28 Jun 08... Tt's the date of my 1st visit to a convention with cosplay... Ever since I saw some pics of some cosplayers from overseas as well as on [MJ] blog, it's been a desire of mine to witness some cosplayers in action live...
Despite the convention itself not being what [XP], [YH], [HY] and I envisioned - where cosplayers thonged the place, it's still an unforgettable experience... Behold!!!
What greeted us @ the entrance...

A maid playing [Wii]!!! She ought to get back to the cafe and start serving the otakus...
As we walked around the convention, we chanced upon some creative inventions...

Tofu-heads!!! Kawaii~!!!


This totally reminds me of the digimon @ the baby stage... LOL!!!
[XP] told me not to view the following before I go to bed... I totally agree...

I don't know abt you, this gives me the creeps... It has the impression tt it'll come to life @ the most unexpected of times and kill you... *Shivers* Apparently, a certain someone has a run-off-the-mill imagination... =P
As we're walking abt [SunTec], it's as if with every step tt we take, we're being thrust into another world, in another place, @ another time... *Sigh* How I wish these worlds are real such tt I can stay in them like forever... Haha~...



[Cardcaptor Sakura]!!! [Sakura-chan] should be hugging [Kero] as well, then it'll be perfect!!! Kyaa~!!!

The crux... The cosplay competition!!!

But before tt, we saw [Vader-san] and his lackeys... [YH] thinks tt they couldn't actually see from within the mask, as they seem to have difficulities in getting on and off the stage... LOL!!!
The various competitors...

Honourable mention...

The alfreo dude from [DDR]... Way to go!!!

[Leenalee-chan]!!! I wonder where's the rest of the [Exorcists]...

Let me introduce this character... This's [Cloud Strife] from [FFVII]... I'm no kidding... Apparently, [Cloud-san] has decided to be in drag for god-knows what reason... Masaka, he's developed a unhealthy hobby after doing a drag once in an attempt to save [Tifa-san]?! But really, she should hold a sword and introduced herself as [Saber] from [Fate/Stay Night] instead... Tt should be better...
Oh well... Tt's it for this entry... Look out for the next entry detailing [Sun]'s mega event... [CosFest VI] down [Downtown East]!!! More cosplay... Woots!!! And it's a bigger, better event... After all, the winner of the cosplay competition gets to represent [Singapore] internationally... Jaa, till the next entry... Sayonara!!! *Winks*