Anyway, [Halloween] was around the corner, so with the veil separating this world and the undead, well, you can guess tt quite a number of unnatural monsters were let loose wherever I went... Not tt I was the kinda to run screaming and high-tailed it out of the monster's range the moment 1 was spotted...
Instead, with the courage tt I was severely lacking in real-life, I took them on w/o hesitation, displaying my power as a mighty magician... Haha... The irony of all the destruction when I've decided once again tt I'll take the path of being a [Cleric]...
There were an awful lot of vampires roaming abt, not tt I'm really concerned... The more the merrier as I get to unleashed my darker, more sadistic side whenever I play such [MMORPG]s... Besides, I also get to earn more exp and more items tt will bestowed me with buffs for a set amt of time, so who's complaining???
Well, not much of a challenge after all...
So lucky me to stumble upon the [Molech] and I had a tough time killing it... But I succeeded anyway obviously (otherwise, I won't be here bragging)...
It's 1 thing to play [Dragonica] as I've to use my desktop instead to ensure tt I'm able to play w/o any lag as a result of my laptop's not-as-good graphic gard card... Haha... After all, if you've experienced something even better, you'll tend to prefer the better alternative instead of settling for the less desired one when both are readily available, right???
Anyway, when I've already turned on my laptop and have no intention of wasting more electricity or risk screwing up my laptop's keyboard from the excessive button smashing, I turn to [MapleStory]...
Needless to say, I got myself killed again due to some reckless act, but though I'm peeved over tt total loss of 10% worth of exp (I died twice... -_-"'), I wasn't tt agitated as I've loads of time to level and completing tt [BlackBull's Deed To The Land] quest is of higher importance...
Heck, I think I'll level-up even before I manage to find 1...
Oh, and I successfully defeated [MushMon]!!! Hooray!!! LOL... Not much cause for celebration la, considering tt not many ppl are playing the game liao and I should be aiming for straight 'A's instead of being proud of the [MushMom]'s conquest...
Hmmm... Seeing tt not many ppl will actually appreciate my [MS] talk, I now know what it feels like to play any forms of musical instruments to a cow... =P