Ugh... I went to watch [Street Fighter: Legend Of Chun-Li] and indeed, the review of 1 out of 5 stars is spot on this time... It simply seems as if the movie just used the name [Chun-Li] in an attempt to garner some ppl to watch it and therefore boost the revenue... Tt said, there's almost zero, zlinch, nada relation to the fighter from the [Street Fighter] series...
Truth be told, my hopes of seeing an awesome movie simply went down the drain when [Sis] told me yesterday tt she only used her famous [Spinning Helicoptor Kick] once... Yes, ONCE in the entire movie just to defeat 4 gun-wielding thugs in tux... And the spilt wasn't even tt perfect... -_-"'
Plus, I didn't know when [Chun-Li] decuded to bring pony-tails back in fashion and neither did she used her other move which she's famous for - [Lightning Kick]...
I guess if I were to really choose which part of the movie which I find the most damning, it'll be the fight b/w her and [Vegas]... I was seriously hoping for some really violent action and fighting, with both parties hell bent on disfiguring one another... Yet all I got was like some 5 mins battle which I could hardly catch anything @ all cause the scene's all so dark and the camera didn't really catch much... Oh, and NOT A SINGLE SCRATCH was inflicted on [Chun-Li]!!! ARGH!!!
Pfft... I guess I shouldn't dwell much on it anymore cause the more I think abt it, the more flaws seems to pop out... *Sigh*
I guess I should talk abt some entertainment news which I've seen recently... It seems like [Twitter]'s gaining in popularity and even celebrities aren't spared the bug... Can you believe tt [Jennifer Aniston] broke up with her BF just because he's addicted to tt and had ignored her and even lied to her on why he's not been contacting her??? OMG, I kinda feel tt this is bodering on addiction and applying this into my life, I think I could be addicted to [Facebook]... Not a single day had I not touched the com and logged into [Facebook] to attempt to check out what my friends have been up to... Overtly, my use of the keyword 'attempt' suggests tt I'm trying to keep in touch with friends via [Facebook], but the mere truth is tt I've been using to play [Pet Society] and now, [Restaurant City], all thanks to [MJ] for introducing me the game...
Ugh... I'm disgusted with myself for being so susceptible to such gaming influence, but this is better than going to those questionable chat rooms in an attempt to know guys, right??? LOL...
Hmmm... I don't know exactly when the thought entered my mind, but I've been brooding abt this for quite some time... Since I've never experienced what love is, I'll never to able to find it as I've never known what it is in the 1st place... What if (hypothetically speaking, of course), the certain friendship which I've been experiencing all along turns out to be the very thing which I've been searching all along??? It could very well be infatuation or just normal friendship... The truth is, I won't know and I guess I would very much like to be keep in the dark regarding this... It's for the better, honesty, for I'm not very good with change and would very much like this status quo to remain for as long as possible...
Signing off~...
This is still by far the best fight scene ever...
[Chun-Li] Vs [Vegas]
Tuesday, March 31, 2009
Saturday, March 28, 2009
A Chance @ Leisure...
Rather than blubbering @ nonsense as I've been known to do all this time when blogging, I shall now attempt to simply come straight to the point...
I've just resigned from my job, which means tt I'm finally gonna do what I've always wanted to do ever since I was forced to leave my 1st employment (not tt I willingly wanted to get employed in the 1st place) - to simply enjoy the weekdays w/o the presence of higher authority monitoring the computer usage...
Much as I looked forward to this coming [Mon], I could help but be in doubt... Will I actually enjoy it??? After all, I've witnessed what tme can do... It made me outgrew gaming unwillingly, unknowingly, thrusting me 1 foor into the coffin kicking and screaming... It's only a matter of time - a couple of mths acutally - before both of my feet are in and the coffin slams shut with a defeaning thud, sealing my fate as an adult...
I'm determined for now to shelf all these troubles and nonsense to the very back of my mind and concentrate on simply having a blast with the computer and meeting up with friends...
[MapleStory], anyone??? =P
I've just resigned from my job, which means tt I'm finally gonna do what I've always wanted to do ever since I was forced to leave my 1st employment (not tt I willingly wanted to get employed in the 1st place) - to simply enjoy the weekdays w/o the presence of higher authority monitoring the computer usage...
Much as I looked forward to this coming [Mon], I could help but be in doubt... Will I actually enjoy it??? After all, I've witnessed what tme can do... It made me outgrew gaming unwillingly, unknowingly, thrusting me 1 foor into the coffin kicking and screaming... It's only a matter of time - a couple of mths acutally - before both of my feet are in and the coffin slams shut with a defeaning thud, sealing my fate as an adult...
I'm determined for now to shelf all these troubles and nonsense to the very back of my mind and concentrate on simply having a blast with the computer and meeting up with friends...
[MapleStory], anyone??? =P
Sunday, March 22, 2009
A Discussion Can Create Wonders...
As I made the preparations for the trip to [Jurong Point], I was having an internal debate regarding the trip itself... Should I head out or should I simply stay home and rest??? To restore my HP slowly with the rejuvenating sleep of mortals...
I decided to head out anyway to meet up with friends as I crave company (an idiotic, foolish, stupid, potentially health damaging excuse) and I seriously I can stand staying @ home with my dad down with the cough and my sis catching the flu bug too... LOL... With so many bugs around, we'll just infect one another repeatedly...
Heading out seems to be a good thing then...
I headed to the bank to run some errands before meeting up with everyone... As usual, not many could adhere strictly to the meeting time of 1200 hrs and attempts to contact a few of those late-comers failed due to poor HP habits... Dotzzz... -_-"'
We were left waiting for [YL] and [Dar] - the former's delayed cause of tuition while the latter was late cause he left the house @ noon... Thus all of us walked abt the huge mall, arguing over what to eat for lunch due to the strong opposition of dining in [BenTen] as the food isn't tt fantastic...
I think it's like 45 mins of debate, before we decided on [Ajisan Ramen]... My verdict??? Desipte the food being costly, it's still a good experience for I've had the company of 8 other BFFs... As for how the food taste, I shall not comment la, mainly cause my taste buds aren't realiable @ ALL...
[SH], [Bec] and [Cass] decided to head over to [BenTen] for their $28++ ice-cream and OMG, it's totally HUGE!!! It's a pity tt I couldn't share the joy of decimating the ice-cream in record time as I'm down with the cough and flu combination... Thus it's not very nice infecting others with sickness by sharing food...
Had my usual yogurt from [Yogurt Place] as I joined the rest of the onlookers - [YL], [Dar], [XP], [MJ] and [JY] - all the while, I'm setting my goal of conquering the larger version of tt ice-cream which cost a whopping $38.80... I wonder if I can do it single-handedly (does this counts as a suicidal thought???)...
We then took a walk in [JP]... I was simply following the lead of the rest as I was absorbed with my chat with [Dar] who keeps belting out questions tt stretches your logical and intelligence to it's very limit... One one hand, I welcome such intellectual discussion as I get to work my brain which I suspect is on the verge of sliding into a vegetative state... On the other hand, it makes me think tt I'm dumb for not being able to solve the questions as fast as him... LOL...
The competetiveness in me is striving to break free but logic and the hunger for knowledge prevails...
As we did more walking, I got into another discussion with [XP] and [Dar] and the strangest thing happened... It's like I've achieved enlightenment, nirvana, whatever you wanna call it, but tt discussion simply tamed the emotional part of me tt have been raging within me, threatening to break the last thread of control tt I've had and boxed it up once again...
My logical mind is back in control once again, thank goodness for tt...
I just realised tt I couldn't differentiate [Korean] from [Japanese] when it's sung... DOTZZZ!!! -_-"'
I decided to head out anyway to meet up with friends as I crave company (an idiotic, foolish, stupid, potentially health damaging excuse) and I seriously I can stand staying @ home with my dad down with the cough and my sis catching the flu bug too... LOL... With so many bugs around, we'll just infect one another repeatedly...
Heading out seems to be a good thing then...
I headed to the bank to run some errands before meeting up with everyone... As usual, not many could adhere strictly to the meeting time of 1200 hrs and attempts to contact a few of those late-comers failed due to poor HP habits... Dotzzz... -_-"'
We were left waiting for [YL] and [Dar] - the former's delayed cause of tuition while the latter was late cause he left the house @ noon... Thus all of us walked abt the huge mall, arguing over what to eat for lunch due to the strong opposition of dining in [BenTen] as the food isn't tt fantastic...
I think it's like 45 mins of debate, before we decided on [Ajisan Ramen]... My verdict??? Desipte the food being costly, it's still a good experience for I've had the company of 8 other BFFs... As for how the food taste, I shall not comment la, mainly cause my taste buds aren't realiable @ ALL...
[SH], [Bec] and [Cass] decided to head over to [BenTen] for their $28++ ice-cream and OMG, it's totally HUGE!!! It's a pity tt I couldn't share the joy of decimating the ice-cream in record time as I'm down with the cough and flu combination... Thus it's not very nice infecting others with sickness by sharing food...
Had my usual yogurt from [Yogurt Place] as I joined the rest of the onlookers - [YL], [Dar], [XP], [MJ] and [JY] - all the while, I'm setting my goal of conquering the larger version of tt ice-cream which cost a whopping $38.80... I wonder if I can do it single-handedly (does this counts as a suicidal thought???)...
We then took a walk in [JP]... I was simply following the lead of the rest as I was absorbed with my chat with [Dar] who keeps belting out questions tt stretches your logical and intelligence to it's very limit... One one hand, I welcome such intellectual discussion as I get to work my brain which I suspect is on the verge of sliding into a vegetative state... On the other hand, it makes me think tt I'm dumb for not being able to solve the questions as fast as him... LOL...
The competetiveness in me is striving to break free but logic and the hunger for knowledge prevails...
As we did more walking, I got into another discussion with [XP] and [Dar] and the strangest thing happened... It's like I've achieved enlightenment, nirvana, whatever you wanna call it, but tt discussion simply tamed the emotional part of me tt have been raging within me, threatening to break the last thread of control tt I've had and boxed it up once again...
My logical mind is back in control once again, thank goodness for tt...
I just realised tt I couldn't differentiate [Korean] from [Japanese] when it's sung... DOTZZZ!!! -_-"'
Friday, March 13, 2009
Lunch On A Black Friday...
I specially took half a day off for a slow, leisurely lunch with friends... Thinking back, I'm not sure whether this was a wise decision... After all, the opportunity cost of this lunch is $25.20 of income... So considering tt I'm starved for the company of friends, I would say tt the time off is well worth it...
Met up with [SL] @ [Yio Chu Kang] before taking the bus down to [Mad Jack]'s... Really, if I had known tt he's not coming from home and from [Bt. Batok Driving Centre], I would've told him to meet with [YH] instead to save the trouble of travelling so much... But I wasn't aware and he didn't know tt there're buses from [Bt. Batok], it's just too bad la... Let's take it as his contribution to assist in the recovery of the [Singapore] economy by doing his part in boosting the consumption component of the GDP equation... LOL...
Needless to say, I was my usual chatty self...
As I met up with him @ 1255 hrs, I was prepared to be late as my estimated time of travel was 45 mins... However, I guess the traffic wasn't tt heavy so we ended up arriving there @ 1330 hrs instead... [YH] and [Bec] was almost late as [YH] missed her bus yet again... Seriously, I think tt girl need some help in time management... I mean, you can't be tt lucky to miss the bus EVERY SINGLE time when you have a appointment right??? Even the chances of striking the lottery isn't tt high...
While waiting for the food to be served, I decided to let my itchy fingers press some buttons...
The persistent latecomer...
The one who can't eat ice-cream @ every single lunch date with us... -_-"'
The perfect duo...
Food's serve in no time!!!
The all important starting dish... [Cheesy Mixed Fries]!!! This is sin personified...
I've decided to devour the [Beef Lasagne]...
[Fish & Chips] as ordered by [SL] & [Bec]...
[Grilled Chicken In Black Pepper Sauce] as ordered by [YH]...
Seeing tt it's only 1400 hrs and [SL] has to work and thus leave and be @ [Holland V] by 1730 hrs, there's plenty of time to spar for the meal and the dessert for the trio, main course for me and more bantering b/w me and [YH]...
No matter how I see it, I couldn't fanthom actually liking turning 21 due to the responsibilities tt'll slowly creep into your life like some insidious plague as well as the fact tt you have to work, which decreases your quality of life... This is in the view of one who couldn't possibly have a night life, which is kinda pityful...
No clubbing @ gay bars is bad enough... Imagine saying the following to your friends who decided to have some night fun... 'I'm so sorry I couldn't join you for clubbing... I can't see well when it's dark...' Sounds totally pathetic even in the eyes of [YH] la!!! Plus I'm not going to risk getting beaten up or sued just because I couldn't see and bumped into the wrong person... X_X
The bantering continued as we headed to [Island Creamery] and I'm quite thrilled to soak up the youth atmosphere for there're loads of teens patronizing the shop... It's making me feel young!!! LOL...
My main course... (From left) [Teh Tarik] and [Cookies & Cream] ice-cream, [Mudpie]... I had another scoop of [Kaula Latte] as we did the bantering, but apparently, I was too caught up with the chatting tt I forgot to take a snapshot of tt ball of ice-cream... Not tt it really matters cause from a pic, the only diff is the colour... The shape and size are all the same, ain't it... LOL... -_-"'
The company tt I had...
Now tt I'm blogging abt it, I seriously hope tt [YH] get a scolding from her bro for forgetting the purchase of the [Mudpie]... Kekeke... =P
Oh, and as I was listening to [987 FM] for the [Shan & Rozz] segment, [Rozz] made an interesting comment (Not the exact transcript though)...
Consider this... How do you achieve the same good grades w/o the whole torment of studying, mugging and burning the midnight oil??? Tt is, when you're lazy to study to achieve the good grades, you'll get creative and find short-cuts... Thus you cheat... Therefore, cheating breeds creativity... Thinking back, laziness breeds creativity in itself... Instead of walking 1,000 km from a point to another, you'll think of ways to cover tt same distance and not walk @ all, which is how cars and public transport comes abt... Anyway, when you cheat and you're caught, it's up to your creativity totalk your way out of trouble...
Interesting... LOL...
Met up with [SL] @ [Yio Chu Kang] before taking the bus down to [Mad Jack]'s... Really, if I had known tt he's not coming from home and from [Bt. Batok Driving Centre], I would've told him to meet with [YH] instead to save the trouble of travelling so much... But I wasn't aware and he didn't know tt there're buses from [Bt. Batok], it's just too bad la... Let's take it as his contribution to assist in the recovery of the [Singapore] economy by doing his part in boosting the consumption component of the GDP equation... LOL...
Needless to say, I was my usual chatty self...
As I met up with him @ 1255 hrs, I was prepared to be late as my estimated time of travel was 45 mins... However, I guess the traffic wasn't tt heavy so we ended up arriving there @ 1330 hrs instead... [YH] and [Bec] was almost late as [YH] missed her bus yet again... Seriously, I think tt girl need some help in time management... I mean, you can't be tt lucky to miss the bus EVERY SINGLE time when you have a appointment right??? Even the chances of striking the lottery isn't tt high...
While waiting for the food to be served, I decided to let my itchy fingers press some buttons...
Food's serve in no time!!!
Seeing tt it's only 1400 hrs and [SL] has to work and thus leave and be @ [Holland V] by 1730 hrs, there's plenty of time to spar for the meal and the dessert for the trio, main course for me and more bantering b/w me and [YH]...
No matter how I see it, I couldn't fanthom actually liking turning 21 due to the responsibilities tt'll slowly creep into your life like some insidious plague as well as the fact tt you have to work, which decreases your quality of life... This is in the view of one who couldn't possibly have a night life, which is kinda pityful...
No clubbing @ gay bars is bad enough... Imagine saying the following to your friends who decided to have some night fun... 'I'm so sorry I couldn't join you for clubbing... I can't see well when it's dark...' Sounds totally pathetic even in the eyes of [YH] la!!! Plus I'm not going to risk getting beaten up or sued just because I couldn't see and bumped into the wrong person... X_X
The bantering continued as we headed to [Island Creamery] and I'm quite thrilled to soak up the youth atmosphere for there're loads of teens patronizing the shop... It's making me feel young!!! LOL...
Now tt I'm blogging abt it, I seriously hope tt [YH] get a scolding from her bro for forgetting the purchase of the [Mudpie]... Kekeke... =P
Oh, and as I was listening to [987 FM] for the [Shan & Rozz] segment, [Rozz] made an interesting comment (Not the exact transcript though)...
Consider this... How do you achieve the same good grades w/o the whole torment of studying, mugging and burning the midnight oil??? Tt is, when you're lazy to study to achieve the good grades, you'll get creative and find short-cuts... Thus you cheat... Therefore, cheating breeds creativity... Thinking back, laziness breeds creativity in itself... Instead of walking 1,000 km from a point to another, you'll think of ways to cover tt same distance and not walk @ all, which is how cars and public transport comes abt... Anyway, when you cheat and you're caught, it's up to your creativity totalk your way out of trouble...
Interesting... LOL...
Saturday, March 07, 2009
After Exams...
The immediate wk after the exams have concluded for the poly students marks the start of their mth long holiday... I was kinda disappointed when I went to work on [Mon] cause the hols simply translate to lesser ppl visiting the library, which to my hormones, means a stark decrease of guys for me to ogle @...
Which is why I was thankful for the stock-taking activity tt my dept decided to hold to distract me from thinking too much due to the lack of books to shelf...
I shouldn't have counted on having a smooth sailing day when I started on my stock-taking with the [Digital Library Assistant] a.k.a [DLA] - a scanner to scan the books on the shelves... There were quite a number of books which the scanner couldn't detect due to the lack of the tag as well as books tt were catalogued wrongly... Books tt were supposed to be in the [Reference] databased ended up in the [Lending Collectiong] and stuff, so instead of the promise of the easy task of simply scanning the books, I've to fish out the books tt were not in the [Reference] database as well as the books tt couldn't be detected by the scanner...
I was getting the hang of the thing and establishing a pattern to a way of scanning when my fingers pressed a button too fast and all the data tt were stored in the [DLA] were wiped clean... The whole 2.5k books which I've scanned so far were totally swiped off from the memory card... Believe me, if not for my replusion to uttering expletives, I would've shouted 'Foxtrot' there and then...
Determined to salvage the situation, I hastily started from scratch and managed to re-scan 1,702 books before it's time to knock off from work, all the while my heart was hammering in my chest cavity, threatening to explode through the rib cage and I was sweating, yes, sweating in the air-conditioned confines of the library...
I didn't confess and hope tt the perm staff didn't notice anything amiss with my slow progress...
[Tue] came and I continued from where I left off and managed to complete my task of scanning... A total of 5k books... Unbelievable...
There was a talk on [Thurs] in the library regarding independant travel a.k.a backpacking and it was the 2nd most exhausting thing to prepare for the talk (the most exhausting was the stock-take) as there're 125+ ppl attending the talk and there were lots of furniture to move abt and chairs to arrange... Just as this was completed and I thought tt I could take a breather before being phtographer, I was unexpectedly thrust with a task tt demanded my mental control...
We thought we took the wrong controller for the projector tt's located in the cafe and I was tasked to exchanged the controller for the correct one... So I headed to the counter and asked the staff there for the cabinet tt stores the controllers... Then there's this female staff tt simply thinks she's so superior and turned a smothering stare @ me as if I shouldn't belong behind the counter and asked me who I was... I concede tt perhaps she doesn't know me (this despite me foating around the staff office right smack in her face the previous day) and I promptly stated tt I'm a temp staff working in the [Ref] dept... I subsequently enquired abt the controll for the projector located in the cafe area and get this, she started @ me in contempt and actually told me tt there's no projector located there!!!
I insisted tt there's one and she adamantly denied my claim and wondered outloud if I'm referring to the LCD TV instead... I admit tt I'm tired from the physical demands from moving chairs, but I'm sure as hell tt despite my fatigue, I'm capable of telling apart a projector from a LCD TV... Tt staff then reluctantly showed me the cabinet and all the controllers stashed there... I couldn't find the elusive projector controller but was glad to be away from tt staff... Gee, I guess wherever you go, there'll definitely be ppl who thinks there're more superior just because they're more experienced... Yet it's this sense of superiority tt renders them ignorant...
It's off to more physical training after the talk's over and we have to rearrange the furniture back to it's original state as well as shelf all the books tt were used for display... A tiring day indeed and it's just abt to get worse...
By sheer luck, I was driven to take a look @ the [NUS] webby and I almost had a coronary as I saw the requirement to be exempted from the [Qualifying English Test]... A B4 and above for [GP]... Damn tt I got C6 and have to do the test... Worse, if I couldn't pass, I'll have to take some [English] module... Which is freaking me out even more cause when I had a look @ the sample paper, I almost couldn't do a single question, like fish out the grammatical error from the passage or even have the inspiraion to do a decent argumentative essay...
And I thought tt the worse is finally over, right up to the point when the cursor clicked on the [Special Term] link and I realised tt the module registration starts on 16 Mar!!! I believe it's @ tt instant tt I began to hyperventilate as I haven't made a single plan on what modules to take as well as what modules I have to take when I start sch officially in [Aug]...
In the end, I spent the 3 hrs of [Thur] night looking through the [NUS] webby, going through the modules tt're compulsory as well as the application for the [Tuition Grant Loan], application for payment using my parent's CPF, etc...
I believe it's this state of anxiety which caused me to fall ill yesterday... The sore throat morphed into a full blown fever of 38.3°C by the time I got back home... I dumped 2 [Panadol] before resting in bed and to my awe, I had a whooping 12 hrs slumber...
If dreams are an indication of something tt will never happen in reality, then I curse my fever-induced erotic dream...
[Touch My Body] Parody...
Which is why I was thankful for the stock-taking activity tt my dept decided to hold to distract me from thinking too much due to the lack of books to shelf...
I shouldn't have counted on having a smooth sailing day when I started on my stock-taking with the [Digital Library Assistant] a.k.a [DLA] - a scanner to scan the books on the shelves... There were quite a number of books which the scanner couldn't detect due to the lack of the tag as well as books tt were catalogued wrongly... Books tt were supposed to be in the [Reference] databased ended up in the [Lending Collectiong] and stuff, so instead of the promise of the easy task of simply scanning the books, I've to fish out the books tt were not in the [Reference] database as well as the books tt couldn't be detected by the scanner...
I was getting the hang of the thing and establishing a pattern to a way of scanning when my fingers pressed a button too fast and all the data tt were stored in the [DLA] were wiped clean... The whole 2.5k books which I've scanned so far were totally swiped off from the memory card... Believe me, if not for my replusion to uttering expletives, I would've shouted 'Foxtrot' there and then...
Determined to salvage the situation, I hastily started from scratch and managed to re-scan 1,702 books before it's time to knock off from work, all the while my heart was hammering in my chest cavity, threatening to explode through the rib cage and I was sweating, yes, sweating in the air-conditioned confines of the library...
I didn't confess and hope tt the perm staff didn't notice anything amiss with my slow progress...
[Tue] came and I continued from where I left off and managed to complete my task of scanning... A total of 5k books... Unbelievable...
There was a talk on [Thurs] in the library regarding independant travel a.k.a backpacking and it was the 2nd most exhausting thing to prepare for the talk (the most exhausting was the stock-take) as there're 125+ ppl attending the talk and there were lots of furniture to move abt and chairs to arrange... Just as this was completed and I thought tt I could take a breather before being phtographer, I was unexpectedly thrust with a task tt demanded my mental control...
We thought we took the wrong controller for the projector tt's located in the cafe and I was tasked to exchanged the controller for the correct one... So I headed to the counter and asked the staff there for the cabinet tt stores the controllers... Then there's this female staff tt simply thinks she's so superior and turned a smothering stare @ me as if I shouldn't belong behind the counter and asked me who I was... I concede tt perhaps she doesn't know me (this despite me foating around the staff office right smack in her face the previous day) and I promptly stated tt I'm a temp staff working in the [Ref] dept... I subsequently enquired abt the controll for the projector located in the cafe area and get this, she started @ me in contempt and actually told me tt there's no projector located there!!!
I insisted tt there's one and she adamantly denied my claim and wondered outloud if I'm referring to the LCD TV instead... I admit tt I'm tired from the physical demands from moving chairs, but I'm sure as hell tt despite my fatigue, I'm capable of telling apart a projector from a LCD TV... Tt staff then reluctantly showed me the cabinet and all the controllers stashed there... I couldn't find the elusive projector controller but was glad to be away from tt staff... Gee, I guess wherever you go, there'll definitely be ppl who thinks there're more superior just because they're more experienced... Yet it's this sense of superiority tt renders them ignorant...
It's off to more physical training after the talk's over and we have to rearrange the furniture back to it's original state as well as shelf all the books tt were used for display... A tiring day indeed and it's just abt to get worse...
By sheer luck, I was driven to take a look @ the [NUS] webby and I almost had a coronary as I saw the requirement to be exempted from the [Qualifying English Test]... A B4 and above for [GP]... Damn tt I got C6 and have to do the test... Worse, if I couldn't pass, I'll have to take some [English] module... Which is freaking me out even more cause when I had a look @ the sample paper, I almost couldn't do a single question, like fish out the grammatical error from the passage or even have the inspiraion to do a decent argumentative essay...
And I thought tt the worse is finally over, right up to the point when the cursor clicked on the [Special Term] link and I realised tt the module registration starts on 16 Mar!!! I believe it's @ tt instant tt I began to hyperventilate as I haven't made a single plan on what modules to take as well as what modules I have to take when I start sch officially in [Aug]...
In the end, I spent the 3 hrs of [Thur] night looking through the [NUS] webby, going through the modules tt're compulsory as well as the application for the [Tuition Grant Loan], application for payment using my parent's CPF, etc...
I believe it's this state of anxiety which caused me to fall ill yesterday... The sore throat morphed into a full blown fever of 38.3°C by the time I got back home... I dumped 2 [Panadol] before resting in bed and to my awe, I had a whooping 12 hrs slumber...
If dreams are an indication of something tt will never happen in reality, then I curse my fever-induced erotic dream...
[Touch My Body] Parody...
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