After tml and next wk, I could add @ least another 2 more to the total count, but I guess tt's abt it... 10 outings in 5 wks is a little too much for me to handle... >_< size="5">ME... =P
The movie was just average, though I do not appreciate the girls @ the back of my row giggling and squealing like, well, teenage girls whenever hunky looking [Jacob Black] strips of his top @ every other scene... If I wanna see tt tonned fit body, I wouldn't even bother spending $6 to get into the movie theater... There is the Internet...
Apart from [Jacob Black], the [Volturi] have some rather good looking vamps too, like [Alec] and [Felix]... Ha~... And apart from all the seemingly good looking actors, another thing which I liked abt the vamps in the movie is their totally awesome dress sense... And how they're capable of looking so impeccable despite them sprinting away from chasing werewolves... *Envy*
Hmmm... With [New Moon] done, I shall now patiently wait for [Eclipse]...
2 [Sat]s ago, [The Gang] decided to use my home's kitchen as a cooking HQ...
Oh, the mayhem... The destruction... The excitement... The fun!!!
And after all the cooking and stuffing ourselves silly with our home-cooked meal and feeling proud of our own achievements, we settled down to watch a romantic comedy - [The Proposal]...
And yeah, I couldn't resist drooling in my mind whenever [Rayn Reynolds] pops up in the screen... *Swoons*
And before the day is over, the most memorable moments are... *Drumrolls* [SH] camwhoring to the MAX!!! Behold...
And these AREN'T ALL the pics tt he took of himself... There're still a couple more, but I guess these pics are enough to drive home the point tt I'm trying to make... Tt his face DOMINATED the camera!!!
Tt was close to 2 wks ago... 4 days ago, I met up with almost everyone again for dinner... But before tt, I decided to head over to sch 1st to complete my quest - 'Obtained Windows 7 Upgrade For Fujitsu Laptop'... A very simply quest tt requires travelling to sch and submit the relavent documents and viola!!! Quest complete...
So I met up with [MJ] in the afternoon... [YH] and [XP] tagged along as well, with the former joining us only for lunch while the latter decided to join us as she has to return to sch to return some stuff which she accidentally koped during her kendo camp...
Initially, I wanted to have prata @ [The Cheese Prata Shop]... But upon arriving @ the place, all 4 of us found out tt the staff are having a company gathering for 2 days, from 21 Dec to 22 Dec, and therefore, they won't be open for business!!! -_-"'
So, after I've gotten over my disappointment, we've to find an alternative way to satisfy our rumbling stomach... By heading to the nearest canteen available... [FASS]!!!
Once lunch was over, [YH] have to head back home to do some cooking, so we went to complete our quests before deciding how on Earth are we gonna head over to town as cheaply as possible, while trying to waste as much time as possible till 1730 hrs...
The solution??? Bus no. 33 from [Kent Ridge Terminal]... We took the bus all the way to [Bugis]... Only to discover tt another quest awaits!!! We now have to get [MJ] a replacement footware as hers chose to spoil @ tt moment... So we entered [BHG] and searched for decent footware to replace her LOUSY [Rubi] flats... *Hints*
Got a pair of [Levi's] flip flops for $19.90 and off we go to [Orchard]!!! Took a little walk in B4 of [Ion Orchard]... Our intention was to look @ the food till we're hungry... But for my case, my eyes stumbled over the sight of hunky [Adam Chen], [MediaCorp] actor... LOL!!! 'Nuff said...
*Sigh* Thogh now tt I think abt it, I should've secretly snapped a pic of him la!!! Wasted and sadded...
Met up with almost all of them @ [Paragon] and I allowed my camera to do a little work 1st as warm-up...
[Darrell] was @ the entrance of [Sakura] when we arrived... So after making the payments and settling how much each individual should pay, with the exception of [MJ] as we're treating her, we attacked the food as if we're hungry ghosts tt've been just realised from the gates of hell... Well, mostly [MJ], [YH], [YQ] and [Cass] la... The rest of us are not tt much of a big eater... LOL...
While slowly enjoying out food...
LOL... And since this outing is sorta to celebrate the 1 b-day gals - [YH] and [MJ], [YQ] attempted to sing the b-day song in the choir way with disastrous results... I doubt I'm able to upload the vid on [PhotoBucket] and import it here as the file's quite big... So I've to settle with uploading it on [FaceBook] instead...
And look!!! We also got them some cheesecake...
W/o [SH] being around, there's no lack of amusement, as [YQ] and [Cass] have proven...
Ha~... And once we bid each other farewell, [YQ], [Cass], [Yuling], [MJ] and I attempted to take 190 back home... After missing 3 buses because they're fully packed, we were abt to change out mind and take 700A instead when the next 190 came and we were able to squeeze in... the squeezing continued even till the stop opposite [Lucky Plaza]... Apparently, those commuters @ tt stop thought they have every right to board the bus after missing @ least 3 buses, by refusing to not board the bus even though it's filled to the brim with ppl, demanding tt we attempt to move to and make space... HA!!! We're solids, for crying out loud... We can't be compressed... Sheesh!!!
In the end, I spent 90 mins getting home FROM ORCHARD ROAD!!! I'd really just take the train... -_-"'
The following day is the release of the results for my finals... I was rather nervous, thanks to [MKT1003] and the nature of the tests (all of them) were slightly different in the sense tt there are only on average 5 questions per paper and each question pack TONS of marks... So if you screw 1 question up... You will be screwed...
No wonder I'm finding tt I'm a little lacking in confidence... And so does [SL], from his not-too-distant status update on [FaceBook]...
Anyway, when I tried to gain access to the website tt'll reveal my grades, I seemed to have stumbled some... Problems... It's not until [MJ] told me tt I don't have to access the craptastic [VPNClient] 1st tt I'm able to retrieve my results... LOL... Really, the new system seems kinda troublesome...
Okay, okay... *Drumrolls again*
I got a C+ for [MKT1003], which is good enough as I really don't have much hope of acing tt subject... A pass is all tt I ask for... As for the rest of my modules as well as my CAP so far, well, I'm simply very pleased with what I've achieved...
*Pats on back* I shall keep up the good work!!!