In case none of you have any idea what I'm talking abt, I'm referring to the scene from [New Moon]... If after this explanation, you still have absolutely NO idea what tt is or have the strange impression tt I'm talking abt the event when the moon is not visible in the night sky, you're much more of a mountain tortise than I am... -_-"'
Anyway, I just missed [The Gang] outing for the 2nd time in my life!!! After seeing the pics they [SH] took, I feel kinda bad tt I chose not to turn up @ the last min... In fact, after [MJ] told me on [Mon] tt the outing was scheduled to be held yesterday, I was already contemplating on giving it a miss... The final push was not only my [Marketing] presentation tt was due on [Fri] tt resulted in me to stay up darn late almost for 5 days straight in order to complete tt on top of my other tutorials as well as the fact tt I've yet to do my [GEK1527] assignment tt's due on [Wed] @ 0900 hrs... As a result of all those factors, I've decided to confine myself @ home in order to complete tt 1 assignment which I spent 2 days in order to complete it (signs of unproductivity)...
Oh well, I guess for the next few wks, I'll most probably be pressed for time to complete my other weekly assignments as well as my [MKT1003] individual assignment tt's due on [6 Nov]... *Sigh*
Not to mention tt I've yet to clear my 2 [GEK1527] and 1 [MKT1003] e-lecture which I should've done ages ago during the [University Wide E-learning Week]... Procracstination, procrastination, procrastination... I'm such an expert on tt...
Anyway, it's kinda of late to say this, but yes, I'm back to playing not only [Dragonica] but [MapleStory] too... And only when I've the time, of course... LOL...
Anyway, like I've mentioned on the previous post, I screwed up during my [MKT1003] presnetation... However, going by the feedback the tutor provided, our group did rather well... We just have to improve on our confidence, stand nearer to the audience and have slides tt're more visually appealing by utilizing the various functions tt [MicroSoft Office 2007] provides... Haha... Well, this is my 1st official presentation in [NUS]...
Anyway, I don't know why there's such a practice to take a group pic... Perhaps to commemorate the hard work tt we've placed for this 20% of our overall grade??? LOL... No matter what, I'm not complaining... =P