OMG!!! It's been like forever since I've last seen this [Compose] page in []!!! And I've to thank [MJ] for helping me get this page back... For 3 wks or so, which is long enough, I've been staring @ the faulty page which seems to be a black hole tt sucks my inspiration away... It's as if my muse was being chased off by tt hideous mess-up page tt has no colours and only allows you to key in your entries using HTML codes only...
Well, once again, [MJ]!!! Arigato!!! ^_^
LOL... Though if I actually make an effort to search for the solutions online, I might chance upon it one day too... The only problem here is tt I'm totally inept when it comes to digging for information online... I'm the kind tt needs the answers presented to me, a.k.a be spoonfeed... If I'm to search for stuff by clicking on all the possible links... Ho-ho... You can wait till the cows come home and I've yet to find the solutions to the prob @ hand... Gee... -_-"'
Now, on to the crux of this entry... [MKT1003] tutorial...
For the benefit of everyone who isn't in [NUS Business School] (which is everyone who actually reads this blog), it's my [Principles Of Marketing] module... My 1st tutorial starts today and I had the thought tt it'll be like any ordinary tutorials which I've been to...
Barely 45 mins into the tutorial, I was proven wrong...
Unlike [SSA2219], which is my [Singapore Studies] mod, attendance and a little bit of class participation will give you tt 5% of your total grade for tt module... Besides, each and everyone of us were forced to talk in class and to do a little presentation, so, there's not a choice and it's as if the tutor is forcing you to get tt 5%, whether you want it or not...
[MKT1003] on the other hand, is a free-for-all kinda thing... If you've something to say, then all you have to do is to raise your hand and voice out your opinions... And this is totally to my disadvantage as I don't really have much opinions @ all when I'm tossed with questions with NO DEFINITE answers, which is what this whole mod is all abt... As long as your opinions make sense, it's acceptable... In other words, as long as you're innovative, able to process stuff quickly and voice them out just as fast - all qualities which I'm seriously lacking - you'll do well in the mod...
The next thing I realised barely 1 hr into the tutorial is tt of the 30 ppl in the class, 13 are seniors, be it from [Biz] or from other facs... I didn't understand the significance of it until they started to voice out their opinions NONSTOP... Hell, they just seem happy to talk and not bother to take any notes of what others are saying... Maybe they're multi-tasking - yet another life skill I'm lacking in, or maybe it's because it's a social science mod and everything counts as long as it makes sense or maybe they already know whatever everyone else's talking abt... Anyway, the point is THEY KEEP TALKING!!! And I caught the tutor furiously scribbling stuff on the piece of paper tt she's holding, no doubt recording how wonderful those ppl are performing and how much class participation marks they should be awarded...
CRAPTASTIC... Both me and alum groupmate feels so SCREWED UP when the tutorial is finally over...
SHIMATA!!! -_-"'
The following video's kinda interesting... Who's actually @ fault??? You be the judge...
[The People's Court]...