I once said tt I've totally washed my hands of a particular person... Apparently, everyone who read tt knew better than to take what was typed for real... How can I totally give it up with a snap of a finger??? I do know tt it's totally 1-sided and all, but he was really, really nice to me when everyone thought I was some freak of nature (I think another certain someone still believe tt I'm still running a freak show)... All in all, I was just desperate to make friends and I should have known better than to befriend the most popular dude in [KSS]...
Okay, @ this juncture, I know everyone who read this will cringed tt I've labelled him as 'the most popular dude in [KSS]'... But WTH, just accept it just this once okay?!
Anyway, I was just dealt with a wake-up call... Tt for 2 ppl from diff. universe to befriend each other, it's night impossible... It's like attempting to time-travel, or to unravel the whole mystery on the [Bermuda Triangle], or... You get the pt...
Zzz... He's busy, I'm not... He can't make it for a date, I got fed-up... Tt's the summary... The bottom line is I'm bloody hell pissed off already...
*Inhale, exhale*
I'm not gonna sing those same tunes over and over again... What I've been wanting to rave to you readers is tt I've finally obtained my transition specs, you know, those with lenes tt can turn a darker shade when it's exposed to UV light??? I've finally got my paws on them!!! Haha... Oh and it isn't cheap, $0.5k, which is paid in full by my parents... Wahahaha~!!!
Oh well, may we meet next time in some bright enviornment where the UV rays are very intense so tt you'll bear witness to the changes my transition lenes... LOL!!! >_<
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Monday, July 28, 2008
Connecting With Ppl...
Wow, I didn't know tt my absence from the blogosphere or from connecting with friends for a little more than 2 wks would garner so much attention... Apparently, times have changed... In the past, if I were to be MIA for like 4 wks, I doubt no one would actually give a damn... Even if I were to be a rotting corspe, I hardly think there'll be much sympathy from friends... Fast forward to present day, a mere 2 wks of new posts is a much cause for concern... Okay, so what if I'm blowing everything up so tt I can feel wanted??? The whole pt is tt my friends actually want me to blog... It's a new experience, really... To actually know tt @ least I've friends out there who still cared for me... *Sniff* It's heart-warming...
Or perhaps they could simply be too bored and need someone, anyone, to update their blogs so tt they can kill a couple of mins of their time... Considering tt it's [SH], I would think he's lusting after my pics which I've took on the nature hike last week, which have yet to be uploading onto my [Photobucket]...
For the pics horders, the pics will be available on my online photo album in due time, so a little patience goes a long way... For those who can't wait or requires those top notched quality pics, just catch me online w/o my busy status - which indicates tt I'm gaming - and I'll send you the compressed folder of all the pics which I've deemed worthy of keeping...
Hmmm... Perhaps when I'm done with my uploads, I'll post 1 pic here which I think is really worth the honourable mention - the jump shot... I marvel @ the subject and my superb photography skill in freezing tt wonderous moment in time of 2 of my friends in mid-air... It's simply [The Matrix]!!!
LOL... I think I've given most an explanation of my long absence... It's high time I cut down on gaming and focus more on building up a socail life, or start networking for short, provided I've tt determination...
I confess, the layout is a little strange, esp so for the ambigrams... I made a mistake of being lazy and upload the pics as they were, unaware of their initial size... Oh well, I'll just make lemonade from the sour lemons and dump tons of sugar to sweeten it... For readers though, you'll get used to it in the long run... Haha...
Or perhaps they could simply be too bored and need someone, anyone, to update their blogs so tt they can kill a couple of mins of their time... Considering tt it's [SH], I would think he's lusting after my pics which I've took on the nature hike last week, which have yet to be uploading onto my [Photobucket]...
For the pics horders, the pics will be available on my online photo album in due time, so a little patience goes a long way... For those who can't wait or requires those top notched quality pics, just catch me online w/o my busy status - which indicates tt I'm gaming - and I'll send you the compressed folder of all the pics which I've deemed worthy of keeping...
Hmmm... Perhaps when I'm done with my uploads, I'll post 1 pic here which I think is really worth the honourable mention - the jump shot... I marvel @ the subject and my superb photography skill in freezing tt wonderous moment in time of 2 of my friends in mid-air... It's simply [The Matrix]!!!
LOL... I think I've given most an explanation of my long absence... It's high time I cut down on gaming and focus more on building up a socail life, or start networking for short, provided I've tt determination...
I confess, the layout is a little strange, esp so for the ambigrams... I made a mistake of being lazy and upload the pics as they were, unaware of their initial size... Oh well, I'll just make lemonade from the sour lemons and dump tons of sugar to sweeten it... For readers though, you'll get used to it in the long run... Haha...
Sunday, July 13, 2008
There's an interesting article in yesterday's newspaper, on how the Internet has made ppl dumb, how because of the Internet, ppl has learned to multi-task, resulting in them having shorter attention span, which caused ppl nowadays to be unable to bear reading long entries...
If you think abt it, it's very true, how ppl open multiple windows to blog, search for stuff, read mangas, watch videos, chat with friends, etc... The pro-longed after effects of tt is our inability to fully concentrate the moment we see a long, wordy entry... Simply imagine the impact this will have on the younger generation tt's brought up to such a world, how are they gonna survive through sch, if they can be easily distracted???
Even @ this point of my entry, I can already hear the moans of 'Gosh, such a long entry' and 'Is it ever gonna end short???'... Maybe the writer of yesterday's article's right, tt the Internet has made ppl dumb, yet sex makes ppl smart... This is because as the writer explains, when sex is injected into the article, most ppl will read till the end of the article, no matter how long it is... Okay, perhaps 'most ppl' seems inappropriate, but the 'steamy' scenes extracted from some romance novels sure caught my interest till the very end of the article...
Of course, do I really care tt ppl keep complaining tt my article's too long for comfort or tt I take too bloody long a time to digest 2 cups of absolute sin tt's bound to cause any normal person to end up being diabetic??? The fact tt I'm still bitching abt tt in this entry is answer enough...
I see no point of simply eating ice-cream with friends if no catching up is done... I see no point of going out after 7 pm in the 1st place uf all you're going to do is to rush back home because it's getting late... Neither do I see any point of eating any ice-cream or desserts for tt matter if you're rushing it down your mouth and not enjoying it...
I believe I'm entitled to air my own views on my own blog, so even if it's not agreeable with everyone, it's perfectly understandable... The point is that through this experience, I've come to learn tt certain terms and condition has to be made known 1st in the future in order to prevent any further miscommunication... For instance, the estimated time to leave should @ the very least be made known such tt everyone present has a common understanding of the time tt's available...
Freak show or not, my views on life apparently differs from everyone and vise versa... Afterall, if there's no complain of one's walking spd, why are there complains to one's eating spd???
If you think abt it, it's very true, how ppl open multiple windows to blog, search for stuff, read mangas, watch videos, chat with friends, etc... The pro-longed after effects of tt is our inability to fully concentrate the moment we see a long, wordy entry... Simply imagine the impact this will have on the younger generation tt's brought up to such a world, how are they gonna survive through sch, if they can be easily distracted???
Even @ this point of my entry, I can already hear the moans of 'Gosh, such a long entry' and 'Is it ever gonna end short???'... Maybe the writer of yesterday's article's right, tt the Internet has made ppl dumb, yet sex makes ppl smart... This is because as the writer explains, when sex is injected into the article, most ppl will read till the end of the article, no matter how long it is... Okay, perhaps 'most ppl' seems inappropriate, but the 'steamy' scenes extracted from some romance novels sure caught my interest till the very end of the article...
Of course, do I really care tt ppl keep complaining tt my article's too long for comfort or tt I take too bloody long a time to digest 2 cups of absolute sin tt's bound to cause any normal person to end up being diabetic??? The fact tt I'm still bitching abt tt in this entry is answer enough...
I see no point of simply eating ice-cream with friends if no catching up is done... I see no point of going out after 7 pm in the 1st place uf all you're going to do is to rush back home because it's getting late... Neither do I see any point of eating any ice-cream or desserts for tt matter if you're rushing it down your mouth and not enjoying it...
I believe I'm entitled to air my own views on my own blog, so even if it's not agreeable with everyone, it's perfectly understandable... The point is that through this experience, I've come to learn tt certain terms and condition has to be made known 1st in the future in order to prevent any further miscommunication... For instance, the estimated time to leave should @ the very least be made known such tt everyone present has a common understanding of the time tt's available...
Freak show or not, my views on life apparently differs from everyone and vise versa... Afterall, if there's no complain of one's walking spd, why are there complains to one's eating spd???
Thursday, July 10, 2008
Cosfest VII...
Finally!!! The most anticipated entry has finally arrived for 3 of the gang members, partly because this means tt they'll finally be able to lay their paws on the original photos, which are obviously of better quality... LOL...
Lo and behold!!!
I was complaining abt air pollution from all those smoky effect they're doing while the cosplay contestants are preparing for the competition when [XP] suggested tt maybe, just maybe, those emission are to purify the air... -_-"'
*Squeals* What a nice banner!!!
And so the competition began...
I wonder if the male character is indeed [Vincent Valentine] from [FFVII]... If it's indeed so, then who's the girl??? *Puzzled* Okay, so I didn't really know as much abt [FFVII] as I thought I knew... Haha...
The individual category contestant for [Bleach]...
Largest group category for [Bleach]...
Another group contestant for [Bleach], this one portraying a fight scene...
1 more group contestant for [Bleach]... Among the 3, I'll vote for this cause this is more hilarious... Then again, what's the obsession with [Bleach]?!
The main character from [Kindom Hearts]...
LOL... I can't remember who she's supposed to be...
After [XP-sama] and I were done viewing all the participants, we decided to do some sight-seeing in the dome instead of waiting for the results of the competition... It's then tt I feel like I'm in another world yet again and I couldn't help snap away with my 4 megapixel cam... Don't laugh, after all, the cam's @ least 4 yrs old... =D
Some random cosplayers which I saw while walking around...

I don't think there's anyone in this...
But there sure is someone in this... Gosh, I bet this must have really cost a bomb in making... *Envy*
For [Naruto] fans!!!

It's super easy to cosplay as [Naruto] as there's no fear of being a copycat due to [Naruto]'s unique ninja skill of duplicating himself... *Grin*
[Death Note]...

[D. Greyman], my current favourite!!!
Honourable mention!!! [Leenalee-chan] with [Kanda-kum]!!! OMG, tt's quite a scandel there for the [Black Order]!!! [Komui-san] must be fuming... LOL!!! =P
Tt wasn't the end... As we left the dome, the thought of calling it a day and deciding what's for dinner was immediately smashed by the scene tt greeted us as we took 5 steps back into sunlight...

More [Naruto] for the [Narutards]...
I wonder if the 3 characters from the right are from [Ragnarok Online]??? *Ponders*
Yeap, so tt's all the photos tt I did retained... It's an excellent trip to [Downtown East] and I'm totally loving cosplay now!!! LOL... Not tt I want to be in any outfit mind you... I can alredy hear [SH]'s voice if I were to attempt a cosplay... Haha... I'm so looking for next year's cosplay event!!! *Jumps in seat*
I also need to brush up on my photography as my photo retention rate is a pathetic 50%, if you get what I mean...
Lo and behold!!!
And so the competition began...
After [XP-sama] and I were done viewing all the participants, we decided to do some sight-seeing in the dome instead of waiting for the results of the competition... It's then tt I feel like I'm in another world yet again and I couldn't help snap away with my 4 megapixel cam... Don't laugh, after all, the cam's @ least 4 yrs old... =D
Some random cosplayers which I saw while walking around...
For [Naruto] fans!!!
[Death Note]...
[D. Greyman], my current favourite!!!
Tt wasn't the end... As we left the dome, the thought of calling it a day and deciding what's for dinner was immediately smashed by the scene tt greeted us as we took 5 steps back into sunlight...
Yeap, so tt's all the photos tt I did retained... It's an excellent trip to [Downtown East] and I'm totally loving cosplay now!!! LOL... Not tt I want to be in any outfit mind you... I can alredy hear [SH]'s voice if I were to attempt a cosplay... Haha... I'm so looking for next year's cosplay event!!! *Jumps in seat*
I also need to brush up on my photography as my photo retention rate is a pathetic 50%, if you get what I mean...
Friday, July 04, 2008
Toy & Comic Convention 2008...
28 Jun 08... Tt's the date of my 1st visit to a convention with cosplay... Ever since I saw some pics of some cosplayers from overseas as well as on [MJ] blog, it's been a desire of mine to witness some cosplayers in action live...
Despite the convention itself not being what [XP], [YH], [HY] and I envisioned - where cosplayers thonged the place, it's still an unforgettable experience... Behold!!!
What greeted us @ the entrance...
A maid playing [Wii]!!! She ought to get back to the cafe and start serving the otakus...
As we walked around the convention, we chanced upon some creative inventions...
Tofu-heads!!! Kawaii~!!!
This totally reminds me of the digimon @ the baby stage... LOL!!!
[XP] told me not to view the following before I go to bed... I totally agree...

I don't know abt you, this gives me the creeps... It has the impression tt it'll come to life @ the most unexpected of times and kill you... *Shivers* Apparently, a certain someone has a run-off-the-mill imagination... =P
As we're walking abt [SunTec], it's as if with every step tt we take, we're being thrust into another world, in another place, @ another time... *Sigh* How I wish these worlds are real such tt I can stay in them like forever... Haha~...
[Cardcaptor Sakura]!!! [Sakura-chan] should be hugging [Kero] as well, then it'll be perfect!!! Kyaa~!!!

The crux... The cosplay competition!!!
But before tt, we saw [Vader-san] and his lackeys... [YH] thinks tt they couldn't actually see from within the mask, as they seem to have difficulities in getting on and off the stage... LOL!!!
The various competitors...

Honourable mention...
The alfreo dude from [DDR]... Way to go!!!
[Leenalee-chan]!!! I wonder where's the rest of the [Exorcists]...
Let me introduce this character... This's [Cloud Strife] from [FFVII]... I'm no kidding... Apparently, [Cloud-san] has decided to be in drag for god-knows what reason... Masaka, he's developed a unhealthy hobby after doing a drag once in an attempt to save [Tifa-san]?! But really, she should hold a sword and introduced herself as [Saber] from [Fate/Stay Night] instead... Tt should be better...
Oh well... Tt's it for this entry... Look out for the next entry detailing [Sun]'s mega event... [CosFest VI] down [Downtown East]!!! More cosplay... Woots!!! And it's a bigger, better event... After all, the winner of the cosplay competition gets to represent [Singapore] internationally... Jaa, till the next entry... Sayonara!!! *Winks*
Despite the convention itself not being what [XP], [YH], [HY] and I envisioned - where cosplayers thonged the place, it's still an unforgettable experience... Behold!!!
What greeted us @ the entrance...
As we walked around the convention, we chanced upon some creative inventions...
[XP] told me not to view the following before I go to bed... I totally agree...
As we're walking abt [SunTec], it's as if with every step tt we take, we're being thrust into another world, in another place, @ another time... *Sigh* How I wish these worlds are real such tt I can stay in them like forever... Haha~...
The crux... The cosplay competition!!!
The various competitors...
Honourable mention...
Oh well... Tt's it for this entry... Look out for the next entry detailing [Sun]'s mega event... [CosFest VI] down [Downtown East]!!! More cosplay... Woots!!! And it's a bigger, better event... After all, the winner of the cosplay competition gets to represent [Singapore] internationally... Jaa, till the next entry... Sayonara!!! *Winks*
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