Saturday, March 01, 2008

Too Much Fantasy... (Imported From Xanga)

Phew!!! After tt long post of mine, I've officially ran out of creative juices to pen anything tt long in such a short break of a couple of hours... But I still have some juice left to showcase my imagination, however unimaginative it might be...

I've uncovered the mystery behing the escape of [Mas Selamat] - currently the most wanted fugitive tt's on the loose - from his detention centre... For him to escape tt high security place, I believe tt he must have dug an escape route from the toilet... Who knows??? Perhaps he has been consistently asking for toilet breaks every week since 2006 and has been digging ever since... LOL... Tt explanation's flaw, obviously... For starters, there's the matter off all those dirt tt he has to dispose of if he did indeed dig a hole... How did he then get rid of it??? Flush it down the toilet bowl??? What abt his escape route then??? How can such a hole be concealed w/o anyone noticing it??? Thus, the above reason is of the question...

The next reason I have is tt of evolution... For all you know, tt's a genetic anomaly within him tt grants him certain extraordinary powers such tt he can escape undetected... Powers like the ability to walk through walls, become invisible and levitation... Sure, it's all so [Heros] and [X-Men]... But those shows must have some truth within them... Moreover, some ppl could really possess such powers and they're keeping mum abt it... Which make sense as no one in their right mind will boldly admit tt they have some powers tt mere humans don't have for fear of rejection... Think abt the [Salem] witch hunt... Nuff' said... Oh, and the papers also reported tt he has a limp... Which makes my theory tt he has special abilities all the more convincing...

Obviously, if he has such abilities, the military alone wouldn't be enough to stop him... In my opinion, only magical or advanced technological intervention has to take place to create a barrier or force field surrounding [Singapore] in order to fully ensure tt [Mas] does not escape from this tiny red dot...

LOL!!! I've been watching and reading way too many supernatural stuff... -_-