This also means taking time away from playing [Dragonica] to blog, transfer songs to my new MP4 player and other miscellaneous stuff (maintaining a social life) tt I should've done a long, long time ago but have been delaying it because of both [Drgonica] and [Audition]...
Before I go into details, I initiall thought tt [Mon] was a good start of the week as I've actually done something which I should've done 4 yrs ago... The pointless holding on and lingering hope should've been dashed ever since I start my life in [PJC]... Yet I was and still am a totally dumb to have held on for so long a time, pretending tt I've moved on was self-inflicted torture...
Well, the wake-up call came and he has been banished into the group of contacts which is eternally closed... Jsut another person in my list of 55 acquaintances...
Apparently, I later found out tt I mistook tt tiny action on my part as a good omen as today after my discussion on my project work, I received a notification tt my lecture for today till [Tue] has been cancelled because of some dude contracting the much talked abt [Influenza A H1N1]... In addition, everyone in tt lecture has been issued with [Leave Of Absence] (LOA) till [Tue] and I didn't know what tt was until I got home and received a phone call from the sch...
Turns out someone on [Mon] has already contracted the bug and the LOA actually means tt I'M FREAKING BEING QUARANTINED TILL [TUESDAY]!!! And in case the implication hasn't been made known, I WON'T BE ABLE TO VISIT [THE GAMES EXPO 2009] 2 DAYS LATER!!!
I believe upon reading this entry, [MJ] will be cursing as well... Of course, she can head to the event herself and be my eyes and ears but where's the fun in going alone???
On a more optimistic outlook, perhaps a reduction of lectures could mean tt the test next wk would've lesser topics, which could work in my favour as I don't have to cram so much info into my tiny, malfunctioning brain...
Oh, OH!!! And my results for my previous course's out!!! I SCORED A [B+] FOR MY [SINGAPORE STUDIES] MODULE!!! Haha... So my current CAP is now @ a magnificent 4.0 and I've cleared one of my [University Level Requirement]... Wheee~!!!
[SSA 2219: South Asians In Singapore], in case anyone is wondering what I actually took... And I still have the notes and resource book... *Hint, hint*
Ahhh, and before I actually end off with yet another video, let's just say I'm finally seeing the fun in whoring myself... In front of the camera, of course...
And, a few more screenshots from [Dragonica]... =P
Coincidentally, the episode of [Moyashimon] which I was watching in the morning was also abt the flu bug... Freaky... x_x
[Dragonica] Trailer...