Initially, I was a little reluctant to go for the trip as I'll be using up 3 days of leave for business not of my own... However, considering tt it's a family trip, I relented and decided to enjoy myself nonetheless... After all, if you don't have a choice, why make oneself more miserable by sulking over it???
I'm trying to con myself into believing tt I'll have more time to game in return for being good... =) A pic before we actually check in... This is taken after we've checked in and was loitering around those duty free shops... There's nth much for the both of us cause everything tt's on sale are either branded goods, goods designed for tourists or in other words, stuff for rich ppl who loves to visit [Singapore]...
Anyway, after some window shopping and stoning, we finally boarded the plane and this is how life on the plane is like... I'm so engrossed with the movie tt they're screening... It's [Journey To The Centre Of The Earth], in case you're curious... A 2.5/5 starts movie la... I managed to unglue my eyes from the screen and my mouth away from my food to actually spare some time for a shot... If I'm not wrong, the movie should've ended liao... But the cam is position @ the wrong angle lor... I think I look better if my left profile is facing forward instead...
Somehow, I don't know why I can vaguely hear [SH] saying something along the line of 'I look terrible no matter which angle it is'... I do think it's my imagination la... LOL...
After 204 mins of seating in the [Economy Class] seat, we finally arrived @ the our destination... [?Hong Kong]!!! As we didn't really travel overseas much, we were a little lost when we realised tt we're supposed to clear the customs 1st before collecting out luggage... Of course, I do know now tt we have to clear the customs 1st before collecting all out barang barang... Haha...
After we got exited the [Departure Gate], we looked for the rep from the travel agency who's supposed to receive us and after finding her and being told to wait for a while more while she received more ppl, we continued to stone for a while more as my dad couldn't find some good background to take some pics... I mean, if the background doesn't have anything Hong Kong-y to it, the end result would be like taking a pic @ [Changi Airport] lor...
Anyway, after abt 15 mins or so, we're good to go and we boarded the bus tt would take us to [Kowloon], our destination of holiday... Having nth batter to do, I decided to take some pics to while away the 45 mins ride... Needless to say, I couldn't last tt long and fell asleep like 15 mins later... Zzz...
Oh look!!! Instead of multiple LED powering 1 colour of the traffic light, it's 1 whole bulb... A thing which [Singapore] used to have long long time ago... LOL...
And look @ how clustered the buildings are...
We're back in the city!!! Now this is a sign tt we're nearing our destination...
Haha... The moment we checked into our hotel and have totally settled down, we immediately headed out to the busy streets to grab a late lunch/early dinner combination before doing a little recce on the potential shopping areas in the vicinity... In case you're wondering why I'm like wearing a jacket, it's because it's [Fall] in [Hong Kong]... You know, the season before [Winter]... So with temp around 19°C, it's a little too cold for comfort for me, a creature who's used to warm weather of 27°C and above...
I shall conclude here for this entry... Day 2 of my adventure is coming soon!!! *Squeals*
I didn't feel like blogging when I did the previous entry, which is why the entry is mostly gibberish after the 1st 3 paragraphs or so... Basically, the rest are just extra fodder to make it look as if the entry is damn long like tt...
Anyway, I couldn't think of any interesting video to post the other round so this is sort of like a make-up for it...
Now I'm just wondering if I could follow [SH]'s footsteps and DL those interesting clips so tt it won't be lost when it's been removed from the net... *Ponders* Soka!!! I can get [SH] to send them to me what... DUH!!! -_-""
The following is the complete clip where [Ms. Swan] goes to watch a movie... Zettai must watch the whole video!!!
Let me start from the top - the worse stuff imaginable - and move downwards...
DAMNATION!!! As my whole family will be going overseas to [Hong Kong], all electrical appliances will be shut off... Yes, EVERYTHING including my VCR which means tt I'll not be able to record the coming episode of [The Ghost Whisperer], [Reaper], [Shakugan No Shana] and [Toradora]... I'm not very concerned with the last 2 as I know tt I'll be able to catch it online @ [] and [] respectively... But to miss a episode of [The Ghost Whisperer] and [Reaper], tt's near to my snapping pt... If you want to analyse what's the whole big deal is all abt, I must say tt it's in my personality... I'm the kind who would rewind the tape and re-watch tt particular scene if I were to be momentarily distracted... I must watch and understand the whole plot... Otherwise, I see no pt in watching the show in the 1st place...
Yeah... I'm feeling a little bummed out for the moment...
As you know, I'll be going to [HK] this coming [Thurs], so my dad advised my to @ least have some cash available so tt if I were to buy something on my own, I'll be able to do so... So both my sis and I decided to change S$100 each and I did tt @ the money changer in [CauseWay Point] after my facial... The exchange rate there was like SG$1 = HK$5 and depreciating... A couple of days ago, it was like HK$5.20+... Anyway, after I've changed the cash and went back to [CCK] to meet up with my parents and sis, my mom decided to change some money as well instead of waiting till the very last min @ the airport... I guess you could see this coming... Yeah... The exchange rate @ [Lot 1] was like $5.07!!! WTH la!!! Even though it isn't a lot, but I would've gotten an extra HK$7... Zzz... -_-"'
Okay... Now for something totally different...
In my last entry, a particular colleague of mine took something tt belonged to me w/o asking for permission... This time, he did asked for my permission and I turned him down... After all, I'm not obliged to lend it to you no matter what the reason is... The issue here is tt he started making comments like, w/o a beret, he's gonna get caught by the personnel on guard duty blah, blah, blah... In another sense, he's trying to guilt me into lending the item to him... BLOODY HELL!!! If you know tt it's a vital piece of equipment, then go bloody purchase one from the e-mart instead of spending those time playing games on the com when you're not even supposed to...
Now tt I remember being pissed with my colleagues, another thought just came out... It's beyond me why they have tt irritating mentality tt since you're paid $400 (give or take), then you'll only be doing tt amt of work tt's worth tt amt of pay... I wouldn't mind ignoring them, but if I'm implicated in any way because of your devil-may-care attitude, then I'll be bloody pissed as I think it's totally unfair for me to clean up your mess if you screw up big time... After all, I'm trying my best to teach all tt I can to you and if you bloody refuse to listen, you should be responsible for it...
*Sigh* I guess sometimes, such things just can't be helped... After all, I'm in no position to change the attitudes of others and as colleagues, I should @ least try to be tolerant... LOL... This brings forth another issue to the top of my mind... Being friends, I believe we should know one another better as compared to the strangers or colleagues or classmates whom we interact with on a daily basis... However, this doesn't mean tt we'll approve of the actions of every individual tt we'll classify as a friend... Neither do we have to listen and change for the sake of our friends... In a sense, there's no definite right or wrong when it comes to things like these... Do note tt I'm not talking abt those extreme things like drugs where we know is a definite no-no and hence, should strongly dissuade the person from doing it... Anyway, the idea here is to be more tolerant since we're known one another for so long already...
Oh crap, I think I'm not making sense here or am beginning to go in circles... The bottom line??? I think my world is crashing down with all the changes tt I'm going through and will be experiencing in due time... Am I alone or lonely??? I don't know which is which anymore...
[NUS] organised a talk for the ppl who are interested to matriculate early and to enrol for the special term starting in [May] or [Jun]... It's held in [LT27] and after consulting the map, I realised tt it's in the [Faculty Of Science]... Since I do know tt it's not near the [NUS Biz School] - and hence neither is it near [FASS]], I've decided to head out of home @ 0800 hrs...
(FYI, the talk starts @ 1000 hrs...)
Anyway, I was a bit slow and only managed to leave the house @ 0830 hrs... Once I managed to get to the [Central Library], I consulted the map to check my bearings and ascertain the fact tt my destination and where I am @ the moment is indeed really far apart... Then I started tmy 15 mins walk... All the way from [Kent Ridge Crescent] to [Science Drive 1]... With my trusty [MuVo] MP3 player as my only companion...
I arrived @ my destination @ 0930 hrs... Nice...
With the talk, I've understood tt there's 2 parts to the special term and like I've mentioned earlier, we can choose to take both parts or either parts... In addition, for 1 part of the special term tt last for 6 weeks each, we can take a max of 2 modules... IMO, going by my character, it's suicidal to take 2 modules in 6 weeks... I mean, if the norm is 13 weeks for 1 module, I'm so not gonna challenge tt for the small chance of graduating early...
In conclusion, I've decided to take 1 module for each part of the special term just to get rid of some of the university requirements 1st as well as to get the hang of studying again...Tt said, this means tt I'm not going for those union camps... Not tt I would want to in the 1st place...
Of course, I'm not gonna neglect the cost factor... each module cost like $654 and the special term isn't only for those freshies... You can choose to enter in the special term before the second yr too... Though I'm not sure whether you can do multiple special terms... *Ponders* Hmmm... Why not??? After all, as long as you've the $, you think [NUS] will complain???
The talk ended @ 1100 hrs and I couldn't resist the temptation of the reception tt was waiting outside the LT... With the self-control tt I would have if a guy confessed his feelings to me, I took a cup of coffee and some cakes before I made my way back to [Clementi Stn]... This time, I took the internal [NUS] shuttle bus service to [Kent Ridge Crescent] 1st before taking bus [96]...
Lunch was @ the hawker centre in [Clementi]... I visited the stall tt's famous for it's [American] food - [Botak Jones]... LOL... If you're craving for such style and [Billy Bombers] and [NYNY] is totally outta your budget, then [Botak Jones] is the alternative... It's affordable and the servings are huge, so it's worth it... I ate the gigantic 8 inch chicken sausage tt comes with those hotdog bread, loads of fries and a plate of cloestraw, which only cost $8.50!!! Imagine tt!!! For less than $10, you'll get to enjoy something tt's similar to what you can get @ those restaurant... After all, who needs air-con when there's fan??? And since you're in the hawker centre, the drinks are cheap too, so there you have it, [American] style food in the heartlands... With the [Singapore] feel... LOL...
(Now for a change of topic...)
3 days ago, a certain colleague simply took my stuff from my bag w/o consulting for my permission... He then subsequently drop me an SMS to inform me of what he did... in my perspective, tt 2 sentences are filled with so many things tt pisses me off...
Firstly, I've some serious trust issues stalking me... This stems from my dark past which I'm not gonna repeat here and also on my stand tt if you want to borrow something, it's your responsibility to return the thing and not wait till you're being chased before attempting to return it... So I've no idea where my [House Of Fury] went and I guess this should be of sufficient hint to a certain someone who borrowed a certain DVD from me... *Grin*
Not to be derailed, I thus have developed this unwillingness to lend stuff to others as well as feel tt you should @ least have the decency to ask 1st before taking the things... Therefore, you can imagine my chagrin when I saw the msg and realised tt my bag was moved not because of some supernatural causes, but by a living person who's obviously not myself... This brings up the 2nd point of intrusion to my personal belongings... Valuables (this refers to everything tt's in the bag) could've been stolen!!! Of course, point 1 is still in effect as I didn't allow access to anyone else to rummage through my bag...
Thirdly, to apologise after knowing so well tt you're already committing the mistake is unforgivable as since you know tt it's a mistake already, then don't do it!!! Plus, if apologies is able to correct everything, then there's no need for death penalties and the law...
My perspective on tt particular colleague has made a complete 180 degree turn and nth will change this... I've also bitched abt this to [YH] just to released some pent up anger... In the end, I've not only gotten a load outta my mind, I've also formed new perspectives... I'm also @ fault as to leave my things unattended and this is a lesson well learned... Bear in mind tt this does not mean tt I've changed my views on tt colleague... After all, I might not be capable of being angry for long, but I sure as hell is able to bear a grudge...
Ahh it's just as well tt [Dec] is finally coming... I shall start my plan to delude myself into believing the fantasy tt this 2 yrs didn't happen... After all, I'm one who don't open up to others tt readily, so it's not tt tough for me to move on...
Before I end this entry, behold the music video recommendation!!! [Love Story] by [Taylor Swift]...