As our transport to the airport comes @ abt 1400 hrs and we die die have to check out by noon, we decided to pack and check out in the morning, after we're done with our packing... We left our luggage in the care of the concierge before heading to the nearby streets for breakfast...
We subsequently took a walk and have a look @ a street tt we previously missed out and [Sis] ended up doing some last min shopping...

I, on the other hand, decided to do some last min eating instead... Yummy blueberry pie!!! LOL...

Managed to snap a shot before she goes back shopping...

Wow... This car looks like the one tt's featured in those [Back To The Future] series eh...

Did you see tt??? My eyes have been seeing tt shop for don't know how many times since the past few days and I didn't have a chance to eat it... Now the time has finally come!!! Banzai!!!
The rest of the family decided to stay in the shopping centre behind [Ben & Jerry's] for a cup of [Starbucks] instead... [Sis] finally relented and took some photos with me...

Look @ the ceiling, I found this... If not for the tilt in camera, I bet most will mistook it for some dark, stormy clouds tt's signifying tt a terrible storm is coming... Or a tornado... Haha...

A narrow alley b/w buildings... Looks like some scene where a murder will take place... Or a chase scene where some guy is escaping from the mafia or cops...
O-k-a-y... Moving on, we then headed back to the hotel and stoned a little there as we waited for 1400 hrs to come and the transport tt'll take us to the airport to materialize... As the hotel lobby is freaking cold, I decided to head outside and take some random shots to kill the time...

Something which I think [XP] will love... I actually zoomed to take this shot... I didn't dare go any nearer for fear tt the cat will pounce on me cause it's intimidated by my presence or something... Ha~...

Amazing... Even the steeps have the name of the hotel...

A sand box for the by-products of dogs... NOT for children to play in, obviously... LOL!!!

There's nth much @ for the trip back to the airport though, mainly cause I shut my eyes throughout the whole journey in an attempt to take a nap... Upon arriving @ the airport, we didn't do much shopping and checked in immediately...

A layout of how the departure area looks like...

How it looked like in reality... It's looks like a never-ending tunnel!!!

The journey back to home sweet home is nearing it's end... *Sigh in contentment*