Met up with [SL] @ [Yio Chu Kang] before taking the bus down to [Mad Jack]'s... Really, if I had known tt he's not coming from home and from [Bt. Batok Driving Centre], I would've told him to meet with [YH] instead to save the trouble of travelling so much... But I wasn't aware and he didn't know tt there're buses from [Bt. Batok], it's just too bad la... Let's take it as his contribution to assist in the recovery of the [Singapore] economy by doing his part in boosting the consumption component of the GDP equation... LOL...
Needless to say, I was my usual chatty self...
As I met up with him @ 1255 hrs, I was prepared to be late as my estimated time of travel was 45 mins... However, I guess the traffic wasn't tt heavy so we ended up arriving there @ 1330 hrs instead... [YH] and [Bec] was almost late as [YH] missed her bus yet again... Seriously, I think tt girl need some help in time management... I mean, you can't be tt lucky to miss the bus EVERY SINGLE time when you have a appointment right??? Even the chances of striking the lottery isn't tt high...
While waiting for the food to be served, I decided to let my itchy fingers press some buttons...
Food's serve in no time!!!
Seeing tt it's only 1400 hrs and [SL] has to work and thus leave and be @ [Holland V] by 1730 hrs, there's plenty of time to spar for the meal and the dessert for the trio, main course for me and more bantering b/w me and [YH]...
No matter how I see it, I couldn't fanthom actually liking turning 21 due to the responsibilities tt'll slowly creep into your life like some insidious plague as well as the fact tt you have to work, which decreases your quality of life... This is in the view of one who couldn't possibly have a night life, which is kinda pityful...
No clubbing @ gay bars is bad enough... Imagine saying the following to your friends who decided to have some night fun... 'I'm so sorry I couldn't join you for clubbing... I can't see well when it's dark...' Sounds totally pathetic even in the eyes of [YH] la!!! Plus I'm not going to risk getting beaten up or sued just because I couldn't see and bumped into the wrong person... X_X
The bantering continued as we headed to [Island Creamery] and I'm quite thrilled to soak up the youth atmosphere for there're loads of teens patronizing the shop... It's making me feel young!!! LOL...
Now tt I'm blogging abt it, I seriously hope tt [YH] get a scolding from her bro for forgetting the purchase of the [Mudpie]... Kekeke... =P
Oh, and as I was listening to [987 FM] for the [Shan & Rozz] segment, [Rozz] made an interesting comment (Not the exact transcript though)...
Consider this... How do you achieve the same good grades w/o the whole torment of studying, mugging and burning the midnight oil??? Tt is, when you're lazy to study to achieve the good grades, you'll get creative and find short-cuts... Thus you cheat... Therefore, cheating breeds creativity... Thinking back, laziness breeds creativity in itself... Instead of walking 1,000 km from a point to another, you'll think of ways to cover tt same distance and not walk @ all, which is how cars and public transport comes abt... Anyway, when you cheat and you're caught, it's up to your creativity totalk your way out of trouble...
Interesting... LOL...