I've nth new to whine abt...
In a blink of an eye, days have passed and it's [Sat] night... Less than 48 hrs till my very 1st mid-term paper for this semster...
It seems like I've now lost the ability to be totally relax and deny the reality, pretending tt everything will eventually work out fine... Upon hearing tt a certain friend's friend actually did all but 2 of the questions in the Ch 4 [DSC2003] textbook, I found myself being unable to ignore tt fact...
In the past, when I learned tt my classmates have actually practiced on the TYS and all, I simply couldn't care less... Yet I couldn't do it now... Instead the stress tt I'm feeling seems to be increasing as the date for tt paper approaches...
I can't stop thinking of the stuff tt I've yet to complete and the lack of time... Could this be the result of being too caught up with the [Facebook] apps??? I seem to be more concerned over my farms instead of my assignments and tutorials...
I need chill pills...
*Sigh* I'm losing my ability to blog too... Is it only a matter of time before I become a total trash??? Is this a result of a real case of my brain turning to mush???
Anyway, I haven't been reading the papers lately, so when I heard snippets of what my friends were talking abt yesterday abt the following news as we made our way to [Funan] in search for lunch, I've decided to do some digging on the [Internet]... It wasn't easy and I only managed to find the exact article only after using [Google.com]... LOL... I should stop pledging my loyalty to [Yahoo.com]... HAHA!!! =P
Girl Cries Molest, Top NUS Grad Says I Can't Control Ejaculation - The Straits Times, 24 Sep 2009
POLICE, laboratory technicians, a psychiatrist and a urologist were all harnessed to look at the mystery of a drop of semen on the thigh of a woman on a bus.
Did it appear because of a hair-trigger ejaculation of a male passenger – said to be a rare condition?
Or was it the act of a pervert?
The 24-year-old woman had cried molest after she claimed an undergraduate on the bus brushed his private parts against her thigh.
When the police were called, they found a drop of semen on the woman’s thigh.
DNA tests showed that it belonged to Chong Weien, 28, who was then a psychology student at the National University of Singapore (NUS).
He has since graduated at the top of his class and has been accepted to do his Master’s programme with an Australian university, the court was told.
But this may have to wait as he was found guilty of one charge of outrage of modesty after a trial. He was jailed 15 months’ and given three strokes of the cane.
The prosecution is appealing against the sentence, while Chong is appealing against his conviction and sentence. He is now out on bail.
His defence was that he suffers from spontaneous ejaculation – a condition which causes him to ejaculate without physical stimulation. He claimed this was what happened on the bus.
Two experts, a psychiatrist and a urologist, who examined him, testified that this was possible. (See report on facing page.)
The disturbance on the bus happened at about 9.30pm on 14 Sep, 2006.
The court heard that Chong boarded it at NUS and stood next to the woman, who was sitting along the aisle.
The seats on both sides of the bus were elevated. Because of this, his crotch was level with her thigh.
He was wearing a T-shirt and a pair of shorts. He had a haversack with him and was holding his jacket in his left hand at waist level.
The woman said that as the bus got more crowded, Chong moved closer to her, so much so that she could hear him breathing.
She then felt a warm object on her right thigh and a wet sensation later on.
She suspected that it was Chong’s private parts. But she could not see what it was because it was blocked by his jacket.
When the bus reached a stop, she stood up and asked him: “What did you do on my leg?”
She then snatched his jacket and slapped him, causing his glasses to fall off.
He asked her if they could talk outside the bus. So when the doors opened, she got off, followed by Chong.
Her male friend, who was on the same bus, got off at the same stop to assist her.
She said that Chong asked her if there had been a misunderstanding, and if he had stepped on her feet.
The woman told the court that she had not seen Chong exposing himself.
But she said that after they alighted, Chong had offered to let her look in his bag.
She found some CDs and a plastic bottle of water, which was not warm and had not leaked.
As such, her conclusion was that those items could not have caused the warm sensation that she had felt on her thigh.
She was still furious and hit Chong a few times before she was pulled away by her friend.
That was when her friend noticed wet spots on Chong’s jacket. He took it, smelled it and realised it was semen.
Her friend then told Chong: “This is yours, right? We are all men, you should know what this is.”
The woman claimed Chong apologised and told her he would not do it again. She then called the police.
But was it possible that Chong’s semen ended up on the woman’s thigh after she snatched his jacket from him on the bus?
She told the court that she had grabbed it with her right hand, and the jacket had come into contact with her left hand, causing it to feel wet. She then wiped it with the jacket.
She insisted she did not touch her thigh with her hands because she felt they were dirty.
In his defence, Chong said that he realised he had ejaculated only when the woman’s friend commented about the wet spots on his jacket.
He said it had happened twice before, when he woke up in the morning and when he was queuing at an ATM. There was no mention of when the two incidents occurred.
Chong denied brushing himself against the woman’s thigh.
He said that he would have to untie the string on his waistband to expose his private parts, which was a difficult task on a crowded bus.
How did his jacket become stained with semen then?
Chong explained that it was because the legs of his shorts were loose and part of his jacket was hanging below the seam of his shorts.
But District Judge Jill Tan said she found Chong to be an untruthful and unconvincing witness.
He had a ready answer for every question that was put to him, and she found his evidence to be too detailed and well-explained at every turn, such that it seemed rehearsed.
She pointed out how Chong had recalled shifting around his haversack on the bus. But this seemed to be his attempt to show that what the woman had felt was his haversack and not his private parts.
The judge also said that the crux of the case was whether Chong had brushed his penis against the woman.
As for Chong’s medical condition of spontaneous ejaculation, it was a “secondary issue”.
The judge said that even if the accused had a spontaneous ejaculation, there was no reason for him to brush his penis against the victim’s thigh.
It was not Chong’s first brush with the law.
In 2002, he was jailed 15 months’ and given three strokes of the cane, also for outrage of modesty.
Chong, who was 21 then, had been teaching two girls, aged 13 and 14, to play the drums. During the lesson, he placed his penis in their left hand, which he had earlier told them to put behind their back.
Chong continued with his studies at NUS after his release from prison.
In his mitigation, Chong’s lawyer, Mr Ravinderpal Singh, asked the court to impose a minimal sentence without caning.
He said that the victim was not a minor. He added that Chong had done volunteer work with ex-offenders and had also participated in various community projects.
For outrage of modesty, Chong could have been jailed two years and caned.
“...too detailed and well-explained at every turn, such that it seemed rehearsed...
– District Judge Jill Tan, who found Chong to be an untruthful and unconvincing witness, on Chong’s answers in court.
“Even if the accused had a spontaneous ejaculation, there was no reason for him to brush his penis against the victim’s thigh.”
– District Judge Jill Tan
CHONG Weien was diagnosed as suffering from spontaneous ejaculation by two doctors.
One of them, Dr Lionel Lim, a consultant psychiatrist, told the court that it was an uncommon but recognised medical condition.
He saw Chong but did not conduct a physical examination on him.
But, based on Chong’s previous medical reports, Dr Lim’s opinion was that he was sexually aroused easily.
Those reports stated that Chong had ejaculated without physical stimulation while being examined.
Dr Lim added that the condition is a sexual dysfunction.
Dr Joe Lee, a urologist at the National University Hospital, also took the stand.
He had given Chong a body checkup but said he was unable to comment on the amount of stimulation Chong needed to ejaculate.
He added that sufferers have poor control over their ejaculation, which can happen with just a light touch or an urgency to urinate.
Saturday, September 26, 2009
Friday, September 18, 2009
After 4 Mths...
I still remember yrs ago, after every 3 mths or so, I'll have a break... A wk long in [Mar], a mth long in [Jun], another wk of hols in [Sep] before the major 2 mth long [Nov], [Dec] break...
Yep, tt's yrs ago when I was in sec sch and JC... The ancient time where you need complex formulas and precise punching of the scientfic calculator to do statistical problems and sketching transformation graphs of a f(x) + b and f(ax + b) gives you marks...
Now, a mere punching of numbers into the GRAPHICAL CALCULATOR will solve almost everything, including finding correlations and regressions... Haiz... Even though I'm not tt old, the exposure to different technology makes me feel like I'm from the dinosaur age or something... *Sigh*
I think it's time I should @ least learn how to use the graphical calculator... Would anyone be kind enough to lend it and teach me how to use it??? *Pleading look*
Oh well, the recess wk has finally arrived and I'm able to save a little on traveling expenses for the next 5 days or so... And tt's all the rejoicing I'll be doing... I seriously must force myself to not indulge too much in unproductive (read = [Facebook]) activities... Rather, I must have the mentality of 'work comes before play'...
[DSC2003], [ST1131A] and [BSP1005] tutorials shouldn't be a problem... It's the whole revising for the mods tt's making me feeling a little anxious, which I understand tt it's kinda irrational... Could it be due to the fear of being brain dead and tt this time I'll be competing with a whole bunch of other, more smarter ppl??? Again, tt reasoning's sort of flawed as during the [Special Sem], I'm already pitting myself against smarter, more senior ppl...
Great, this deduction simply implies tt the source of my jitterness is unknown...
Which leads me to today's [Marketing] survey which I've to do... To put it simply, the students are used as subjects to collect data for some graduate students who're doing market research... Today's survey requires me to 1st do 5 [Maths] qus and I guess it's the paranoia of holding everyone up tt I couldn't solve some simply pri sch [Maths] qus... I ended up mis-reading the qus and giving the wrong ans for one and couldn't solve a simple simultaneous equations...
The paranoia tt I'm habouring with regards to how others are viewing me is getting out of hand... I just hope I'm able to get a grip on myself before I go schizo...
Anyway, since I'm on the whole [Marketing] subject, I might as well continue with the story on how I busted my chance on getting some class participation marks during today's tutorial... There's a pop quiz to help ppl who are shy and early to score some marks... I'm the shy and early ppl... However, I did the dumbest, stupidest, moronic thing ever... I didn't prepare for the tutorial and hence couldn't answer the pop quiz questions... Or to be exavt, I did write some stuff down, but it's clear from the answers tt I didn't prepare AT ALL...
How nice... -_-"'
Yep, so the bottom line here is to complete the harder, more demanding tutorials during the hols, like the 2 [GEK1527] assignments and [MKT1003] assignment... On top of tt, I'll still have to prepare for a project on the latter mod as well as to mug for my mid-term tests... If the seniors say it's impt, it's impt... Heck, which test isn't impt in history?!
Maybe the constant thought to mantain my CAP is causing me undue stress... Whatever the case, this wk long break is meant for 80% work, 20% play... =D
Here's a vid which one of my classmate was so curious to watch...
LOL... Perhaps it's personal preference la, but I don't find this disgusting or weird or anything of tt sorts... Neither is it erotic... Now, if you say it's a kissing scene b/w 2 men like in [BrokeBack Mountain], tt's another story... HAHA!!! =P
Yep, tt's yrs ago when I was in sec sch and JC... The ancient time where you need complex formulas and precise punching of the scientfic calculator to do statistical problems and sketching transformation graphs of a f(x) + b and f(ax + b) gives you marks...
Now, a mere punching of numbers into the GRAPHICAL CALCULATOR will solve almost everything, including finding correlations and regressions... Haiz... Even though I'm not tt old, the exposure to different technology makes me feel like I'm from the dinosaur age or something... *Sigh*
I think it's time I should @ least learn how to use the graphical calculator... Would anyone be kind enough to lend it and teach me how to use it??? *Pleading look*
Oh well, the recess wk has finally arrived and I'm able to save a little on traveling expenses for the next 5 days or so... And tt's all the rejoicing I'll be doing... I seriously must force myself to not indulge too much in unproductive (read = [Facebook]) activities... Rather, I must have the mentality of 'work comes before play'...
[DSC2003], [ST1131A] and [BSP1005] tutorials shouldn't be a problem... It's the whole revising for the mods tt's making me feeling a little anxious, which I understand tt it's kinda irrational... Could it be due to the fear of being brain dead and tt this time I'll be competing with a whole bunch of other, more smarter ppl??? Again, tt reasoning's sort of flawed as during the [Special Sem], I'm already pitting myself against smarter, more senior ppl...
Great, this deduction simply implies tt the source of my jitterness is unknown...
Which leads me to today's [Marketing] survey which I've to do... To put it simply, the students are used as subjects to collect data for some graduate students who're doing market research... Today's survey requires me to 1st do 5 [Maths] qus and I guess it's the paranoia of holding everyone up tt I couldn't solve some simply pri sch [Maths] qus... I ended up mis-reading the qus and giving the wrong ans for one and couldn't solve a simple simultaneous equations...
The paranoia tt I'm habouring with regards to how others are viewing me is getting out of hand... I just hope I'm able to get a grip on myself before I go schizo...
Anyway, since I'm on the whole [Marketing] subject, I might as well continue with the story on how I busted my chance on getting some class participation marks during today's tutorial... There's a pop quiz to help ppl who are shy and early to score some marks... I'm the shy and early ppl... However, I did the dumbest, stupidest, moronic thing ever... I didn't prepare for the tutorial and hence couldn't answer the pop quiz questions... Or to be exavt, I did write some stuff down, but it's clear from the answers tt I didn't prepare AT ALL...
How nice... -_-"'
Yep, so the bottom line here is to complete the harder, more demanding tutorials during the hols, like the 2 [GEK1527] assignments and [MKT1003] assignment... On top of tt, I'll still have to prepare for a project on the latter mod as well as to mug for my mid-term tests... If the seniors say it's impt, it's impt... Heck, which test isn't impt in history?!
Maybe the constant thought to mantain my CAP is causing me undue stress... Whatever the case, this wk long break is meant for 80% work, 20% play... =D
Here's a vid which one of my classmate was so curious to watch...
LOL... Perhaps it's personal preference la, but I don't find this disgusting or weird or anything of tt sorts... Neither is it erotic... Now, if you say it's a kissing scene b/w 2 men like in [BrokeBack Mountain], tt's another story... HAHA!!! =P
Sunday, September 13, 2009
There's No More Time...
Woah, I realised tt as I logged into this webby, the contents of what I initially wanted to type just disappeared into thin air... It's as if the mere sight of this webpage drives the thoughts and ideas away...
Well, tt's highly unlikely as I'm dedicated to mantain this blog just as I would keep a tight grip on my innocence, never giving them up... LOL... Well, the not many would agree on the whole 'innocence' part, so perhaps I should've mentioned tt I'll continue blogging just as I would gaming on [MapleStory], huh... Haha...
Yep, I've sort of gone back to playing [MapleStory] after all... Though [MJ] just tempted me to do [Dragonica] too and it's a losing battle for me to even try to resist, so I did install the game client only to find tt I've lost touch with what I've been doing with my previous char... Haha... And the only natural thing tt I'll do is to restart the character all over again... God knows how many times I've done this already...
I tried playing the game on my laptop and it's a little laggy, though I couldn't identify whether it's the connect fault or the graphics tt's @ fault... Well, I;ll try the game for a couple more while when I've the time to determine whether the problem persists... It's no fun playing the game when the graphics aren't moving smoothly, with the gameplay being interrupted with the occassional jerky movement... It totally spoils the fun...
Thank goodness [MapleStory] and [Audition] are still good to go... Though the bottom-line here should be tt I shouldn't be playing so much... Or be limiting the stuff I'm playing and actually start to study as the scary (tt's the feeling I got from the seniors', not my own) mid-terms are just around the corner...
Studying and completing my tutorials on time... Time to learn the following all-impt skills - time management and multi-tasking... =S
Anyway, @ least I didn't forget abt the most impt thing tt I wanna blog abt, which was my trip to [Ion Orchard]'s [Swensen's] for the long-awaited 1-for-1 ice-cream buffet... I jio-ed [YH] along and we met @ 11 am, in [Orchard MRT Stn]... LOL... I finally managed to try having ice-cream and all things sweet for lunch... And it's a good exp indeed as there're quite a number of ice-cream flavours for you to choose from as well as the variety of toppings tt you can add to your ice-cream is astounding... Atap seeds, strawberry, mango syrup, cherries, pineapples, lychee, oreo cookies, a wide selection of nuts, cerals, chocolate fudge, melted marshmellow, etc...
Seriously, I think if I were to eat only the toppings and nth else, I'll still be filled...
Apart from the normal ice-cream, of which you can select 5 flavours per servings, you can also get the staff to create your very own mix of ice-cream flavour as they mix and 'fry' the ice-cream on those frozen 'hot' plate... Haha... And i overheard one of the staff saying tt it's like making 'muah-chee'... =P
There's obviously more to it than merely ice-cream... They do have waffles as well and how you want to eat your waffles, tt's up to your imaginations... You can eat it plain, go together with ice-cream or in my case, go with the toppings... LOL... Come to think of it now, you can also eat waffles with whipped cream... Yes, the cream is self-service so you can help yourself to as much as you like, though the 2 of us didn't really touch the cream @ all... It's fattening... As if whatever we're eating ain't fattening @ all... Haha... -_-"'
Fondue fountain... There're 2 of them, one spilling white chocolate, the other normal dark chocolate... It's the 1st time tt I'm seeing an actual chocolate fondue fountain and I'm totally amused over it... And behaving like a totaly kid, marvelling @ all the stuff tt's on display...
Yep, I had fun all right, and after spending 3 hrs eating and chatting, I'm stuffed and perhaps I've also gotten 15 yrs of my life sheared off from consuming all those teeth-decaying food...
[YH] got a bear balloon from the [Swensen's] staff and she's a complete meanie as we toured a little of [Ion Orchard] as she was waving the bear @ cute toddlers, tempting them with the balloon and in my opinion, giving them the false impression tt she's gonna give them a similar balloon, but wasn't really in reality...
However, the toddlers don't feel tt way... Rather, they seemed rather amused and happy to see a balloon being waved in front of them and not being able to have it @ all... LOL...
We also saw a 4 cute male promoters doing some advertising for some facial product by having 2 of those cuties staying inside a glass cubicle tt's also housing a skeleton and waving idiotically @ passer-bys... I was just being my typical self and ogling @ those cuties and wasn't paying much attention to whatever the store's name was... Haha...
I'm desperate and totally not ashamed to show it...
The other thing I'm not ashamed to announce to the whole world was tt both [YH] and I were terrible @ navigating around tt huge shopping mall and we ended up almost getting lost... 1st by walking unknowingly to [Wheelock Place] and later by having difficulty finding the way back to the MRT stn... Zzz... -_-"'
Overall, it's a good experience and I'll definitely head back to [Swensen's] for tt buffet again in the near future...
It's time to get back to the reality - tutorials and mid-terms... OMG!!!
Well, tt's highly unlikely as I'm dedicated to mantain this blog just as I would keep a tight grip on my innocence, never giving them up... LOL... Well, the not many would agree on the whole 'innocence' part, so perhaps I should've mentioned tt I'll continue blogging just as I would gaming on [MapleStory], huh... Haha...
Yep, I've sort of gone back to playing [MapleStory] after all... Though [MJ] just tempted me to do [Dragonica] too and it's a losing battle for me to even try to resist, so I did install the game client only to find tt I've lost touch with what I've been doing with my previous char... Haha... And the only natural thing tt I'll do is to restart the character all over again... God knows how many times I've done this already...
I tried playing the game on my laptop and it's a little laggy, though I couldn't identify whether it's the connect fault or the graphics tt's @ fault... Well, I;ll try the game for a couple more while when I've the time to determine whether the problem persists... It's no fun playing the game when the graphics aren't moving smoothly, with the gameplay being interrupted with the occassional jerky movement... It totally spoils the fun...
Thank goodness [MapleStory] and [Audition] are still good to go... Though the bottom-line here should be tt I shouldn't be playing so much... Or be limiting the stuff I'm playing and actually start to study as the scary (tt's the feeling I got from the seniors', not my own) mid-terms are just around the corner...
Studying and completing my tutorials on time... Time to learn the following all-impt skills - time management and multi-tasking... =S
Anyway, @ least I didn't forget abt the most impt thing tt I wanna blog abt, which was my trip to [Ion Orchard]'s [Swensen's] for the long-awaited 1-for-1 ice-cream buffet... I jio-ed [YH] along and we met @ 11 am, in [Orchard MRT Stn]... LOL... I finally managed to try having ice-cream and all things sweet for lunch... And it's a good exp indeed as there're quite a number of ice-cream flavours for you to choose from as well as the variety of toppings tt you can add to your ice-cream is astounding... Atap seeds, strawberry, mango syrup, cherries, pineapples, lychee, oreo cookies, a wide selection of nuts, cerals, chocolate fudge, melted marshmellow, etc...
Seriously, I think if I were to eat only the toppings and nth else, I'll still be filled...
Apart from the normal ice-cream, of which you can select 5 flavours per servings, you can also get the staff to create your very own mix of ice-cream flavour as they mix and 'fry' the ice-cream on those frozen 'hot' plate... Haha... And i overheard one of the staff saying tt it's like making 'muah-chee'... =P
There's obviously more to it than merely ice-cream... They do have waffles as well and how you want to eat your waffles, tt's up to your imaginations... You can eat it plain, go together with ice-cream or in my case, go with the toppings... LOL... Come to think of it now, you can also eat waffles with whipped cream... Yes, the cream is self-service so you can help yourself to as much as you like, though the 2 of us didn't really touch the cream @ all... It's fattening... As if whatever we're eating ain't fattening @ all... Haha... -_-"'
Fondue fountain... There're 2 of them, one spilling white chocolate, the other normal dark chocolate... It's the 1st time tt I'm seeing an actual chocolate fondue fountain and I'm totally amused over it... And behaving like a totaly kid, marvelling @ all the stuff tt's on display...
Yep, I had fun all right, and after spending 3 hrs eating and chatting, I'm stuffed and perhaps I've also gotten 15 yrs of my life sheared off from consuming all those teeth-decaying food...
[YH] got a bear balloon from the [Swensen's] staff and she's a complete meanie as we toured a little of [Ion Orchard] as she was waving the bear @ cute toddlers, tempting them with the balloon and in my opinion, giving them the false impression tt she's gonna give them a similar balloon, but wasn't really in reality...
However, the toddlers don't feel tt way... Rather, they seemed rather amused and happy to see a balloon being waved in front of them and not being able to have it @ all... LOL...
We also saw a 4 cute male promoters doing some advertising for some facial product by having 2 of those cuties staying inside a glass cubicle tt's also housing a skeleton and waving idiotically @ passer-bys... I was just being my typical self and ogling @ those cuties and wasn't paying much attention to whatever the store's name was... Haha...
I'm desperate and totally not ashamed to show it...
The other thing I'm not ashamed to announce to the whole world was tt both [YH] and I were terrible @ navigating around tt huge shopping mall and we ended up almost getting lost... 1st by walking unknowingly to [Wheelock Place] and later by having difficulty finding the way back to the MRT stn... Zzz... -_-"'
Overall, it's a good experience and I'll definitely head back to [Swensen's] for tt buffet again in the near future...
It's time to get back to the reality - tutorials and mid-terms... OMG!!!
Sunday, September 06, 2009
Green On Earth Cafe...
I couldn't recall who was the one who suggested tt [The Gang] to have a mthly gathering... It's an excellent way to bond and keep in touch... Which is why I was kinda excited over yesterday's meeting despite it being held @ a vegetarian cafe - [Green On Earth Cafe] - located in [Beauty World Centre]...
I'm not a huge fan of the shopping centres found along tt area for it has tt ancient kinda, as if only old ppl will visit tt place... The only reason I'm stepping foot into tt area is because of the prata shop just across the road as well as the realisation tt [Udders]'s located somewhere in tt area too... Hmmm... Perhaps on my next trip to feast on the exotic pratas, I'll grab a couple of scoops of ice-cream before heading back home then... Yum... =P
Anyway, I was kinda early and if I had known tt [SH] was there and eating ice-cream, I wouldn't have been tt bored for 30 mins as I waited for the rest to arrive... LOL... From the sound of tt, anyone can tell tt I'm long overdue for my ice-cream fix, which is projected to take place next weekend provided tt [YH] is able to make it... Haiz...
I was abt to curse myself for not bringing [Digital Life] or [Mind Your Body] for the nth time when I finally spotted the group arriving from [JP], as well as [SH]... And so my trigger happy instincts kicked in @ high gear...
Mr. [Wee], ever ready for a pic...
The rest have yet to arrive, but we decided settle down in the restaurant 1st while we wait... After all, why give air-con a miss and stay outside, allowing the fumes from the hawker centre to permeate into our clothes and hair???

Those are the normal, or as-normal-as-it-can-get pics... The following are the totally-must-pay-special-attention pics...
This is a nice sneak shot of [MJ]... [XP] said she looked like [L] in this pic... LOL... The only thing missing is a lollipop... =D
I couldn't figure out how to operate the cam... I think I shot myself by accident... =P
Woah... [YH]'s attempting to shed her motherly image by going spastic... -_-"'
The arrival of the 1st b-day girl...
While waiting for b-day gril No. 2 to arrive, [XP] was traumatised by both me and [SH]...
Caught completely unaware!!! I must applaud my ability to take sneak shots... *Victory sign*
The arrival of [Cass]... She's thrilled to finally meet up with us...
But not for long... -_-"'
It's disgusting to others, but apparently, everyone couldn't care less...
2 more members have yet to arrive and some of us were already itching to bite into food... Initially we wanted to order the [Baked French Fries], which sounds alright to me, but it ran out of stock or something, so we have to settle with the [Fried Soy Chicken Nuggets]...
When the dish was served, I was kinda skeptical over the taste, fearing tt the nugget-shaped like food was filled with those disgusting veg... Yet when I took a bite out of it, I could hardly feel any veg texture or taste for tt matter... In fact, it's actually delicious!!! Haha... =)
The choices are hard to make as everything seems nice, eh??? Haha...
Arrival of 2nd b-day girl...
After most of us placed an order for our individual main dish, we took a group pic 1st as [Bec] has to rush off to attend a concert with her friend down @ [Woodlands]... It was kinda short for her case, but not to worry!!! There's always the next mth to look forward to... *Grins*
As I took my lunch @ abt 1500 hrs, I wasn't really hungry, which was a good thing considering tt everything on the menu has vegs on it, like DUH, except the desserts... So I simply ordered the [Home-Made Blueberry Yogurt], which turns out to be quite ordinary anyway...
When the pizzas were served, I decided to give it a shot and again, I couldn't detect any veg, despite me ingesting some pizza tt's topped with tofu and some other unknown stuff tt's definitely not meat... LOL...
Well, with the main course over, it's finally time for the cake-cutting process!!!
[Yuling] seems troubled... Oh wait, she's on the phone... My bad... -_-"'
Arrival of the yummy cake... *Drools*

There were talks of heading over to [Udders] for some uce-cream, but much to my dismay, there wasn't much consensus... Everyone decided to head back home, with a few rushing back to catch [Corpse Bride]... ='(
LOL... I'll end this entry with the epic group pic...
I'm not a huge fan of the shopping centres found along tt area for it has tt ancient kinda, as if only old ppl will visit tt place... The only reason I'm stepping foot into tt area is because of the prata shop just across the road as well as the realisation tt [Udders]'s located somewhere in tt area too... Hmmm... Perhaps on my next trip to feast on the exotic pratas, I'll grab a couple of scoops of ice-cream before heading back home then... Yum... =P
Anyway, I was kinda early and if I had known tt [SH] was there and eating ice-cream, I wouldn't have been tt bored for 30 mins as I waited for the rest to arrive... LOL... From the sound of tt, anyone can tell tt I'm long overdue for my ice-cream fix, which is projected to take place next weekend provided tt [YH] is able to make it... Haiz...
I was abt to curse myself for not bringing [Digital Life] or [Mind Your Body] for the nth time when I finally spotted the group arriving from [JP], as well as [SH]... And so my trigger happy instincts kicked in @ high gear...
The rest have yet to arrive, but we decided settle down in the restaurant 1st while we wait... After all, why give air-con a miss and stay outside, allowing the fumes from the hawker centre to permeate into our clothes and hair???
Those are the normal, or as-normal-as-it-can-get pics... The following are the totally-must-pay-special-attention pics...
2 more members have yet to arrive and some of us were already itching to bite into food... Initially we wanted to order the [Baked French Fries], which sounds alright to me, but it ran out of stock or something, so we have to settle with the [Fried Soy Chicken Nuggets]...
When the dish was served, I was kinda skeptical over the taste, fearing tt the nugget-shaped like food was filled with those disgusting veg... Yet when I took a bite out of it, I could hardly feel any veg texture or taste for tt matter... In fact, it's actually delicious!!! Haha... =)
After most of us placed an order for our individual main dish, we took a group pic 1st as [Bec] has to rush off to attend a concert with her friend down @ [Woodlands]... It was kinda short for her case, but not to worry!!! There's always the next mth to look forward to... *Grins*
As I took my lunch @ abt 1500 hrs, I wasn't really hungry, which was a good thing considering tt everything on the menu has vegs on it, like DUH, except the desserts... So I simply ordered the [Home-Made Blueberry Yogurt], which turns out to be quite ordinary anyway...
When the pizzas were served, I decided to give it a shot and again, I couldn't detect any veg, despite me ingesting some pizza tt's topped with tofu and some other unknown stuff tt's definitely not meat... LOL...
Well, with the main course over, it's finally time for the cake-cutting process!!!
Arrival of the yummy cake... *Drools*
There were talks of heading over to [Udders] for some uce-cream, but much to my dismay, there wasn't much consensus... Everyone decided to head back home, with a few rushing back to catch [Corpse Bride]... ='(
LOL... I'll end this entry with the epic group pic...
Friday, September 04, 2009
Zettai. Not. Fun.
OMG!!! It's been like forever since I've last seen this [Compose] page in [Blogger.com]!!! And I've to thank [MJ] for helping me get this page back... For 3 wks or so, which is long enough, I've been staring @ the faulty page which seems to be a black hole tt sucks my inspiration away... It's as if my muse was being chased off by tt hideous mess-up page tt has no colours and only allows you to key in your entries using HTML codes only...
Well, once again, [MJ]!!! Arigato!!! ^_^
LOL... Though if I actually make an effort to search for the solutions online, I might chance upon it one day too... The only problem here is tt I'm totally inept when it comes to digging for information online... I'm the kind tt needs the answers presented to me, a.k.a be spoonfeed... If I'm to search for stuff by clicking on all the possible links... Ho-ho... You can wait till the cows come home and I've yet to find the solutions to the prob @ hand... Gee... -_-"'
Now, on to the crux of this entry... [MKT1003] tutorial...
For the benefit of everyone who isn't in [NUS Business School] (which is everyone who actually reads this blog), it's my [Principles Of Marketing] module... My 1st tutorial starts today and I had the thought tt it'll be like any ordinary tutorials which I've been to...
Barely 45 mins into the tutorial, I was proven wrong...
Unlike [SSA2219], which is my [Singapore Studies] mod, attendance and a little bit of class participation will give you tt 5% of your total grade for tt module... Besides, each and everyone of us were forced to talk in class and to do a little presentation, so, there's not a choice and it's as if the tutor is forcing you to get tt 5%, whether you want it or not...
[MKT1003] on the other hand, is a free-for-all kinda thing... If you've something to say, then all you have to do is to raise your hand and voice out your opinions... And this is totally to my disadvantage as I don't really have much opinions @ all when I'm tossed with questions with NO DEFINITE answers, which is what this whole mod is all abt... As long as your opinions make sense, it's acceptable... In other words, as long as you're innovative, able to process stuff quickly and voice them out just as fast - all qualities which I'm seriously lacking - you'll do well in the mod...
The next thing I realised barely 1 hr into the tutorial is tt of the 30 ppl in the class, 13 are seniors, be it from [Biz] or from other facs... I didn't understand the significance of it until they started to voice out their opinions NONSTOP... Hell, they just seem happy to talk and not bother to take any notes of what others are saying... Maybe they're multi-tasking - yet another life skill I'm lacking in, or maybe it's because it's a social science mod and everything counts as long as it makes sense or maybe they already know whatever everyone else's talking abt... Anyway, the point is THEY KEEP TALKING!!! And I caught the tutor furiously scribbling stuff on the piece of paper tt she's holding, no doubt recording how wonderful those ppl are performing and how much class participation marks they should be awarded...
CRAPTASTIC... Both me and alum groupmate feels so SCREWED UP when the tutorial is finally over...
SHIMATA!!! -_-"'
The following video's kinda interesting... Who's actually @ fault??? You be the judge...
[The People's Court]...
Well, once again, [MJ]!!! Arigato!!! ^_^
LOL... Though if I actually make an effort to search for the solutions online, I might chance upon it one day too... The only problem here is tt I'm totally inept when it comes to digging for information online... I'm the kind tt needs the answers presented to me, a.k.a be spoonfeed... If I'm to search for stuff by clicking on all the possible links... Ho-ho... You can wait till the cows come home and I've yet to find the solutions to the prob @ hand... Gee... -_-"'
Now, on to the crux of this entry... [MKT1003] tutorial...
For the benefit of everyone who isn't in [NUS Business School] (which is everyone who actually reads this blog), it's my [Principles Of Marketing] module... My 1st tutorial starts today and I had the thought tt it'll be like any ordinary tutorials which I've been to...
Barely 45 mins into the tutorial, I was proven wrong...
Unlike [SSA2219], which is my [Singapore Studies] mod, attendance and a little bit of class participation will give you tt 5% of your total grade for tt module... Besides, each and everyone of us were forced to talk in class and to do a little presentation, so, there's not a choice and it's as if the tutor is forcing you to get tt 5%, whether you want it or not...
[MKT1003] on the other hand, is a free-for-all kinda thing... If you've something to say, then all you have to do is to raise your hand and voice out your opinions... And this is totally to my disadvantage as I don't really have much opinions @ all when I'm tossed with questions with NO DEFINITE answers, which is what this whole mod is all abt... As long as your opinions make sense, it's acceptable... In other words, as long as you're innovative, able to process stuff quickly and voice them out just as fast - all qualities which I'm seriously lacking - you'll do well in the mod...
The next thing I realised barely 1 hr into the tutorial is tt of the 30 ppl in the class, 13 are seniors, be it from [Biz] or from other facs... I didn't understand the significance of it until they started to voice out their opinions NONSTOP... Hell, they just seem happy to talk and not bother to take any notes of what others are saying... Maybe they're multi-tasking - yet another life skill I'm lacking in, or maybe it's because it's a social science mod and everything counts as long as it makes sense or maybe they already know whatever everyone else's talking abt... Anyway, the point is THEY KEEP TALKING!!! And I caught the tutor furiously scribbling stuff on the piece of paper tt she's holding, no doubt recording how wonderful those ppl are performing and how much class participation marks they should be awarded...
CRAPTASTIC... Both me and alum groupmate feels so SCREWED UP when the tutorial is finally over...
SHIMATA!!! -_-"'
The following video's kinda interesting... Who's actually @ fault??? You be the judge...
[The People's Court]...
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