Me, being uncreative as usual, couldn't think of a dish tt when spiced up, seems scary until [XP] suggested buying a few tub of ice-cream, melt and mix them together before refreezing them again... LOL... Well, ppl might find tt scary/disgusting, but I find tt it's okay, considering tt I like to eat melted ice-cream or mixed ice-cream flavours...
Okay, this is going to sound lame, but despite all tt I've typed, I didn't attend the gathering yesterday night... The main reason it being held in the night and the 2nd is tt I'm kinda lazy when it comes to food preparationg... Wahahaha... =)
But I did heard abt what happened... With the epic topic of how 1 of our classmates who got rather drunk, acted and could hardly remember what she did... YES, IT'S A SHE!!!
She didn't get totally wasted though, but it's bad enough already...
It started when she became not too sober and she kept insisting tt she's not drunk yet... Then she rested on the shoulder of a guy tt was rumoured to like her... And tt was rather funny when all the guy did was simply stoned there... Though it just gets better when the others tried to get her to move and head home as it was already 2300 hrs then... They did by attempting to bluff her tt it's 4 am in the morning, but it seems like though she's rather drunk, she's still quite smart...
'I'm not drunk... It's only 11 pm lor, cause the botak security guard is still here...' Tt's the statement tt she said WHEN THE SECURITY GUARD WAS AROUND!!!
LOL... There seems to be more hilarious events tt took place, but the most EPIC one of all was tt we realised tt when she's drunk, she'll go around KISSING random ppl... 1st was another gal classmate, followed by the attempt to kiss the other guy classmates... Then the last was her attempt to kiss the taxi driver too... Sheesh!!! It totally reminded me of [Hanazakari No Kimitachie]...

Anyway, it seems like everyone had some degree of fun, especially when there's someone so drunk from drinking [Absolute Vodka]... Haha... A pity tt no one ever did contemplated bringing a camera or some device tt could capture images or record videos... Zzz... -_-"'
Well, I shall end this post with a MV again... ^_^
[Get Sexy] By [The Sugarbabes]...