Friday, November 05, 2010

Happening Thursday!!!

Since [Thurs] is my off day, yesterday was officially the start of my long weekend... However, considering tt I've classes on [Sat], [Thurs] & today is more like my [Sat] & [Sun]... So going by this logic, I'll be having [Mon] blues tmr as I wake up and head to sch... LOL... Gawd, this is totally messed up... -_-"'

Anyway, instead of being mildly productive, I spent the entire morning getting my [OSP Loan] done up... And checking out what mods I can take and should be mapping back here... I kinda feel a little screwed and freaked out as I couldn't find 5 mods tt has names almost similar to whatever tt's available back home... Or 3, the min. no. of mods tt I can take w/o delaying my graduation...

And not to forget tt according to a friend, the flight to [Vancouver] is freaking ex... Like $2k plus... And by pure logic, the price will definitely jack up as [Dec] nears... Zzz... I'm now eagerly looking forward to [11 Nov], the date of the pre-departure briefing... i need to meet up with the 4 other ppl who're going over to the same [PU] as me, and all 4 of them aren't from [Biz]... In other words, I'M THE ONLY [BIZ] STUD TT'S GOING THERE!!! Ugh, I'm totally defining the term 'loner'...

Anyway, headed to sch to submit the loan thingy before I sneaked into the toilet @ [MRB]

Me (163) I really need full length mirrors... =P

Headed to [Vivo]'s [Kopitiam] to grab dinner... I managed to squeeze in [Ben & Jerry's] as well before I went to catch [The Social Network]... The movie's interesting and there's some humor injected into certain scenes every now and then...

My fav part??? The ending when [Mark Zuckerberg] decided to add his ex on [FB]... Then after he sent the request, he kept refreshing the page... Classic stalker behavior... ROFL...

Penultimate issue!!! Pic of the day:


I'm taking issue with this because of all the times to be offering 3.5 mins interval for trains, they've to offer it @ lunch time, when most office ppl won't have THAT much time to travel around looking for nom, nom...

I'd rather [SMRT] solve the prob of overcrowding in the morning... The time when MOST ppl, working adults and students alike, are ALL vying for space and cramming into train carriages, transforming the train into sardine cans on wheels... UGH... =\

O-k-a-y!!! Here's the last item for this entry... [Fireworks] by [Katy Perry]!!! The MV's nice and the lyrics are uber meaningful!!! ^_^