Thursday, April 30, 2009

The Interesting Things You Discover...

Soul Eater

Anime Title: Soul Eater

Summary: Set in the Shinigami technical school for weapon meisters, the series revolves around 3 groups of each a weapon meister and a human weapon... Trying to make the latter a "Death Scythe" and thus fit for use by the Shinigami, they must collect the souls of 99 evil humans and 1 witch...

I would say tt the genre is similar to tt of [Shaman King]... Action is predominant in the show, with comedy here and there... Of the 3 couples (weapon meister followed by human weapon) - [Maka] and [Soul], [Black Star] and [Tsubaki], [Death The Kid] and [Liz] and [Patty] - [Maka] and her weapon is by far the most normal... [Black Star] is so much of an attention seeker tt he fails as an assassin while [Death The Kid] is a complete perfectionist, constantly harbouring on symmetry till it becomes a liability to him... Overall, with 51 episodes, I guess it should be alright in keeping me entertained for quite awhile... LOL...

*Sigh* I guess after awhile, there can be no denying tt I am best suited to lead a solitary existence... It's been tested and proven tt with [Restaurant City], [Final Fantasy VII] and [Audition] keeping me occupied, my need for human company isn't even there @ all... Haha... So it isn't my looks tt's the prob... It's the gaming addiction... How nice... -_-"'

Anyway, I stumbled upon a hilarious script as I was looking through the guides for [Final Fantasy VII]... Do click the link and see for yourself...

And before I sign off, here's another animated dancing video... Gawd, I'm obsessed with this!!!

[Wonder Girls] - [Nobody] (Animated Version)...