I arrived @ [CCK] wayyy too early and decided to do some stoning and ppl watch instead of entering the stn and risk staying inside for too long and getting fined a couple of dollars... It's there tt I saw a bunch of young adults entering the stn and exiting, apparently, it's to do some test on or something... The only explanation tt I can come up on why they're doing tt is for a project... It's really beyond my imagination tt this is a temp job and anyone would take such joy in doing something so mundane and repetitive... Bet the pay isn't even tt fantastic if it's indeed a temp job...
Nevertheless, I was intrigued by the display of clockwork actions... Strange indeed...
Despite me telling [M] tt I wasn't meeting her, I ended up waiting @ [CCK] till she turned up and both of us made our way to [JE] stn and surprisingly, [YH] was already there... Yeah, after tt few times of her being late, I'm not very optimistic on her early arrival...
We then boarded the train and merrily made our way to [Bedok] stn all the while crapping and discussing [MJ]'s interview question... It's an estimation question and she was asked how many LTs are there in the 3 local universities combined??? Now, as we're being who aren't even in uni, we've got to approach this in a logical manner and it's interesting to reason out the various arguments and collectively arrive @ a conclusion...
Of course, this is still manageable... If the question was how many 1 litre bottles does it take to empty the whole of [Mandai Lake], I'll be completely clueless and @ a loss of a reasonable answer... Not tt my estimation has ever been close...
Arrived @ [Bedok] stn and spent a couple of mins waiting for [SL] before we made our way through the interchange towards the queue for bus no. 196... We waited for somewhat close to 30 mins before the bus came and it's a miracle tt we even managed to stop @ the correct stop as none of us was tt familiar with the area...
It's only then tt I realised tt a faster trip towards [ECP] was to head over to [Bt. Panjang] and take bus 966 which will dump us @ [Parkway Parade]... It's a faster bus ride for most of the trip, it's non-stop through the expressway and following tt, it's just a few mins walk before we arrive @ our final destination... Ah well, lesson learnt...
All of us rented the $6 bike and with 3 hrs to spare, we started with our 40 km cycle... Towards [Changi Beach Park] and back...
As [SL] went in search for a toilet, I decided to let my fingers was trigger-happy...
After tt, it was a leisurely 10 km cycle towards our destination and thank goodness the sun wasn't tt strong or bright to incinerate my to ashes... Though I think I was a little burnt as my arms are feeling a little painful, as if I've been torched by UV beams...
Did lots of chatting with [SL] while the other 2 simply listened to theie MP3 players instead of listening to nature's way of noise pollution... Neither was there any disintegration of bikes this time round... Phew!!!
After close to 100 mins, we finally arrived @ the entrance of [Changi Beach Park] and here's the prove!!!
As [YH] and [SL] went for their toilet breaks, the tall and skinny decided to do some rock climbing...
I didn't dare stand on the taller rock and neither did [MJ] cause we're slightly afraid of heights... LOL... A little ironic, huh...
The sleeping dude was there when we arrived and he's still there when we're abt to start our return trip to [ECP]... Seriously, his lying there totally screams 'Run me over!!! Mow me down!!! Flatten me with your speeding bike!!!'... Sheesh!!! @ least find somewhere else to sleep... Somewhere where no one can find you... Such an unsightly sight... -_-"'
By the time all of us return our bike, I'm totally drained with my legs totally sore from the long ride... *Sigh* I guess this is the evidence of my lack of exercise as well as me getting on with my age... Not tt I'm gonna admit it anytime soon... I've no intention of celebrating my b-day this yr and I'm denying my b-day... In fact, from this yr onwards, I shall have no b-day and shall henceforth be forever 20!!! Granted, I'm in absolute denial, but hey, if I'm happy, it's all tt matter, right??? LOL...
[Hot Fudge Sundae] follow soon after to chill before we made our way back home, thus concluding this day's event...
This was what I got as a gift from [YH]... It's handmade from [China] and I must say, it's really a fascinating piece of handicraft... Arigato~!!!