Finally!!! The most anticipated entry has finally arrived for 3 of the gang members, partly because this means tt they'll finally be able to lay their paws on the original photos, which are obviously of better quality... LOL...
Lo and behold!!!

I was complaining abt air pollution from all those smoky effect they're doing while the cosplay contestants are preparing for the competition when [XP] suggested tt maybe, just maybe, those emission are to purify the air... -_-"'

*Squeals* What a nice banner!!!
And so the competition began...

I wonder if the male character is indeed [Vincent Valentine] from [FFVII]... If it's indeed so, then who's the girl??? *Puzzled* Okay, so I didn't really know as much abt [FFVII] as I thought I knew... Haha...

The individual category contestant for [Bleach]...

Largest group category for [Bleach]...

Another group contestant for [Bleach], this one portraying a fight scene...

1 more group contestant for [Bleach]... Among the 3, I'll vote for this cause this is more hilarious... Then again, what's the obsession with [Bleach]?!

The main character from [Kindom Hearts]...

LOL... I can't remember who she's supposed to be...
After [XP-sama] and I were done viewing all the participants, we decided to do some sight-seeing in the dome instead of waiting for the results of the competition... It's then tt I feel like I'm in another world yet again and I couldn't help snap away with my 4 megapixel cam... Don't laugh, after all, the cam's @ least 4 yrs old... =D
Some random cosplayers which I saw while walking around...

I don't think there's anyone in this...

But there sure is someone in this... Gosh, I bet this must have really cost a bomb in making... *Envy*
For [Naruto] fans!!!

It's super easy to cosplay as [Naruto] as there's no fear of being a copycat due to [Naruto]'s unique ninja skill of duplicating himself... *Grin*
[Death Note]...

[D. Greyman], my current favourite!!!

Honourable mention!!! [Leenalee-chan] with [Kanda-kum]!!! OMG, tt's quite a scandel there for the [Black Order]!!! [Komui-san] must be fuming... LOL!!! =P
Tt wasn't the end... As we left the dome, the thought of calling it a day and deciding what's for dinner was immediately smashed by the scene tt greeted us as we took 5 steps back into sunlight...

More [Naruto] for the [Narutards]...

I wonder if the 3 characters from the right are from [Ragnarok Online]??? *Ponders*
Yeap, so tt's all the photos tt I did retained... It's an excellent trip to [Downtown East] and I'm totally loving cosplay now!!! LOL... Not tt I want to be in any outfit mind you... I can alredy hear [SH]'s voice if I were to attempt a cosplay... Haha... I'm so looking for next year's cosplay event!!! *Jumps in seat*
I also need to brush up on my photography as my photo retention rate is a pathetic 50%, if you get what I mean...