and thoughts tt were written... Deviations are bound to occur to speed things up and to make the movie more exciting and thrilling...
And I didn't know tt [Bella]'s truck is capable of changing colour in the absence of a paint job... LOL...
Within this week itself, I also made a trip to [XP]'s house to molest her [PS2]... I mean, after such a long time, my hands are bound to get rusty and boy I did lose my touch... To lose in [CTR] is totally unheard of in the past... Looks like someone has been actively dream training... Haha... Then we also tried some [Naruto] VS game and I kinda like it cause it's really challenging with the fast reflex tt's needed... Like when you're slamming ppl, you can dodge it if you press the 'O' button fast enough and @ the right time... Then when you're caught in the ultimate jitsu of the opponent, if you can press the buttons in the correct sequence fast enought (again), the damage received will be reduced, else you'll receive a critical hit, which is super painful la!!!
Time to put all my [Bishi Bashi] training to use...
Tt's on [Christmas] itself... On [Boxing Day], I went for another movie, this time to watch [The Day The Earth Stood Still]... I travelled all the way to [Cineleisure] this time to catch the movie with [YH] and [SL]... And I really hate to say this, but [NG YING HUI] IS LATE... AGAIN!!! For the 2nd time in a row!!! Seriously lor, traffic jam or not, the fact tt you're @ [Tanglin] @ 1300 hrs already means tt you're late... Nei nei de... *Angry scowl*
And to think tt she expects a treat from me after her being late!!! BAH!!!
So we shared the cost for the chocolate fondue which we slowly enjoyed in [Haagen Daz] in [Centrepoint] while crapping and waiting for [SL] to join us... He was early, which is a pleasant surprise unlike the earlier UNpleasant surprise... Went to find a place to sit to kill the remaining 45 mins or so before the movie started...
I would say tt apart from [Keanu Reeves] being superbly suave despite being so old already, the movie itself wasn't tt great as the climax was achieved very late in the show and the conclusion was immediately after tt, something like on the roller coaster ride, after you've gone through the most anticipated part of the ride, you have to get off it liao...
Favourite part of the movie was when [Keanu Reeves] spoke in [Chinese]... Totally hilarious...
The metallic alien locust tt devour everything in it's wake...
[YH] have to leave after the movie and I went to have [Subway] for dinner with [SL] watching... Then we headed to [Far East Plaza] to check out his uncle's recently opened botique and after making a couple of rounds down the basement, we finally locate the shop... Heh... I guess I shall be [Switzerland] once again and not comment on the botique - [Impressed]... If you're curious, check it out for yourself and make your own judgement... Haha!!!
So after tt, it's basically the train ride back home liao... And I think it's during tt ride where [SL] somehow indirectly convinced me to attend the [KSS 4E] class gathering... I guess it's because [SM] said tt he's turning up, so yeah, I decided to make an appearance as well to soak up more of the festive atmosphere... LOL...
Have I truly moved on??? Perhaps...
And I didn't know tt [Bella]'s truck is capable of changing colour in the absence of a paint job... LOL...
Within this week itself, I also made a trip to [XP]'s house to molest her [PS2]... I mean, after such a long time, my hands are bound to get rusty and boy I did lose my touch... To lose in [CTR] is totally unheard of in the past... Looks like someone has been actively dream training... Haha... Then we also tried some [Naruto] VS game and I kinda like it cause it's really challenging with the fast reflex tt's needed... Like when you're slamming ppl, you can dodge it if you press the 'O' button fast enough and @ the right time... Then when you're caught in the ultimate jitsu of the opponent, if you can press the buttons in the correct sequence fast enought (again), the damage received will be reduced, else you'll receive a critical hit, which is super painful la!!!
Time to put all my [Bishi Bashi] training to use...
Tt's on [Christmas] itself... On [Boxing Day], I went for another movie, this time to watch [The Day The Earth Stood Still]... I travelled all the way to [Cineleisure] this time to catch the movie with [YH] and [SL]... And I really hate to say this, but [NG YING HUI] IS LATE... AGAIN!!! For the 2nd time in a row!!! Seriously lor, traffic jam or not, the fact tt you're @ [Tanglin] @ 1300 hrs already means tt you're late... Nei nei de... *Angry scowl*
And to think tt she expects a treat from me after her being late!!! BAH!!!
So we shared the cost for the chocolate fondue which we slowly enjoyed in [Haagen Daz] in [Centrepoint] while crapping and waiting for [SL] to join us... He was early, which is a pleasant surprise unlike the earlier UNpleasant surprise... Went to find a place to sit to kill the remaining 45 mins or so before the movie started...
I would say tt apart from [Keanu Reeves] being superbly suave despite being so old already, the movie itself wasn't tt great as the climax was achieved very late in the show and the conclusion was immediately after tt, something like on the roller coaster ride, after you've gone through the most anticipated part of the ride, you have to get off it liao...
Favourite part of the movie was when [Keanu Reeves] spoke in [Chinese]... Totally hilarious...
The metallic alien locust tt devour everything in it's wake...
[YH] have to leave after the movie and I went to have [Subway] for dinner with [SL] watching... Then we headed to [Far East Plaza] to check out his uncle's recently opened botique and after making a couple of rounds down the basement, we finally locate the shop... Heh... I guess I shall be [Switzerland] once again and not comment on the botique - [Impressed]... If you're curious, check it out for yourself and make your own judgement... Haha!!!
So after tt, it's basically the train ride back home liao... And I think it's during tt ride where [SL] somehow indirectly convinced me to attend the [KSS 4E] class gathering... I guess it's because [SM] said tt he's turning up, so yeah, I decided to make an appearance as well to soak up more of the festive atmosphere... LOL...
Have I truly moved on??? Perhaps...
Monday, December 22, 2008
Guts And Morbid-sity
It seems like everything in my life is linked to the whole [Jeffrey] incident... My lack of a social life, my distrust of strangers, my lack of guts... The list goes on... Therefore, it's to my amazement tt just recently, I seemed to have an increase of guts, as if I've swallowed some guts booster pill or something... LOL...
Okay, so chatting with strangers as a one off thing isn't tt much of a deal... I mean, come on... It's just chatting and I don't see any harm tt can fester like maggots on a corpse... However, it's a very big deal when I suddenly got some unknown boost of guts in my system to actually dare to ask a complete stranger to meet for a meal... After chatting with said stranger for 2 hrs... I mean, w/o the safety of the computer screen and my inability to really do decent conversations, I'm afraid I'll bore the other party...
Somehow, I feel tt my fears are placed in totally in the wrong place... Oh well...
After the nerve-wrecking encounter with a stranger, I rushed all the way to [Boon Lay] for a meeting with the peeps of [05S17]... To be able to meet up with some of the [DeClique] members is really... Nostalgic... The other bonus is tt we managed to see [Mr. Ling]'s baby girl!!! Haha... And my teacher seems to share my sentiments of babies being almost identical or congruent when they're like > 6 mths old...
Now, before I get flamed or anything with tt comment, let me say tt I simply don't know how to appreciate the beauty of infants... With my innate passive clumsiness, I've learned to steer clear of babies as if they carry the bubonic plaque or something to it's equivalent... Which is why I didn't attempt to carry the fragile thing in my arms but only look on and helped to take some pics for the girls as they each took turn to cuddle the baby...
After we did some group pic, we decided to give the [Ling] family some peace and quiet by heading over to [BPP] to order some takeaway before heading to [ESH]'s house in... Upon arriving there, I think it's very save to say tt all of us were impressed with the effort tt he has put in to create some empty space in his living room as well as place 2 tables in the corridor for us to have our meals... It's really an act of consideration to the max!!!
We contributed our fair share of noise pollution before the realization of how late it is began to creep into our consciousness and we got on with the 1 last activity which we almost conveniently forgot to do, which for the record, is the most impt one as well... The gift exchange!!!
I got a pair of watches and I don't know who it's from cause I don't think tt it's really nice to find out who bought what for who... Nonetheless, the pair of watches is really nice!!! Thanks to whoever tt person is!!! ^_^
Now, a little disclaimer before I move on... There's morbid sense of humor so if you're not into those kinda thing or tt you feel tt it's a little disrespectful to the dead, you can just skip to the [Paris Hilton] video which I'll be posting @ the end of this entry... Otherwise, if your curiosity is killing you, then you have been warned...
I was dragged by my mum to do some prayers... I didn't know exactly what type of prayers I'm getting myself into till this morning when we're @ [Sing Ming], in [Bishan]... Right outside the entrance of the columbariums... In case you're letting your imaginations run wild, I was thinking abt some [Goodness Of Mercy] kinda prayers... Not those satanic type anyway...
So I entered 1 of the columbariums and my 1st thought was tt the scene in the [Money No Enough 2] where the granny was talking abt buying their spot in the cemetery and wondering if it's payable by CPF or not... LOL... As I made my way to the 3rd level and was searching for [Blk 140], it then occurred to me tt perhaps this place is like a hotel for the deceased to stay indefinitely... What's with the blk no. as well as a room number...
Turns out tt I'm visiting my granddad's 'hotel room'...
After tt we headed to the next columbarium and this time, I was told tt we're visiting my great-mother's RIP place... Unlike the previous 5-star hotel whichI visited, this looks like a 3-star hotel instead, with the absence of air-conditioning and music in the form of Chinese chants...
Yeah... So once we're done with tt, we decided to head back to [Junction 8] for lunch and when I'm absatively certain tt I'm not gonna have a [Ghost Whisperer] moment for such thoughts, I have another of those random though... Instead of hotels, I'm now thinking of condos and HBD estates... Haha...
Ahhh... I think I shall stop here for this entry...
[Paris For President] by [Paris Hilton]...
Okay, so chatting with strangers as a one off thing isn't tt much of a deal... I mean, come on... It's just chatting and I don't see any harm tt can fester like maggots on a corpse... However, it's a very big deal when I suddenly got some unknown boost of guts in my system to actually dare to ask a complete stranger to meet for a meal... After chatting with said stranger for 2 hrs... I mean, w/o the safety of the computer screen and my inability to really do decent conversations, I'm afraid I'll bore the other party...
Somehow, I feel tt my fears are placed in totally in the wrong place... Oh well...
After the nerve-wrecking encounter with a stranger, I rushed all the way to [Boon Lay] for a meeting with the peeps of [05S17]... To be able to meet up with some of the [DeClique] members is really... Nostalgic... The other bonus is tt we managed to see [Mr. Ling]'s baby girl!!! Haha... And my teacher seems to share my sentiments of babies being almost identical or congruent when they're like > 6 mths old...
Now, before I get flamed or anything with tt comment, let me say tt I simply don't know how to appreciate the beauty of infants... With my innate passive clumsiness, I've learned to steer clear of babies as if they carry the bubonic plaque or something to it's equivalent... Which is why I didn't attempt to carry the fragile thing in my arms but only look on and helped to take some pics for the girls as they each took turn to cuddle the baby...
After we did some group pic, we decided to give the [Ling] family some peace and quiet by heading over to [BPP] to order some takeaway before heading to [ESH]'s house in... Upon arriving there, I think it's very save to say tt all of us were impressed with the effort tt he has put in to create some empty space in his living room as well as place 2 tables in the corridor for us to have our meals... It's really an act of consideration to the max!!!
We contributed our fair share of noise pollution before the realization of how late it is began to creep into our consciousness and we got on with the 1 last activity which we almost conveniently forgot to do, which for the record, is the most impt one as well... The gift exchange!!!
I got a pair of watches and I don't know who it's from cause I don't think tt it's really nice to find out who bought what for who... Nonetheless, the pair of watches is really nice!!! Thanks to whoever tt person is!!! ^_^
Now, a little disclaimer before I move on... There's morbid sense of humor so if you're not into those kinda thing or tt you feel tt it's a little disrespectful to the dead, you can just skip to the [Paris Hilton] video which I'll be posting @ the end of this entry... Otherwise, if your curiosity is killing you, then you have been warned...
I was dragged by my mum to do some prayers... I didn't know exactly what type of prayers I'm getting myself into till this morning when we're @ [Sing Ming], in [Bishan]... Right outside the entrance of the columbariums... In case you're letting your imaginations run wild, I was thinking abt some [Goodness Of Mercy] kinda prayers... Not those satanic type anyway...
So I entered 1 of the columbariums and my 1st thought was tt the scene in the [Money No Enough 2] where the granny was talking abt buying their spot in the cemetery and wondering if it's payable by CPF or not... LOL... As I made my way to the 3rd level and was searching for [Blk 140], it then occurred to me tt perhaps this place is like a hotel for the deceased to stay indefinitely... What's with the blk no. as well as a room number...
Turns out tt I'm visiting my granddad's 'hotel room'...
After tt we headed to the next columbarium and this time, I was told tt we're visiting my great-mother's RIP place... Unlike the previous 5-star hotel whichI visited, this looks like a 3-star hotel instead, with the absence of air-conditioning and music in the form of Chinese chants...
Yeah... So once we're done with tt, we decided to head back to [Junction 8] for lunch and when I'm absatively certain tt I'm not gonna have a [Ghost Whisperer] moment for such thoughts, I have another of those random though... Instead of hotels, I'm now thinking of condos and HBD estates... Haha...
Ahhh... I think I shall stop here for this entry...
[Paris For President] by [Paris Hilton]...
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Botak Jones Revisited...
We were supposed to meet @ [Clementi Stn], 1215 hrs... However, when the 3 of us - [MJ], [SH] and myself - arrived @ the destination, [Ng Ying Hui] was nowhere to be found... YES!!! A glimpse of the stn and she's absatively (a mutation b/w 'absolutely' and 'positively') not there...
Turns out tt she missed the bus and was still @ the bus-stop outside her house... Zzz... Talk abt a total bummer indeed... As a result of her being so late, the 2 hungry ghosts became delirous, incessantly singing [Womaniser]...
The serving was really, really LARGE and I have to applause [SH] for ordering the [Double Burger] and a sandwich for himself, in addition to another LARGE plate of [Cheese Fries] for all to share... The end result??? With the exception of [YH], the rest of us couldn't even finish the stuff tt we've ordered outselves... We even have a passing thought to enlist the help of [Cass] to assist us... LOL... =P
Tt's basically the gist of it... The lesson learnt here is tt if I'm not going on an empty stomach, I'll never, ever visit [Botak Jones] again due to the monstrous size of the serving... I'll probably be more @ ease eating some weird combination of prata with cheese, or chocolate, or strawberry, or pineapple, or bananna, or ice-cream, or etc... Plus a milo dinosaur... Yes, tt drink is a must!!!
Ho-ho... I don't know what's with me, but for this meal, I've burnt like $30+ as I'm treating [MJ] and [YH] as a form of a b-day celebration for the 2 couples... And I'm gonna burn much more $$$ in the next few days, with watching 2 movies and eating some yummy chocolate fondue... Guess when the next yr comes, it's time to shut myself in the house or something... LOL...
Anyway, thanks to [SH]'s recommendation, here's another wacky video...
[I'm More Wizer] by [MadTV]...
Turns out tt she missed the bus and was still @ the bus-stop outside her house... Zzz... Talk abt a total bummer indeed... As a result of her being so late, the 2 hungry ghosts became delirous, incessantly singing [Womaniser]...
The serving was really, really LARGE and I have to applause [SH] for ordering the [Double Burger] and a sandwich for himself, in addition to another LARGE plate of [Cheese Fries] for all to share... The end result??? With the exception of [YH], the rest of us couldn't even finish the stuff tt we've ordered outselves... We even have a passing thought to enlist the help of [Cass] to assist us... LOL... =P
Tt's basically the gist of it... The lesson learnt here is tt if I'm not going on an empty stomach, I'll never, ever visit [Botak Jones] again due to the monstrous size of the serving... I'll probably be more @ ease eating some weird combination of prata with cheese, or chocolate, or strawberry, or pineapple, or bananna, or ice-cream, or etc... Plus a milo dinosaur... Yes, tt drink is a must!!!
Ho-ho... I don't know what's with me, but for this meal, I've burnt like $30+ as I'm treating [MJ] and [YH] as a form of a b-day celebration for the 2 couples... And I'm gonna burn much more $$$ in the next few days, with watching 2 movies and eating some yummy chocolate fondue... Guess when the next yr comes, it's time to shut myself in the house or something... LOL...
Anyway, thanks to [SH]'s recommendation, here's another wacky video...
[I'm More Wizer] by [MadTV]...
Thursday, December 18, 2008
In Which He Finally Has More Free Time...
It was on a day tt's not today for which he finally has more time on his hand (frankly speaking, how could he type this if it's happening today???)... In which he felt tt the universe has decided to grant him an extra 24 hrs for every day for the next 1 mth or so...
It all happened on the day with the name of [Wednesday], on the 3rd week of [December], in the year 2008... It was a day which he has been secretly counting down to... A day, when it finally is tt day, where he could blast fireworks in his mind's sky and do cartwheels in his mind's field of infinite green grass... Thus it's to his credit when he stepped into the office and interacted with his colleagues and superiors with the usual mask of his for the past 2 yrs, instead of the huge grin tt he has been habouring in his mind's face @ the start of tt day...
It's to his amusement tt he's still keen to work and guide his understudy on tt very last day... Something which he has come to terms with, a fact of his existence is tt he simply lacks the ability to stone and do nth... While tt is an activity which most other NSFs would very much like to excel in, it's something he's guilty in doing...
Another unexpected thing happened and this is, as he reflects now, is the only reason why he loathes the inability to bring a mobile phone tt's equipped with a camera to the office... Sure, he could very well smuggle the phone in... But doing so would mean breaking the rules tt has been seared into his soul when he was 1st posted there... Unexpectedly, an officer cadet trainee was posted to his very dept till 29 Dec 08... Had he not been on leave on [Monday], he would've known this 1st hand as well as take in the sight of the beauty tt will be sitting right in front of his desk for an additional 2 days... He therefore concluded tt tt yet another of the instances where the universe is playing a trick on him... How the opportunity just always falls outside his grasp by 1 mm...
He patiently waited till 1145 hrs... The time where he was bestowed with the item in which he has surrendered 2 yrs back when he was being drafted into this mildly detestable organisation... It was also the time when his superiors decided to head out for lunch as he was also invited for the meal...
They had [Sakura]... It was the branch in [Boon Lay]... A very small branch indeed... It wasn't a very pleasant experience he was surrounded by 5 other regulars, 5 other not tt close ppl... Thus it was not appropriate for him to be all crazy with the wide selection of cakes available... Neither was it appropriate of him to really spill the nonsense tt usually comes out of his mouth... When the meal finally ended, he was presented with his [Certificate Of Service], testimonial and a plaque...
He then made his way home to bask in his accquired freedom as well as check out the other gift tt he has received from his immediate superior... It was a sling bag... Those kinda sling bag which every hip guy is carrying... He likes the bag very much... Nonetheless, it still pales in comparison with the pseduo branded bag which he got from [HK] @ SG$20...
With his freedom, he now has lots of time to think and after thinking for an immeasurable amt of time, he unknowningly came to the conclusion tt he's unable to bear grudges... After all, [Christmas] is just round the coner and he seriously wants to be on [Santa]'s good list so tt he'll get his ultimate present...
It all happened on the day with the name of [Wednesday], on the 3rd week of [December], in the year 2008... It was a day which he has been secretly counting down to... A day, when it finally is tt day, where he could blast fireworks in his mind's sky and do cartwheels in his mind's field of infinite green grass... Thus it's to his credit when he stepped into the office and interacted with his colleagues and superiors with the usual mask of his for the past 2 yrs, instead of the huge grin tt he has been habouring in his mind's face @ the start of tt day...
It's to his amusement tt he's still keen to work and guide his understudy on tt very last day... Something which he has come to terms with, a fact of his existence is tt he simply lacks the ability to stone and do nth... While tt is an activity which most other NSFs would very much like to excel in, it's something he's guilty in doing...
Another unexpected thing happened and this is, as he reflects now, is the only reason why he loathes the inability to bring a mobile phone tt's equipped with a camera to the office... Sure, he could very well smuggle the phone in... But doing so would mean breaking the rules tt has been seared into his soul when he was 1st posted there... Unexpectedly, an officer cadet trainee was posted to his very dept till 29 Dec 08... Had he not been on leave on [Monday], he would've known this 1st hand as well as take in the sight of the beauty tt will be sitting right in front of his desk for an additional 2 days... He therefore concluded tt tt yet another of the instances where the universe is playing a trick on him... How the opportunity just always falls outside his grasp by 1 mm...
He patiently waited till 1145 hrs... The time where he was bestowed with the item in which he has surrendered 2 yrs back when he was being drafted into this mildly detestable organisation... It was also the time when his superiors decided to head out for lunch as he was also invited for the meal...
They had [Sakura]... It was the branch in [Boon Lay]... A very small branch indeed... It wasn't a very pleasant experience he was surrounded by 5 other regulars, 5 other not tt close ppl... Thus it was not appropriate for him to be all crazy with the wide selection of cakes available... Neither was it appropriate of him to really spill the nonsense tt usually comes out of his mouth... When the meal finally ended, he was presented with his [Certificate Of Service], testimonial and a plaque...
He then made his way home to bask in his accquired freedom as well as check out the other gift tt he has received from his immediate superior... It was a sling bag... Those kinda sling bag which every hip guy is carrying... He likes the bag very much... Nonetheless, it still pales in comparison with the pseduo branded bag which he got from [HK] @ SG$20...
With his freedom, he now has lots of time to think and after thinking for an immeasurable amt of time, he unknowningly came to the conclusion tt he's unable to bear grudges... After all, [Christmas] is just round the coner and he seriously wants to be on [Santa]'s good list so tt he'll get his ultimate present...
Monday, December 15, 2008
In Which Tolerance And Silence Do More Harm Than Good...
On days when he doesn't have work and much of his plan is to simply stay in the confines of his room and chill-lax, he would wish for no distractions whatsoever... Yet as with the laws of the universe dictates, you'll never get what you so desire, which is why he's now being severely distracted by the fury tt has been kept within himself, threatening to break free like his rapidly accelerating heart thrashing against his rib cage...
A favour was asked of him, but having the inability to multi-task and nearing the end of his blogging spree, he willed himself not to be deviated from his then current train of thoughts... For those who do not know him, his thoughts are like the [Jap]'s fastest bullet train placed on poorly built tracks... Or an ant being lost in a maze...
Anyway, he simply requested for some time before he carries out the favour... To him, a mental list consist of all the things tt he plans to do have been drawn up even before the computer is switched on... Tt's precisely the kind of person he is... A clear idea on what needs to be done have to be present before he can function... Spontaneous and suddenly favours tt appears out of nowhere scares the living daylights out of him as he hates the unknown... Afterall, who likes the unknown???
He really likes to complete his blog entry 1st before carrying out the favour which was requested... However, it seems like the other party is lacking some astounding qualities by the name of 'patience' and 'comprehansion' and 'self-reflection'... He has already gave his word to carry out the request @ a later time, say 20 mins later, yet the other party fail to comprehen this as willing to help, but rather, as a sign of rejection!!! In other words, if waiting 20 mins is the equivalance of a nuclear explosion happening right inside his apartment, then deviating from his blogging is potentially fatal as well...
Then there's the other issue... He feels tt for him to snap pics of the events tt he's attended, it is for his own keepsake... In other words, when he looks through the pics in the very distant future, he will remember the past, of the perfectly happy times tt he has experience... Therefore, this is to say tt he does not take photos to post them online for all to see, to show tt he has a good time... Hence, with different objectives, one has to be more understanding if one is to request for the pics tt he has taken, especially if he isn't the sole photographer for the event in question...
Take the recently concluded [STAC EOY 2008] for instance... Since he is the only person with a camera, he understands the urgency of the other party who wants the pics... Compare this with 2 ppl in the group taking pics together, he feels tt the importance in the latter has reduced drastically as person no. 2 would have his fair share of photos anyway...
Perhaps you could say tt in an attempt to please others, he has inevitably allowed them to climb over his head... After all, he could very well have ignored the nudge tt was sent over via [MSN]... Or set his status to [Appear Offline]... Or simply ignoring everything... Yet he did none of those...
He very much feels like starting...
How amusing it is, to see 2 vastly different views on the same issue...
A favour was asked of him, but having the inability to multi-task and nearing the end of his blogging spree, he willed himself not to be deviated from his then current train of thoughts... For those who do not know him, his thoughts are like the [Jap]'s fastest bullet train placed on poorly built tracks... Or an ant being lost in a maze...
Anyway, he simply requested for some time before he carries out the favour... To him, a mental list consist of all the things tt he plans to do have been drawn up even before the computer is switched on... Tt's precisely the kind of person he is... A clear idea on what needs to be done have to be present before he can function... Spontaneous and suddenly favours tt appears out of nowhere scares the living daylights out of him as he hates the unknown... Afterall, who likes the unknown???
He really likes to complete his blog entry 1st before carrying out the favour which was requested... However, it seems like the other party is lacking some astounding qualities by the name of 'patience' and 'comprehansion' and 'self-reflection'... He has already gave his word to carry out the request @ a later time, say 20 mins later, yet the other party fail to comprehen this as willing to help, but rather, as a sign of rejection!!! In other words, if waiting 20 mins is the equivalance of a nuclear explosion happening right inside his apartment, then deviating from his blogging is potentially fatal as well...
Then there's the other issue... He feels tt for him to snap pics of the events tt he's attended, it is for his own keepsake... In other words, when he looks through the pics in the very distant future, he will remember the past, of the perfectly happy times tt he has experience... Therefore, this is to say tt he does not take photos to post them online for all to see, to show tt he has a good time... Hence, with different objectives, one has to be more understanding if one is to request for the pics tt he has taken, especially if he isn't the sole photographer for the event in question...
Take the recently concluded [STAC EOY 2008] for instance... Since he is the only person with a camera, he understands the urgency of the other party who wants the pics... Compare this with 2 ppl in the group taking pics together, he feels tt the importance in the latter has reduced drastically as person no. 2 would have his fair share of photos anyway...
Perhaps you could say tt in an attempt to please others, he has inevitably allowed them to climb over his head... After all, he could very well have ignored the nudge tt was sent over via [MSN]... Or set his status to [Appear Offline]... Or simply ignoring everything... Yet he did none of those...
He very much feels like starting...
How amusing it is, to see 2 vastly different views on the same issue...
Sunday, December 14, 2008
STAC EOY 2008!!!
Finally, the highly anticipated event of the yr has arrived @ the [Singapore Expo]... The [STAC EOY 2008]!!! This year, the [Halloween] theme... Er, I mean cosplay theme is [Retro Anime]... I was expecting stuff like [Doraemon], [Salior Moon], etc... LOL... It's dumb, but hey... It's just a passing thought anyway...
It's a pity tt both [XP] and [YH] couldn't make it to this must-attend event of the yr... There're tons of booths around selling all kinds of anime merchandise and get this, a talk for aspiring manga artists by the pros!!! Okay, so I wasn't really tt excited over the talk, but I do know tt [XP] will and I just want tt murderous look tt she always give me... Haha... Gee... I think I'm turning into some kinda sicko here or something...
It's [M]'s 1st time attending such cosplay event and boy were we hyped up... We did check out some of the performances, but we didn't see much of the booths... And neither did we stay for the cosplay competition... We did however, took tons of photos...
Seeing tt I'm the sole photographer @ the scene, I felt tt I've the obligation to get this posted up ASAP... Therefore, I hereby present to you the photo spree tt I went to heaven to obtain... Mind you, this isn't FOC hor... I have to part with $12 of my hard-earned cash... Not tt I'm complaining la...
Random Shots...

The cosplayers are not the only eye candies around... Just look @ the beautiful dolls tt are on display!!!

Now tt I've satisfied the fetishes of the doll lovers out there, it's back to the human cosplayers... Apparently, the event is such a hit tt some other characters have decided to turn up as well...
[Santa]'s very hot elf...
Evil [Darth Vader]...
I would say they're the [SWAT] and terrorist taking the event hostage... But others seems to think they're from [CounterStrike]...
And [Scream]...
Apart from the universe crashers, we also have the uber young ans super kawaii children making their special appearances...

Now for the really juicy portion...
After much hunting, I've finally tracked down [Honey]-senpai... Only to catch him talking on the phone... Alone... *Sigh* Where are the other hosts from the infamous [Ouran Host Club]??? Where stonic [Mori] who's supposed to keep an eye on [Honey]?!?!
OMG... It's [Kikio]!!! Turn around for a pic please...

I didn't know [L] has a twin...

The 2nd best part of the whole event is tt I saw some [D.Greyman] cosplayers!!! Get this... This is only the SECOND BEST...
Finally!!! We have ppl who are cosplaying the [Ancients]!!! I've always wanted to see the [Ancients]... *Drools*

Where is [Tiki] though??? =S

Drumroll please for I present to you what I deem as the best for this whole event... I spotted 2 [Clouds] and many more [Final Fantasy] cosplayers!!! *Squeals*
From [Final Fantast VII: Advent Children]...
The ill-prepared [Cloud]...
I'm now ready... Snap away!!!
I suspect tt the following is from [Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core]...

Heh... Both me and [MJ] thinks tt this guy is kinda hot... LOL... Don't get me wrong... He's not the only good-looking one @ the event... There are many, many more walking around, whether they're in a costume or as a spectator...
*Sigh* Tt's abt it liao... If you ask me, I would say tt this $12 is well-spent... So looking forward to next yr's cosplay events... Whether they're FOC or not... ^_^
It's a pity tt both [XP] and [YH] couldn't make it to this must-attend event of the yr... There're tons of booths around selling all kinds of anime merchandise and get this, a talk for aspiring manga artists by the pros!!! Okay, so I wasn't really tt excited over the talk, but I do know tt [XP] will and I just want tt murderous look tt she always give me... Haha... Gee... I think I'm turning into some kinda sicko here or something...
It's [M]'s 1st time attending such cosplay event and boy were we hyped up... We did check out some of the performances, but we didn't see much of the booths... And neither did we stay for the cosplay competition... We did however, took tons of photos...
Seeing tt I'm the sole photographer @ the scene, I felt tt I've the obligation to get this posted up ASAP... Therefore, I hereby present to you the photo spree tt I went to heaven to obtain... Mind you, this isn't FOC hor... I have to part with $12 of my hard-earned cash... Not tt I'm complaining la...
Random Shots...
The cosplayers are not the only eye candies around... Just look @ the beautiful dolls tt are on display!!!
Now tt I've satisfied the fetishes of the doll lovers out there, it's back to the human cosplayers... Apparently, the event is such a hit tt some other characters have decided to turn up as well...
Apart from the universe crashers, we also have the uber young ans super kawaii children making their special appearances...
Now for the really juicy portion...
The 2nd best part of the whole event is tt I saw some [D.Greyman] cosplayers!!! Get this... This is only the SECOND BEST...
Finally!!! We have ppl who are cosplaying the [Ancients]!!! I've always wanted to see the [Ancients]... *Drools*
Where is [Tiki] though??? =S
Drumroll please for I present to you what I deem as the best for this whole event... I spotted 2 [Clouds] and many more [Final Fantasy] cosplayers!!! *Squeals*
I suspect tt the following is from [Final Fantasy VII: Crisis Core]...
*Sigh* Tt's abt it liao... If you ask me, I would say tt this $12 is well-spent... So looking forward to next yr's cosplay events... Whether they're FOC or not... ^_^
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