A wk ago, I was asked to watched [Suspect X]... Initially, I thought it's some [X-Men] show tt's revolving around [Wolverine], due to the whole 'X' in the title... Furthermore, I recently saw an article abt tt new [Wolverine] movie tt's coming out... The one tt [Daniel Henney]'s going to act in as well... So you can't really fault me for jumping into conclusions...
Anyway, [JY] decided to catch the movie yesterday, the day when it 1st arrive in [GV] cinemas... Talk abt being enthusiastic... As only [GV] cinemas have the movie, this translates to travelling all the way to [JP] simply to catch the show and due to me being @ work till 6 pm, we've no choice but to catch the 9.15 pm timeslot...
I wasn't aware tt [Cass] and [JY] decided to meet @ 8 pm instead, so I was 30 mins early and before I could actually do some serious window-shopping, I was whisked away to buy the tickets 1st and had to visit the toilet urgently after tt... Then just when I thought I'll have time to have a peek @ some clothes, [Cass] told me she's @ [Popular] already... Zzz...
Thus I made my way down into the giangantic bookstore just to realise tt I should've asked [Ms. Swan] where she'll be hiding when she 1st called... Since I didn't do tt and I'm reluctant to do the call, I decided to hunt for her myself... Good thing I managed to find her after my 2nd tour around the bookstore... Can't blame me cause she's squatting down analysing educational CDs, so it's impossible to spot her... Then again, I don't think even with her standing up, it'll be easy to spot her as well... =P
After debating which educational CD to buy for her tutee, she made up the decision for herself cause - get this - she wants to play the games on tt CD as well as it's very entertaining... Can you believe it??? [Ms. Swan]'s finding entertainment in a CD game tt's meant for 5th and 6th graders... -_-"'
[JY] found us as [Cass]'s making her payment for her educational CD and it's only then tt I had my eureka moment... I shouldn't have bought the tickets in advance, but rather, let the 2 gals purchase them as there could be a chance tt they can buy the tickets @ student price... Man, I should really think abt these stuff 1st before I part with my money, not after...
The gals decided not to have a proper meal and settled on finger food while taking a slow walk around the mall...
I wouldn't say tt the movie's really good, but 4/5 stars seems a little extreme... Seriously, I'm beginning to have doubts on the reviews provided by the papers... It seems like the average shows are given high ratings while the fantastic ones are blasted as lousy... Unless you're telling me it's some sort of reverse psychology... *Shrugs*
Okay, the beginning of the movie where [Ishigami] takes a walk to a bento shop was totally wasted, unless the whole point was to stress the point tt the guy likes the lady @ the shop and is willing to walk such a distance simply to purchase the bento and catch a glimpse of her... The other stuff tt's missing was [Yukawa]'s vandalism when he has his eureka moment and simply needs to pen down his physics working on any writable surface... Other than tt, the rest of the movie's just average, with the twists and the revelation on how the perfect alibi was fabricated guarantee to surprise...
After the movie's over, I know I shouldn't be shocked @ the time, but I couldn't help but be amazed tt it's like 11.30 pm anyway... Haha... Well, after all, it's not everyday tt I stayed out so late till tt time... So as the 3 of us made our way to the interchange, I began to fear tt I couldn't make it in time for the last bus and tt became reality as I missed the bus by 15 mins... [Cass] was even worse, missing her bus by a mere 1 min... Needless to say, we don't have a choice but to take a cab back home...
Managed to reached home 15 mins past midnight... Thank goodness I'm no [Cinderalla]... =P
[Fly On The Wall] By [Miley Cyrus]...
Friday, February 27, 2009
Wednesday, February 25, 2009
Ever since the start of this wk, I've already have the content for this entry... The only thing tt's in my way was the compulsion to complete [Galileo] - the [Jap] drama recommended by [JY] - before tml so tt I'll have the necessary background info for watching [Suspect X]...
The newspaper gave the movie a whooping 4/5 stars...
I was reading the [Teenage] magazine and there's this 1 article tt stood out... It's abt this gal who met an online pal and after chatting for a period of time, subsequently fell in love with tt person... It's only when they decided to meet up tt she realised tt the so-called 'guy' friend tt she has been chatting online and through the phone was a butch and she felt a little betrayed... However,after the initial feeling of betrayal, she accepted the girl and decided to date... Of course, she told her parents abt this and her family over-reacted by throwing her out of the house, and threatened to disown her...
The girl then decided to move out and rent an apartment so tt both she and her GF can stay together and to support their newfound freedom, she dropped out of sch while her GF continued to study... Needless to say, the relationship didn't last long and ended after 3 yrs... The girl tried to return to her family, but the her family is not very... Accepting...
The whole point of me extracting a portion of the article is not to point out how dumb the girl is by dropping out of sch to support both of them, but to her parents' reaction over her choice of dating another girl... This reflects the fear of rejection tt I've been habouring since knowing tt I've the hots for guys... Somehow, I would very much like to have some peace of mind to @ leastk now tt no matter what my choices are, whatever path I choose to take, I'll still be accepted by my family above all else...
Though I very much wish tt the fog will clear and show me the path tt is already paved out for me and remove the angst...
Now tt I've finally got tt out of my system, I can finally have a little reprieve from my own destructive hormones and chat abt other stuff, like say, today's lunch...
All these while, whenever I order [Fishball Noodles], the idea tt a bowl of noodles will be accompanied with fishballs, fishcakes and minced meat comes to mind... However, this time when I ordered tt meal during my lunch time down [NYP], all I got was a bowl of noodles and 5 fishballs, not to mention some towgays and leafy veggy... All this for $2.60!!! OMG!!! I felt absolutely cheated... Ugh...
Tt's it... I'll try the [Minced Meat Noodles] and pray tt there'll be some fishcake in them apart from the minced meat...
I saw a book containing 365 aerial pics of [Gaea] - 1 for each day in a yr - while I was working and I was captivated, mersmerised by the beauty of the pics... Huh, despite humans slowly, but surely killing [Mother Nature] with technology and pollution, it's a wonder tt we can still find such beauty... Therefore, before I conclude this entry, here's a feel pics which are from [Yann Arthus-Bertrand]'s [Earth From Above] collection... Kirei~!!!

The newspaper gave the movie a whooping 4/5 stars...
I was reading the [Teenage] magazine and there's this 1 article tt stood out... It's abt this gal who met an online pal and after chatting for a period of time, subsequently fell in love with tt person... It's only when they decided to meet up tt she realised tt the so-called 'guy' friend tt she has been chatting online and through the phone was a butch and she felt a little betrayed... However,after the initial feeling of betrayal, she accepted the girl and decided to date... Of course, she told her parents abt this and her family over-reacted by throwing her out of the house, and threatened to disown her...
The girl then decided to move out and rent an apartment so tt both she and her GF can stay together and to support their newfound freedom, she dropped out of sch while her GF continued to study... Needless to say, the relationship didn't last long and ended after 3 yrs... The girl tried to return to her family, but the her family is not very... Accepting...
The whole point of me extracting a portion of the article is not to point out how dumb the girl is by dropping out of sch to support both of them, but to her parents' reaction over her choice of dating another girl... This reflects the fear of rejection tt I've been habouring since knowing tt I've the hots for guys... Somehow, I would very much like to have some peace of mind to @ leastk now tt no matter what my choices are, whatever path I choose to take, I'll still be accepted by my family above all else...
Though I very much wish tt the fog will clear and show me the path tt is already paved out for me and remove the angst...
Now tt I've finally got tt out of my system, I can finally have a little reprieve from my own destructive hormones and chat abt other stuff, like say, today's lunch...
All these while, whenever I order [Fishball Noodles], the idea tt a bowl of noodles will be accompanied with fishballs, fishcakes and minced meat comes to mind... However, this time when I ordered tt meal during my lunch time down [NYP], all I got was a bowl of noodles and 5 fishballs, not to mention some towgays and leafy veggy... All this for $2.60!!! OMG!!! I felt absolutely cheated... Ugh...
Tt's it... I'll try the [Minced Meat Noodles] and pray tt there'll be some fishcake in them apart from the minced meat...
I saw a book containing 365 aerial pics of [Gaea] - 1 for each day in a yr - while I was working and I was captivated, mersmerised by the beauty of the pics... Huh, despite humans slowly, but surely killing [Mother Nature] with technology and pollution, it's a wonder tt we can still find such beauty... Therefore, before I conclude this entry, here's a feel pics which are from [Yann Arthus-Bertrand]'s [Earth From Above] collection... Kirei~!!!

Tuesday, February 17, 2009
It has been more than a week since my last post and frankly speaking, I haven't a clue as to what I can post for my subsequent entries... It seems like after 2 yrs of not socializing, I've lost tt small part of me, rendering me vulnerable to the dark realm of solidarity...
I've also lost a hell lot more stuff ever since the new yr started, which makes me feel like I'm no longer tt old me 2 yrs before, which goes to strengthen my belief tt being isolated for 2 yrs to work for an organisation tt underpays you with allowances even lower than tt offered by [Mac]'s is detrimental to one's well-bring...
My social life is fragmenting... I feel detached from my group of friends as we're now of different worlds... I'm angsty... My patience and tolerance seems to have de-leveled...
*Pulls hair and bangs head*
I seriously need to get a grip and get back on track...
[You're So Gay] By [Katy Perry], [MS] Version...
I've also lost a hell lot more stuff ever since the new yr started, which makes me feel like I'm no longer tt old me 2 yrs before, which goes to strengthen my belief tt being isolated for 2 yrs to work for an organisation tt underpays you with allowances even lower than tt offered by [Mac]'s is detrimental to one's well-bring...
My social life is fragmenting... I feel detached from my group of friends as we're now of different worlds... I'm angsty... My patience and tolerance seems to have de-leveled...
*Pulls hair and bangs head*
I seriously need to get a grip and get back on track...
[You're So Gay] By [Katy Perry], [MS] Version...
Sunday, February 08, 2009
An Annual Affair...
Yesterday's 7 Feb 09, a wk before [Valentines' Day] and like the past 20 yrs of my life, I haven't found anyone to spend tt special day with me...
Not tt I really care though... Okay, I take tt back... I do care, but I'm trying my damnest to not care...
I met [YH] yesterday morning for [Mac] breakfast and though I initially wanted to meet her @ 9 am, she decided tt it's too early cause she wanted to do something to her hair, so she proposed 9.30 am instead... And I negoiated for a 9.15 am and succeeded... So as I was on my way there, I was surprised tt she has arrived @ 9 am instead... *Sigh*
I should've known better than to trust her timings considering tt she's never on time and when she says she's late, she ended up being punctual...
Once again, I was subjected to the whole 'Oh my gawd!!! Did you do something to STUPID to your hair??? Like perm it?!?!' It's exasperating trying to repeat myself time and time again tt I didn't do anything special to my hair and I've natural curls... In addition, it's 2 mths since I've went for a haircut, thus my hair's quite long, which is why the curls are more prominent now...
Which is why after the incident with [YH], I've decided to play along with whatever the other party comes up with instead and let them jump to their own conclusions...
The whole gang - less [Yuling] - went [MJ]'s (it's my 1st being in her lair) and we had chocolate fondue... Despite the chocolate being burnt ([MJ] claimed this), I couldn't taste the diff and ate it anyway cause burnt chocolate or no burnt chocolate, it's still chocolate and together with the fruits, it's yummy...
We made [Cass] turn up late on purpose and when she appeared in her 'auntie' getup, we celebrated her b-day and had [Light Cheese Cake]... Thereafter, we killed a little time by chatting and taking loads of ramdom pics as well as another hilarious vid of domestic violence... This time starring [YO] and [SH]...
[Dar] left after this cause he had something on and we procced to [YQ]'s house, our second destination...
This time, we had [Red Bean Soup] as well as [Lou Hei]... LOL... I didn't realised till much later tt none of us had a proper meal, not tt it matters considering tt we've been eating... [YL] as well as [DH] joined us @ this stop and there wasn't much to do after some piano action by [YQ], [YL] and [MJ] as [YQ] decided to retreat to her room do do work, [Cass] decided to stop by her house to obtain a VCD and the reminaing girls decided to hide in [YQ]'s room to enjoy the air-con on the pre-text of having a girl talk, [XP] and I was almost rendered bored out of our mind until [XP] announced tt she has a pack of poker cards herself and together with [YL] and [DH], we decided to play a round of [Cheat!], you know, the [Neopets] version???
Surprisingly, I won tt round and by then, [Cass] has returned from her quest and we could move onto our next destination - [YH]'s...
A little drama occurred as we were abt to make our way down to [Toh Tuck Rd]... I initially wanted to take [DH]'s car so as to save $$$... But seeing tt [JY], [XP] and [MJ] are already occupying the back seat, I do not wish to squeeze into the car despite being able to save cash... And for the record, the car wasn't even 'big' as claimed by [YL]... If tt's big, then a normal sized car would be 'gianantic' or even 'monstrous'... Besides, I got a little work out by running after the remaining ppl as well as to catch the bus tt was on the way to the bus stop...
Arrived @ [YH]'s house and after watching the VCD tt [Cass] bought along and laughing damn hard @ the blunders both she and [SH] were making when they were doing their choir performance of [Step-By-Step], I play 2 rounds of mahjong with [JY], [YQ] and [Cass]... Suspiously, I wasn't in the mood to play much and decided to retreat to [YH]'s room to use the com for a while after deciding tt [Ponyo] wasn't tt interesting as the subs were in [Mandarin]...
I subsequently got a shock as I began to fiddle with [YH]'s com and realised how terrible [Window Vista] is... With the consumption of 1GB RAM just to power the OS, her com was atrociously slow... Clicking on [MSN] almost caused it to hanged... Clicking on the [IE] almost caused it to hanged... Heck, basically, clicking too fast and too many times will cause it to hanged... This is made worse by my unfamilarity @ her cursors as well as my usual way of using the com - clicking fast and expecting stuff to appear w/o waiting...
Ended up spending more time trying to get the [IE] to run than surfing, so I decided to watch a few parts of [Ai No Kotodama] instead... I managed to complete the 2nd part and was abt to complete the 3rd part when [SH] announced tt we're leaving for his place...
[Mum] called while I was making my way over to [SH]'s and seriously, it's strange how adults do stuff... Instead of telling me what time she wasnts me home for the cake cutting ceremony for [Dad]'s b-day, she asked me what time I'm going home... I mean, if it's my decision, I wouldn't be home tt early... Furthermore, I have to know what time the ceremony is supposed to commence before I'm able to plan the time of my return, right??? *Roll eyes*
We had dinner @ [SH]'s and the food's nice and so is the tiramisu tt's created by [SH]... Perhaps 1 day, I could do some visiting to his house and attempt to get him to teach me how to make it as well... Ha~... I can just imagine the sense of accomplishment tt I'll be experiencing if I managed to successfully create tt cake...
Play [Digimon Rumble Areana] with [XP] and I'm pleased tt I'm still capable of defeating her in tt despite losing my touch in [CTR]... LOL...
I play 2 rounds of mahjong again and this time, real $$$ was involved and just because of tt, [XP] won like $4.80!!! Zzz... I wished I could play more, but as I had to head back home for the cake cutting ceremony, I've had no choice but to stop... Not before I really learned a little bit more of the basics... Yes, in the past, I wasn't really keen to learn, but now, after placing a bit of effort in it, I'm capable of understanding the basics and should be capable of playing w/o much assistance... I still need someone to guide me for the techniques and strategies for winning, of course...
Tt abt sums up the day's events... Thanks to the ever efficient [SH] and despite tt he has to get back to camp today, the pics are already up on [Facebook]... I'm only waiting for him to upload the domestic violence vid... Haha~...
Now, before I move on, here's a little disclaimer... The following MIGHT cause a little disagreement of views... However, pls bear in mind tt these are purely in my opinions and I believe paranoia is affecting some of what is being typed here...
Vegs... I know tt I don't eat them, but tt doesn't mean tt I couldn't know more abt them... Extra knowledge is more often than not more beneficial, so why not just humour me and help me in my quest for knowledge??? Just like I don't like to play [Dai Di] doesn't mean tt I don't have to know abt it... Okay, let me take tt back cause I'm not really tt interested to learn tt... Yet... Hmmm... The only other more extreme analogy tt I can give is of the education system in [SG]... Just because we won't be using much differentiation and naming of organic compounds doesn't mean tt we don't have to learn them... If not, most, if not all of the education tt we've had in our life would be redundant... But I don't think so... Though I've forgotten much of them, it's still interesting to know abt [Hesses' Law] as well as statistics and their concepts...
The other issue tt I have is... On the claim tt there's gonna be a new member to our already large group of member... Hmmm... Or maybe you can say tt it's a replacement of members to some... I think this explains my rather strange behavior tt I've been exhibiting, not tt I'm never doing anything dumb or retarded... It's just tt I'm not tt comfortable with change... All these yrs, I've been around ppl whom I've known for what, 6 - 7 yrs, and suddenly, BAM!!! A new addition come around...
The point is, I'm not very receptive of change or accepting strangers tt readily into the very core of my social life... I'm sorry, but I simply need more time...
Okay!!! Now tt it's outta my system, let's more on to my book recommendation this time round... Thanks to [The Argeneau Vampire Series] by [Lynsay Sands], I've found my true love... Supernatural romance!!! LOL... Before you shrudder @ the mention of romance novels, let me point out tt this doesn't have lot of sex in the book... Rather it's on how the romance develope as well as the acceptance of vampires... Plus the text's written in a light-hearted, witty and hilarious manner...
Extract From [Bite Me If You Can] By [Lynsay Sands]...
She smiled faintly. 'You have that much faith in me after one small skirmish?'
'Yes I do,' Lucian said solemnly. 'Besides, I'd have your back.'
'And I'd have yours,' Leigh said quietly, then chuckled, and suddenly dropped to her knees before him.
'What are you doing?' Lucian asked with amazement as she unbuckled his belt and began to undo his pants.
'I thought I'd see in what other areas I have talents.' She raised her eyes and smiled wickedly. 'It seems only fair. You showed me a skill or two.'
God, I love this woman, Lucian thought with a smile, then noticed the way she had stilled, a frown corssing her face. 'What is it?'
Leigh glanced up with uncertainty, then back to his groin with a sort of horrified fascination. 'Well, um... is there something about immortals you haven't told me?'
'What?' What do you mean?' he asked with bewilderment.
Leigh shook her head, then leaned forward and said 'Hello?' to his groin, only to stiffen again and jerk back as if it had hissed at her.
'Are you talking to my penis?' Lucian asked with disbelief.
'It talked to me first,' she said defensively, and frowned. 'You didn't mention this little skill.'
Lucian decided she must be joking and laughed. 'So, what did it say?'
'It said, 'Lucian? Lucian, are you there?''
He blinked. 'Why would it say that?'
'I don't know. It's your penis.'
That's when he recalled the cell phone in his pocket.
Not tt I really care though... Okay, I take tt back... I do care, but I'm trying my damnest to not care...
I met [YH] yesterday morning for [Mac] breakfast and though I initially wanted to meet her @ 9 am, she decided tt it's too early cause she wanted to do something to her hair, so she proposed 9.30 am instead... And I negoiated for a 9.15 am and succeeded... So as I was on my way there, I was surprised tt she has arrived @ 9 am instead... *Sigh*
I should've known better than to trust her timings considering tt she's never on time and when she says she's late, she ended up being punctual...
Once again, I was subjected to the whole 'Oh my gawd!!! Did you do something to STUPID to your hair??? Like perm it?!?!' It's exasperating trying to repeat myself time and time again tt I didn't do anything special to my hair and I've natural curls... In addition, it's 2 mths since I've went for a haircut, thus my hair's quite long, which is why the curls are more prominent now...
Which is why after the incident with [YH], I've decided to play along with whatever the other party comes up with instead and let them jump to their own conclusions...
The whole gang - less [Yuling] - went [MJ]'s (it's my 1st being in her lair) and we had chocolate fondue... Despite the chocolate being burnt ([MJ] claimed this), I couldn't taste the diff and ate it anyway cause burnt chocolate or no burnt chocolate, it's still chocolate and together with the fruits, it's yummy...
We made [Cass] turn up late on purpose and when she appeared in her 'auntie' getup, we celebrated her b-day and had [Light Cheese Cake]... Thereafter, we killed a little time by chatting and taking loads of ramdom pics as well as another hilarious vid of domestic violence... This time starring [YO] and [SH]...
[Dar] left after this cause he had something on and we procced to [YQ]'s house, our second destination...
This time, we had [Red Bean Soup] as well as [Lou Hei]... LOL... I didn't realised till much later tt none of us had a proper meal, not tt it matters considering tt we've been eating... [YL] as well as [DH] joined us @ this stop and there wasn't much to do after some piano action by [YQ], [YL] and [MJ] as [YQ] decided to retreat to her room do do work, [Cass] decided to stop by her house to obtain a VCD and the reminaing girls decided to hide in [YQ]'s room to enjoy the air-con on the pre-text of having a girl talk, [XP] and I was almost rendered bored out of our mind until [XP] announced tt she has a pack of poker cards herself and together with [YL] and [DH], we decided to play a round of [Cheat!], you know, the [Neopets] version???
Surprisingly, I won tt round and by then, [Cass] has returned from her quest and we could move onto our next destination - [YH]'s...
A little drama occurred as we were abt to make our way down to [Toh Tuck Rd]... I initially wanted to take [DH]'s car so as to save $$$... But seeing tt [JY], [XP] and [MJ] are already occupying the back seat, I do not wish to squeeze into the car despite being able to save cash... And for the record, the car wasn't even 'big' as claimed by [YL]... If tt's big, then a normal sized car would be 'gianantic' or even 'monstrous'... Besides, I got a little work out by running after the remaining ppl as well as to catch the bus tt was on the way to the bus stop...
Arrived @ [YH]'s house and after watching the VCD tt [Cass] bought along and laughing damn hard @ the blunders both she and [SH] were making when they were doing their choir performance of [Step-By-Step], I play 2 rounds of mahjong with [JY], [YQ] and [Cass]... Suspiously, I wasn't in the mood to play much and decided to retreat to [YH]'s room to use the com for a while after deciding tt [Ponyo] wasn't tt interesting as the subs were in [Mandarin]...
I subsequently got a shock as I began to fiddle with [YH]'s com and realised how terrible [Window Vista] is... With the consumption of 1GB RAM just to power the OS, her com was atrociously slow... Clicking on [MSN] almost caused it to hanged... Clicking on the [IE] almost caused it to hanged... Heck, basically, clicking too fast and too many times will cause it to hanged... This is made worse by my unfamilarity @ her cursors as well as my usual way of using the com - clicking fast and expecting stuff to appear w/o waiting...
Ended up spending more time trying to get the [IE] to run than surfing, so I decided to watch a few parts of [Ai No Kotodama] instead... I managed to complete the 2nd part and was abt to complete the 3rd part when [SH] announced tt we're leaving for his place...
[Mum] called while I was making my way over to [SH]'s and seriously, it's strange how adults do stuff... Instead of telling me what time she wasnts me home for the cake cutting ceremony for [Dad]'s b-day, she asked me what time I'm going home... I mean, if it's my decision, I wouldn't be home tt early... Furthermore, I have to know what time the ceremony is supposed to commence before I'm able to plan the time of my return, right??? *Roll eyes*
We had dinner @ [SH]'s and the food's nice and so is the tiramisu tt's created by [SH]... Perhaps 1 day, I could do some visiting to his house and attempt to get him to teach me how to make it as well... Ha~... I can just imagine the sense of accomplishment tt I'll be experiencing if I managed to successfully create tt cake...
Play [Digimon Rumble Areana] with [XP] and I'm pleased tt I'm still capable of defeating her in tt despite losing my touch in [CTR]... LOL...
I play 2 rounds of mahjong again and this time, real $$$ was involved and just because of tt, [XP] won like $4.80!!! Zzz... I wished I could play more, but as I had to head back home for the cake cutting ceremony, I've had no choice but to stop... Not before I really learned a little bit more of the basics... Yes, in the past, I wasn't really keen to learn, but now, after placing a bit of effort in it, I'm capable of understanding the basics and should be capable of playing w/o much assistance... I still need someone to guide me for the techniques and strategies for winning, of course...
Tt abt sums up the day's events... Thanks to the ever efficient [SH] and despite tt he has to get back to camp today, the pics are already up on [Facebook]... I'm only waiting for him to upload the domestic violence vid... Haha~...
Now, before I move on, here's a little disclaimer... The following MIGHT cause a little disagreement of views... However, pls bear in mind tt these are purely in my opinions and I believe paranoia is affecting some of what is being typed here...
Vegs... I know tt I don't eat them, but tt doesn't mean tt I couldn't know more abt them... Extra knowledge is more often than not more beneficial, so why not just humour me and help me in my quest for knowledge??? Just like I don't like to play [Dai Di] doesn't mean tt I don't have to know abt it... Okay, let me take tt back cause I'm not really tt interested to learn tt... Yet... Hmmm... The only other more extreme analogy tt I can give is of the education system in [SG]... Just because we won't be using much differentiation and naming of organic compounds doesn't mean tt we don't have to learn them... If not, most, if not all of the education tt we've had in our life would be redundant... But I don't think so... Though I've forgotten much of them, it's still interesting to know abt [Hesses' Law] as well as statistics and their concepts...
The other issue tt I have is... On the claim tt there's gonna be a new member to our already large group of member... Hmmm... Or maybe you can say tt it's a replacement of members to some... I think this explains my rather strange behavior tt I've been exhibiting, not tt I'm never doing anything dumb or retarded... It's just tt I'm not tt comfortable with change... All these yrs, I've been around ppl whom I've known for what, 6 - 7 yrs, and suddenly, BAM!!! A new addition come around...
The point is, I'm not very receptive of change or accepting strangers tt readily into the very core of my social life... I'm sorry, but I simply need more time...
Okay!!! Now tt it's outta my system, let's more on to my book recommendation this time round... Thanks to [The Argeneau Vampire Series] by [Lynsay Sands], I've found my true love... Supernatural romance!!! LOL... Before you shrudder @ the mention of romance novels, let me point out tt this doesn't have lot of sex in the book... Rather it's on how the romance develope as well as the acceptance of vampires... Plus the text's written in a light-hearted, witty and hilarious manner...
Extract From [Bite Me If You Can] By [Lynsay Sands]...
She smiled faintly. 'You have that much faith in me after one small skirmish?'
'Yes I do,' Lucian said solemnly. 'Besides, I'd have your back.'
'And I'd have yours,' Leigh said quietly, then chuckled, and suddenly dropped to her knees before him.
'What are you doing?' Lucian asked with amazement as she unbuckled his belt and began to undo his pants.
'I thought I'd see in what other areas I have talents.' She raised her eyes and smiled wickedly. 'It seems only fair. You showed me a skill or two.'
God, I love this woman, Lucian thought with a smile, then noticed the way she had stilled, a frown corssing her face. 'What is it?'
Leigh glanced up with uncertainty, then back to his groin with a sort of horrified fascination. 'Well, um... is there something about immortals you haven't told me?'
'What?' What do you mean?' he asked with bewilderment.
Leigh shook her head, then leaned forward and said 'Hello?' to his groin, only to stiffen again and jerk back as if it had hissed at her.
'Are you talking to my penis?' Lucian asked with disbelief.
'It talked to me first,' she said defensively, and frowned. 'You didn't mention this little skill.'
Lucian decided she must be joking and laughed. 'So, what did it say?'
'It said, 'Lucian? Lucian, are you there?''
He blinked. 'Why would it say that?'
'I don't know. It's your penis.'
That's when he recalled the cell phone in his pocket.
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