Doh, I just found out tt [] is down for some tiny maintenance, which means tt I couldn't upload my pics... Just when I've decided to spend a couple of hours to clear all the backlog of extra, extra online stuff, Internet decides to play punk with me...
Oh, and did I mention tt [Rectaurant City] is down for maintenance as well??? Gah, this is really not a good day... Oh, I better get a grip or else I slip back into the pechy me of yesterday...
One other way to see all this is tt this is a sign for me to close all these tabs and open [MicroSoft Words] and begin penning the report tt I've to submit as the lead discussant for today's discussion group as well as to actually start on the 2,000 words essay which I have to cough up one way or the other in 9 days' time...
[Special Sem] is harder than I initially thought it would be... And I think I've whined abt this already...
It's a pity tt I couldn't upload the pics of me in my new pants as well as the scarf which was a gift from [SH], [XP] and [YL] combined... I managed to receive the scarf during the trip to [Tampines 1] 3 days ago with [MJ], [YH], [XP], [Cass] and [YQ]... It was quick thinking of [YL] to pass the scarf over to either [Cass] and [YQ] or else I'll have to wait till the next [Sat] before I could actuall see, touch and wear it...
As for [YH], really, if she's not late, she'll forget my b-day gift... *Shakes head in disappointment*
Yeah, and as I've mentioned, I bought a white shorts from [Recoil] for $29.90... The design's quite unique and I've been eyeing tt like for a mth already, ever since I went to [Tampines 1] for the 1st time... I wasn't too sure then and was reluctant to buy least I end up thinking tt it's a big mistake... After seeing tt same pants @ [Illuma] and going back to [Tampines 1] yet again, I suposed it's some divine way of saying, 'Yes, the shorts' meant for you, buy it before the design's gone and then it'll be useless to regret...'
So I bought it... I just hope tt when it's subjected to the torture of the washer, nth's destroyed or missing... LOL...
Time for me to watch some anime and perhaps do some finger exercise on [AuditionSEA]... Jaa, mata~...
[Lies] - [Big Bang] (Animated Version)...
Friday, May 29, 2009
Thursday, May 21, 2009
Time Is Required To Recover...
I'm now in my 2nd wk of my special term and it seems like I've bitten more than I could chew... My brain has indeed been turned to mush and trying to do self-study is a near impossibility as I've realised this afternoon... I'm unable to peel myself from the com nor am I able to concentrate on the text which I'm reading for more than an hr... And I suspect my attention span to be even shorter than tt...
Perhaps it's time to re-evaluate my emotional state of mind and I guess the physical aspect is also a factor in this whole evaluation...
What will happen, will happen if you allow it and surprisingly, the novel which I was reading @ tt point in time was also discussing the same issue I'm facing... The lead character has finally found the man of her dreams, only tt she didn't dare admit it for fear of ending up like her mum who has to suffer from the wrong decision she has made when she agreed to marry the father... In another word, she's afraid of love, fearing tt wrong choice tt she might make... However, she realised tt she can't live in constant fear and thus decided to give herself and her lover a chance and not live to regret it when the opportunity slips...
A good morale of the story... Something which I have to deal soon if I were to ever want my concentration back...
Then there's this cover story in [Mind Your Body] tt's talking abt desired body figuers... Which lead me to think... Perhaps it's time tt instead of simply drooling and admiring those hunky-licious hot bods with uncountable packs, I should hit the gym... With all the articles abt the benefits of exercising, it has to be true, right???
Of course, tt's just a passing thought to get a life... Whether I'll put tt plan into action, it's another story...
And just this morning, I almost had a panic attack... For some reason unknown to myself yet again, I woke up thinking tt I just might have missed the registration for the 2nd part of the special term... Then my wild imagination started to worsen the situation by drawing the logical reasoning... If the registration for the 1st part is in [Mar] and the it starts in [May], it means tt there's a 2 mths gap b/w registration and lesson proper... Which means tt if the 2nd part starts in mid-[Jun], then the registration should be over by [Apr]... Thinking tt to be quite logical, I automatically switched to panic mode as I've no idea how to spend tt 6 wks... The camps available aren't tt appealing... Neither could I think of a good reason to explain why I'm not studying, which made the whole anxiety worse...
In the end, when I jumped out of bed and check the documents to verify the registration date, I literally heaved a huge sigh of relieve... The registration starts on 1 Jun... There's still plenty of time... *Phew*
I should start to get a grip on myself... Find the courage tt's latent, hidden in some deep recesses of my brain... x_x
[U Go Girl] - [Lee Hyori] (Animated Version)...
Perhaps it's time to re-evaluate my emotional state of mind and I guess the physical aspect is also a factor in this whole evaluation...
What will happen, will happen if you allow it and surprisingly, the novel which I was reading @ tt point in time was also discussing the same issue I'm facing... The lead character has finally found the man of her dreams, only tt she didn't dare admit it for fear of ending up like her mum who has to suffer from the wrong decision she has made when she agreed to marry the father... In another word, she's afraid of love, fearing tt wrong choice tt she might make... However, she realised tt she can't live in constant fear and thus decided to give herself and her lover a chance and not live to regret it when the opportunity slips...
A good morale of the story... Something which I have to deal soon if I were to ever want my concentration back...
Then there's this cover story in [Mind Your Body] tt's talking abt desired body figuers... Which lead me to think... Perhaps it's time tt instead of simply drooling and admiring those hunky-licious hot bods with uncountable packs, I should hit the gym... With all the articles abt the benefits of exercising, it has to be true, right???
Of course, tt's just a passing thought to get a life... Whether I'll put tt plan into action, it's another story...
And just this morning, I almost had a panic attack... For some reason unknown to myself yet again, I woke up thinking tt I just might have missed the registration for the 2nd part of the special term... Then my wild imagination started to worsen the situation by drawing the logical reasoning... If the registration for the 1st part is in [Mar] and the it starts in [May], it means tt there's a 2 mths gap b/w registration and lesson proper... Which means tt if the 2nd part starts in mid-[Jun], then the registration should be over by [Apr]... Thinking tt to be quite logical, I automatically switched to panic mode as I've no idea how to spend tt 6 wks... The camps available aren't tt appealing... Neither could I think of a good reason to explain why I'm not studying, which made the whole anxiety worse...
In the end, when I jumped out of bed and check the documents to verify the registration date, I literally heaved a huge sigh of relieve... The registration starts on 1 Jun... There's still plenty of time... *Phew*
I should start to get a grip on myself... Find the courage tt's latent, hidden in some deep recesses of my brain... x_x
[U Go Girl] - [Lee Hyori] (Animated Version)...
Sunday, May 17, 2009
Canceled Gathering...
There was supposed to be a class gathering yesterday... However, it's only after when I've showered and changed tt I received the SMS tt said gathering has been canceled due to our teacher being unable to welcome us to his home @ the last min...
I could've just changed back to my home clothes and simply chillax @ home... Watch some animes, surf more com, conqure a few more chapters of my novel... Yet I did none of those and accompanied my sis to collect her new transition specs as well as to have lunch with her @ [Lot 1]...
Then I headed to [Jurong Point] anyway simply to window shop... Actually, I had a few missions to run and 1 of them is to help my dad hunt down tt [Jap] fish market docu tt he's been searching high and low for... Surprisingly though, of all (2 actually) the video stores @ the 3rd floor of the mall, none holds the DVD and I'm beginning to wonder if they actually know what I'm talking abt in the 1st place... In the end, I managed to located the only copy of the DVD down @ [TS]... Truly a hard quest to complete...
The 2nd mission was to collect the [Kushinbo] name card and tt was easily done... Last mission though, was to shop for my slippers and before I did tt, I headed over to the [Sony] shop and found myself having the opportunity to meddle with the [Street Fighter IV] game on [PS3]...
It's only then tt I realised tt I totally suck @ the game... Or perhaps I'm just not used to the 'Medium' difficulty... I tried [Rose], [Cammy], [Chun-Li] and even the supposedly more powerful [C. Viper] and I couldn't win mroe than 2 fights in a row with the CPU... Note to self: Needs more training on tt game...
As I continued on walking around, I chanced upon yet another game store and this time, there's the [FFXIII] game demo being played on the [PS3]... I managed to watch the game trailer and the animation, effects and the characters totally blew my head right off... And yes, the male character is kinda hot... LOL...
Anyway, I slowly walked my way back to the new extension and came across [Surfers' Paradise]... Went to try on the flip-flops tt I so badly wanted and was really contemplating to make my very 1st purchase when I suddenly reconsidered... It's best not to buy in haste or else I might regret... *Sigh*
Looks like trying to earn some biz (and $$$ in the process) from me ain't easy after all...
Bought myself a cup of yogurt as well as 2 bread from [BreakTalk] before heading back home...
[Final Fantasy XIII] Trailer...!!!
I could've just changed back to my home clothes and simply chillax @ home... Watch some animes, surf more com, conqure a few more chapters of my novel... Yet I did none of those and accompanied my sis to collect her new transition specs as well as to have lunch with her @ [Lot 1]...
Then I headed to [Jurong Point] anyway simply to window shop... Actually, I had a few missions to run and 1 of them is to help my dad hunt down tt [Jap] fish market docu tt he's been searching high and low for... Surprisingly though, of all (2 actually) the video stores @ the 3rd floor of the mall, none holds the DVD and I'm beginning to wonder if they actually know what I'm talking abt in the 1st place... In the end, I managed to located the only copy of the DVD down @ [TS]... Truly a hard quest to complete...
The 2nd mission was to collect the [Kushinbo] name card and tt was easily done... Last mission though, was to shop for my slippers and before I did tt, I headed over to the [Sony] shop and found myself having the opportunity to meddle with the [Street Fighter IV] game on [PS3]...
It's only then tt I realised tt I totally suck @ the game... Or perhaps I'm just not used to the 'Medium' difficulty... I tried [Rose], [Cammy], [Chun-Li] and even the supposedly more powerful [C. Viper] and I couldn't win mroe than 2 fights in a row with the CPU... Note to self: Needs more training on tt game...
As I continued on walking around, I chanced upon yet another game store and this time, there's the [FFXIII] game demo being played on the [PS3]... I managed to watch the game trailer and the animation, effects and the characters totally blew my head right off... And yes, the male character is kinda hot... LOL...
Anyway, I slowly walked my way back to the new extension and came across [Surfers' Paradise]... Went to try on the flip-flops tt I so badly wanted and was really contemplating to make my very 1st purchase when I suddenly reconsidered... It's best not to buy in haste or else I might regret... *Sigh*
Looks like trying to earn some biz (and $$$ in the process) from me ain't easy after all...
Bought myself a cup of yogurt as well as 2 bread from [BreakTalk] before heading back home...
[Final Fantasy XIII] Trailer...!!!
Friday, May 15, 2009
Birthday Disaster...
On tt fateful day itself, I did receive a couple of SMSes wishing me a happy 21st b-day as well as to tell me to enjoy this once in a lifetime occasion... Well, I've acceptable the inevitable... I just didn't know the nightmare and regret tt I'll experience soon after...
But before tt, [Ah-Ming] gave me a treat @ [Subway] as a form of celebrating my b-day before I have to rush down to sch... And when I arrived @ the entrance of the LT, I chanced up this notice pasted on the notice board...

In exchange for learning [Chinese], [English] and [Jap], this [Korean] who's studying for his post degree @ [Biz] is willing to trade info on [Korean], interviewing, consultation and presentation skills... LOL... Upon chancing this, I'm positive tt [YH] will be very much interested... And I was right... Perhaps she can really, really consider the offer...
Okay, so I saw the ad... And I was happily waiting for my lecture to start when I saw ppl coming out of the LT and tt's when the little nagging fear in my soul mutated to a full blown leg crippling one, which is why I went to find a seat @ the canteen 2 m away, took out my timetable and atared @ it...
Damn, I arrived @ sch when the lec ended!!! And I couldn't believe this... My 1st time... Gone on the day when I turned 21... Seriously, this has got to be the most wacked out way of commemorating my b-day... *SIgh*
In the end, I headed over to the [Central Library] to read up on what was supposedly be taught on the lec... Haha... Going to the library's cool and it's indeed a very good place to study... Quiet, spacious tables... Simply perfect for me...
Anyway, after abt 90 mins, I began my journey back to [CCK] all the while still being traumatised by the experience... Good thing [XP] was there to join me for dinner and distract me for the time being... And I appreciated her being willing to travel so far to dine with me...
Back home, my family celebrated my aging with this absolutely kawaii cake which I ordered and collected myself...
It's cute!!! And the pic there isn't a [Hello Kitty]!!! It's a cute dragon for crying out loud... Haha... Despite the cute appearance, tt's made up of mostly flour... Can you believe tt??? I paid like $6 more just for flour!!! I was hoping the constitution to be mainly sugar... Oh well, @ least the [Blackforest] cake's delicious... ^_^
Next yr, it shall be ice-cream cake again...
Then yesterday, I met up with [MJ], [YH] and [YQ] and we went over to [YQ]'s house... The initial plan was to watch a few movies... In the end, we ended up watching only [Ip Man] and got kinda excited over the movie, especially towards the ending, we were screaming for the useless bespectacled [Jap] soldier to be shot and was estatic when tt happened... LOL... Personally though, I really liked [Ip Man]'s cool and collected manner when he's being confronted as well as the various kung-fu fighting scenes... *Grin*
[Cass] joined us soon after and we chat a little before takign 2 pics and heading over to [JP] for our dinner buffet...

It's my 1st time visiting [Kushinbo] for a meal and boy was ti a good experience... There's really a HUGE variety of food available and for the 1st time, I tried a little piece of unagi... Not really nice for it tasted like steamed fish skin - something tt I find disgusting to look @ and equally not as tasty to my spoilt taste buds...
I think [MJ] single-handedly decimated the restaurant's stock of crab in tt single meal... It's amazing how much crab she can eat... I bet she ate more than the $42.25 tt each of us paid for the meal... LOL... I on the other hand, was pleased with the desserts... Agar agar, mini donuts, ice-cream, cakes, marshmellows and a pot of melted chocolate... I was happily sating my sweet tooth drinking the melted chocolate until the rest blabber abt me ending up being diabetic... I don't blame them for it's indeed for my own good...
[Cass] and [YQ] subsidised $20 off my bill as a b-day treat and I also know what present [XP], [YH] and [MJ] bought for me... I just couldn't wait to lay my hands on the tote bag... Ooohhh... Another bag to my collection!!! Yipee!!! =D

I didn't take any pics on the food tt we eat nor the mess tt we created for my hands weren't very clean during the meal... Zzz... -_-"'
[Eat You Up] - [BoA] (Animated Version)...
But before tt, [Ah-Ming] gave me a treat @ [Subway] as a form of celebrating my b-day before I have to rush down to sch... And when I arrived @ the entrance of the LT, I chanced up this notice pasted on the notice board...
In exchange for learning [Chinese], [English] and [Jap], this [Korean] who's studying for his post degree @ [Biz] is willing to trade info on [Korean], interviewing, consultation and presentation skills... LOL... Upon chancing this, I'm positive tt [YH] will be very much interested... And I was right... Perhaps she can really, really consider the offer...
Okay, so I saw the ad... And I was happily waiting for my lecture to start when I saw ppl coming out of the LT and tt's when the little nagging fear in my soul mutated to a full blown leg crippling one, which is why I went to find a seat @ the canteen 2 m away, took out my timetable and atared @ it...
Damn, I arrived @ sch when the lec ended!!! And I couldn't believe this... My 1st time... Gone on the day when I turned 21... Seriously, this has got to be the most wacked out way of commemorating my b-day... *SIgh*
In the end, I headed over to the [Central Library] to read up on what was supposedly be taught on the lec... Haha... Going to the library's cool and it's indeed a very good place to study... Quiet, spacious tables... Simply perfect for me...
Anyway, after abt 90 mins, I began my journey back to [CCK] all the while still being traumatised by the experience... Good thing [XP] was there to join me for dinner and distract me for the time being... And I appreciated her being willing to travel so far to dine with me...
Back home, my family celebrated my aging with this absolutely kawaii cake which I ordered and collected myself...
Next yr, it shall be ice-cream cake again...
Then yesterday, I met up with [MJ], [YH] and [YQ] and we went over to [YQ]'s house... The initial plan was to watch a few movies... In the end, we ended up watching only [Ip Man] and got kinda excited over the movie, especially towards the ending, we were screaming for the useless bespectacled [Jap] soldier to be shot and was estatic when tt happened... LOL... Personally though, I really liked [Ip Man]'s cool and collected manner when he's being confronted as well as the various kung-fu fighting scenes... *Grin*
[Cass] joined us soon after and we chat a little before takign 2 pics and heading over to [JP] for our dinner buffet...
It's my 1st time visiting [Kushinbo] for a meal and boy was ti a good experience... There's really a HUGE variety of food available and for the 1st time, I tried a little piece of unagi... Not really nice for it tasted like steamed fish skin - something tt I find disgusting to look @ and equally not as tasty to my spoilt taste buds...
I think [MJ] single-handedly decimated the restaurant's stock of crab in tt single meal... It's amazing how much crab she can eat... I bet she ate more than the $42.25 tt each of us paid for the meal... LOL... I on the other hand, was pleased with the desserts... Agar agar, mini donuts, ice-cream, cakes, marshmellows and a pot of melted chocolate... I was happily sating my sweet tooth drinking the melted chocolate until the rest blabber abt me ending up being diabetic... I don't blame them for it's indeed for my own good...
[Cass] and [YQ] subsidised $20 off my bill as a b-day treat and I also know what present [XP], [YH] and [MJ] bought for me... I just couldn't wait to lay my hands on the tote bag... Ooohhh... Another bag to my collection!!! Yipee!!! =D
I didn't take any pics on the food tt we eat nor the mess tt we created for my hands weren't very clean during the meal... Zzz... -_-"'
[Eat You Up] - [BoA] (Animated Version)...
Tuesday, May 12, 2009
In-Between Lessons...
Yesterday was the start of my [Special Term] and being the really fresh freshie, I knew nuts abt anything regarding the lecture tt I'm supposed to attend... Well, I do know the name of the module as well as the venue of the LT, but I'm totally unfamiliar with the layout of the sch itself, which is why I almost got myself lost...
It all started because of the damned downpour as the bus entered the [Clementi] area... Thinking tt it's better to travel in areas with shelter, I alighted @ the stop outside the [School Of Design And Environment]... As I ventured into the heart of tt faculty, I realised tt getting out of it is not as easy as I had initially thought it would be for the building's built on a slope and certain staircase brings you to a certain dead end... So I spent a considerable amt of time navigating and searching for the other road... By then, my feet are totally soaked with rain water as the downpour just seems to increase in intensity as the seconds ticked by... *Grumble*
Managedt o find the map which points me to [LT9]... But I soon realised tt the map has deceived me yet again... With buildings built on slopes, getting to point B isn't as simple as walking in a straight line as the map has suggested... You have to climb stairs, make detours, descend stairs and basically walk more than you've initially thought you should... And yes, I almost got lost in [FASS] if not for the signs tt showed me the path to take to my destination...
Surprising, [LT9] is located right beside the canteen... If I've known tt earlier (I think I should have if I did take time to analysed the map), I could've taken the route which I took the other time when I met [XP] for lunch... *Sigh* Looks like I really need a GPS when I officially start sch in a couple mths' time... -_-"'
When the lecture commence, I was only equipped with blank writing paper and I realised how unprepared I was when I looked around and realised tt some students actually have the printout of the [PowerPoint] notes... As a result, my notes are now on a piece of paper and it's gonna take time to place what I've scribbled on the correct slide number...
And the task sounds easy enough until I returned home and couldn't locate the site where I could DL my notes... In the end, I spent like 90 mins searching through the faculty webby, the main [NUS] webby before chancing upon the [IVLE] link to find my notes hidden there...Sheesh!!! By then, I've lost whatever inspiration to be a hardworking student...
The mood to slack lasted till now and this morning, I met up with [Ah-Ming] for [X-Men Origins: Wolverine]... The movie's average and the fight scens b/w [Logan] and [Victor]'s good and so is the fight with [Deathpool]... Thank goodness the adamantium binding wasn't complete, which allowed [Logan] to hack off his head else [Deathpool] will be one unstoppable monster... Oh, and I love [Ryan Reynolds] - dude with the double sumurai swords - and [Daniel Hennery] - [Agent Zero]... Hot, huh??? LOL!!!
Anyway, I was clearing my mails and I chanced upon a link tt shows what the whole [Orientation Week] will be like come [Aug] and IT IS A NIGHTMARE!!! Granted, the chance to meet and be up close and personal with some hotties is a good idea, the general concept of an orientation camp freaks me out... Haha... Well, if the price of getting hitched is to indulge in such social interation, then I'll gladly remain single... After all, logically speaking, being single has a lot of perks...
In the meantime, I'm off to wake my hardworking side up... Time to start harvesting more brain cells!!! It's also a good way to ignore the whole orientation problem... Fretting over it now isn't gonna affect the furure... -_-""
[This Fool] - [Wonder Girls] (Animated Version)...
It all started because of the damned downpour as the bus entered the [Clementi] area... Thinking tt it's better to travel in areas with shelter, I alighted @ the stop outside the [School Of Design And Environment]... As I ventured into the heart of tt faculty, I realised tt getting out of it is not as easy as I had initially thought it would be for the building's built on a slope and certain staircase brings you to a certain dead end... So I spent a considerable amt of time navigating and searching for the other road... By then, my feet are totally soaked with rain water as the downpour just seems to increase in intensity as the seconds ticked by... *Grumble*
Managedt o find the map which points me to [LT9]... But I soon realised tt the map has deceived me yet again... With buildings built on slopes, getting to point B isn't as simple as walking in a straight line as the map has suggested... You have to climb stairs, make detours, descend stairs and basically walk more than you've initially thought you should... And yes, I almost got lost in [FASS] if not for the signs tt showed me the path to take to my destination...
Surprising, [LT9] is located right beside the canteen... If I've known tt earlier (I think I should have if I did take time to analysed the map), I could've taken the route which I took the other time when I met [XP] for lunch... *Sigh* Looks like I really need a GPS when I officially start sch in a couple mths' time... -_-"'
When the lecture commence, I was only equipped with blank writing paper and I realised how unprepared I was when I looked around and realised tt some students actually have the printout of the [PowerPoint] notes... As a result, my notes are now on a piece of paper and it's gonna take time to place what I've scribbled on the correct slide number...
And the task sounds easy enough until I returned home and couldn't locate the site where I could DL my notes... In the end, I spent like 90 mins searching through the faculty webby, the main [NUS] webby before chancing upon the [IVLE] link to find my notes hidden there...Sheesh!!! By then, I've lost whatever inspiration to be a hardworking student...
The mood to slack lasted till now and this morning, I met up with [Ah-Ming] for [X-Men Origins: Wolverine]... The movie's average and the fight scens b/w [Logan] and [Victor]'s good and so is the fight with [Deathpool]... Thank goodness the adamantium binding wasn't complete, which allowed [Logan] to hack off his head else [Deathpool] will be one unstoppable monster... Oh, and I love [Ryan Reynolds] - dude with the double sumurai swords - and [Daniel Hennery] - [Agent Zero]... Hot, huh??? LOL!!!
Anyway, I was clearing my mails and I chanced upon a link tt shows what the whole [Orientation Week] will be like come [Aug] and IT IS A NIGHTMARE!!! Granted, the chance to meet and be up close and personal with some hotties is a good idea, the general concept of an orientation camp freaks me out... Haha... Well, if the price of getting hitched is to indulge in such social interation, then I'll gladly remain single... After all, logically speaking, being single has a lot of perks...
In the meantime, I'm off to wake my hardworking side up... Time to start harvesting more brain cells!!! It's also a good way to ignore the whole orientation problem... Fretting over it now isn't gonna affect the furure... -_-""
[This Fool] - [Wonder Girls] (Animated Version)...
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Of VIsiting Town 2 Days In A Row...
I met up with [XP] @ [Plaza Singapura] on [Fri] and I'm glad to say tt I'm early as usual, though [XP] was whining on my ability to always be on time, no matter the situation... What can I say??? After all, it's an ability tt I can't control...
Headed over to the elusive [Pizza Hut] for lunch... Actually, it's not tt concealed... It's just tt the good friend didn't know of it's existance until the previous day when I told her tt I wanna dine @ [Pizza Hut]... It was a good thing tt the queue wasn't tt long... Well, ppl ended up on the waiting list after we got seated, so thank God for tt...
I actually FORGOT to bring my martic card along for this meal... I remembered tt I left the card @ home only when the train was @ [Sembawang], how helpful was tt??? Ugh... Yet I heaved a sign of relieve as the waitress didn't ask for the proof as she took our orders... Guess I'm looking very student-y... Or childish, however you wanna put it...
We did quite a lot of talking before and during our meals... Not tt tt's the main point... The main point is tt we finished up 2 bottles of those grinded cheese and 1 waitress actually caught me eating the leftovers from [XP]'s plate... Not tt I'm embarassed abt tt... I love cheese... And to see those cheese being thrown into the bin seems like such waste... LOL...
We window shopped on a few levels but we spent quite a considerable amt of time on tt shop selling all kinda kinky board games and signs, marveling @ them, if you really know how to appreciate them, tt is... The next shop tt we spend the most time @ was in the store tt allows you to make a stuffed animals of your desire... It gave me an impression of [Pets' Society]... After all, the shop has tons of tops, bottoms and shoes for you to choose from to fit the stuffed animal tt you'll be creating... Haha... Bet if I'm creating 1 as a gift for my friend, I'll most probably spent like 2 hrs finding the perfect outfit... Really... They should have a com tt allows you to choose what clothes you want as well as provides a preview of the final product... It's better tt way as compared to running all over searching for the clothes...
The last stop was [Best Denki]... We spent a considerable amt of time there for there's a [X-Box] machine for us to meddle with... Even though it was a demo for [Soul Caliber IV] and you can only use 2 of the characters, we had fun playing the game and attempting to murder one another... I reckon tt the both of us were really expressing our inner desire to kill...
Went to return my book @ [San Bookstore] and got another one in the series before we realised tt there isn't much time for our next task and thus made our way towards [Bugis]... On foot... It's a good thing [XP]'s the live GPS or I'll probably get lost or move in some strange circle before arriving @ my destination...
[Illuma] was the target of this journey and we didn't expect much after reading an article abt the mall itself... It's only the soft opening and indeed there wasn't much going on in there, loads of empty spaces (to store ecess oxygen, maybe???)... But the design's unique and the layout of every level of the mall's different... Cool, huh...
What's even cooler is the presence of the following...
Okay, so such long escalator can be found @ [Isetan], but tt's the only other mall with such escalator... The express kind tt brings you from the 1st floor to the 4th floor... Awesome, huh... Though it will be a bitch if you were rolling down this... Ouch!!!
The arcade's big and amazingly, from the looks of it, there seems to be a lot of older people hogging the gaming machines... I'm not talking abt the ah peks... More like those nearing 30 yrs old playing [Street FIghter 4]... It's kinda of a rare sight seeing the dudes spending 50 cents after 50 cents being trashed and trashing the same old opponent using a different character... LOL...
[BenTen] has also taken roots in [Illuma]... The sight of [Anbiry Baburu] is mouth watering... I wonder when I can actually sink my sweet tooth into tt... And I admit... It's suicidal to finish tt single-handedly... But not with the help of 2 others though... =P
A [Fri] well spent... Yet the next day, I was back in town... This time to [Hereen] to meet my cousin... Before she arrived, I chanced upon the following on the 1st level...
Seeing a gigantic tadpole a couple of weeks back is daunting enough... But to see so many of them again... Oh goodness!!! Btw, I admit... [NUM] guys aren't nice...
I'm getting a b-day treat from my cousin and initially, I wanted to have my [NYDC]... I even agreed to dine in [Hereen] was because the outlet there have the open restaurant concept... Apparently, tt was old news and [NYDC] has shifted to the 5th level in the mall... *Sigh*
Worse, tt outlet chose tt particular day to have it's maintenance... I seriously couldn't believe the coincidence!!! Oh well, I could actually travel down to [WheeLock] for it, but I didn't... Instead, I tried out [Pasta De Waraku]... It's something new and the new experience is worth it...
My [Tuna Pizza]... Desptie the size of it in the pic, it is small... This isn't the proper meal... It's a side dish...
This is my main dish - [Beef Bologanese]... Kinda not up to my expectation in terms of the serving size... I was expecting tt for such a big bowl, the edible stuff should be greater... And they have a egg on top of it!!! Unique!!!
Overall, [Pasta De Waraku] isn't really tt expensive and I wouldn't mind going back there again... I'm expanding my selection of restaurant where I can dine in... LOL...
Had a cup of [StarBucks] and chatted with my cousin before it's time for her to meet her friends...
Lessons start tml and I'll just jump in and see how it goes... Looking @ how [JY] is handling her [Jap] module, I'm now sort of considering doing tt for my elective as well... LOL... In the meantime, to keep my mood happy, I'm looking forward to [Tue] for my movie date as well as [Thurs] for my dinner date... ^_^
This is cute!!!
[Cooking Cooking] - [Super Junior] (Animated Version)...
Headed over to the elusive [Pizza Hut] for lunch... Actually, it's not tt concealed... It's just tt the good friend didn't know of it's existance until the previous day when I told her tt I wanna dine @ [Pizza Hut]... It was a good thing tt the queue wasn't tt long... Well, ppl ended up on the waiting list after we got seated, so thank God for tt...
I actually FORGOT to bring my martic card along for this meal... I remembered tt I left the card @ home only when the train was @ [Sembawang], how helpful was tt??? Ugh... Yet I heaved a sign of relieve as the waitress didn't ask for the proof as she took our orders... Guess I'm looking very student-y... Or childish, however you wanna put it...
We did quite a lot of talking before and during our meals... Not tt tt's the main point... The main point is tt we finished up 2 bottles of those grinded cheese and 1 waitress actually caught me eating the leftovers from [XP]'s plate... Not tt I'm embarassed abt tt... I love cheese... And to see those cheese being thrown into the bin seems like such waste... LOL...
We window shopped on a few levels but we spent quite a considerable amt of time on tt shop selling all kinda kinky board games and signs, marveling @ them, if you really know how to appreciate them, tt is... The next shop tt we spend the most time @ was in the store tt allows you to make a stuffed animals of your desire... It gave me an impression of [Pets' Society]... After all, the shop has tons of tops, bottoms and shoes for you to choose from to fit the stuffed animal tt you'll be creating... Haha... Bet if I'm creating 1 as a gift for my friend, I'll most probably spent like 2 hrs finding the perfect outfit... Really... They should have a com tt allows you to choose what clothes you want as well as provides a preview of the final product... It's better tt way as compared to running all over searching for the clothes...
The last stop was [Best Denki]... We spent a considerable amt of time there for there's a [X-Box] machine for us to meddle with... Even though it was a demo for [Soul Caliber IV] and you can only use 2 of the characters, we had fun playing the game and attempting to murder one another... I reckon tt the both of us were really expressing our inner desire to kill...
Went to return my book @ [San Bookstore] and got another one in the series before we realised tt there isn't much time for our next task and thus made our way towards [Bugis]... On foot... It's a good thing [XP]'s the live GPS or I'll probably get lost or move in some strange circle before arriving @ my destination...
[Illuma] was the target of this journey and we didn't expect much after reading an article abt the mall itself... It's only the soft opening and indeed there wasn't much going on in there, loads of empty spaces (to store ecess oxygen, maybe???)... But the design's unique and the layout of every level of the mall's different... Cool, huh...
What's even cooler is the presence of the following...
The arcade's big and amazingly, from the looks of it, there seems to be a lot of older people hogging the gaming machines... I'm not talking abt the ah peks... More like those nearing 30 yrs old playing [Street FIghter 4]... It's kinda of a rare sight seeing the dudes spending 50 cents after 50 cents being trashed and trashing the same old opponent using a different character... LOL...
A [Fri] well spent... Yet the next day, I was back in town... This time to [Hereen] to meet my cousin... Before she arrived, I chanced upon the following on the 1st level...
I'm getting a b-day treat from my cousin and initially, I wanted to have my [NYDC]... I even agreed to dine in [Hereen] was because the outlet there have the open restaurant concept... Apparently, tt was old news and [NYDC] has shifted to the 5th level in the mall... *Sigh*
Worse, tt outlet chose tt particular day to have it's maintenance... I seriously couldn't believe the coincidence!!! Oh well, I could actually travel down to [WheeLock] for it, but I didn't... Instead, I tried out [Pasta De Waraku]... It's something new and the new experience is worth it...
Overall, [Pasta De Waraku] isn't really tt expensive and I wouldn't mind going back there again... I'm expanding my selection of restaurant where I can dine in... LOL...
Had a cup of [StarBucks] and chatted with my cousin before it's time for her to meet her friends...
Lessons start tml and I'll just jump in and see how it goes... Looking @ how [JY] is handling her [Jap] module, I'm now sort of considering doing tt for my elective as well... LOL... In the meantime, to keep my mood happy, I'm looking forward to [Tue] for my movie date as well as [Thurs] for my dinner date... ^_^
This is cute!!!
[Cooking Cooking] - [Super Junior] (Animated Version)...
Tuesday, May 05, 2009
An Exposure To The Sun...
We held our mthly gathering on [Sat]... I don't know exactly whether it's for this mth or the previous mth and it's not really tt much of a concern anyway for the main thing is tt we meet up...
[Dar] couldn't make it cause he's returning back from [Taiwan] on tt day, excusable... [YL] couldn't make it for reasons unknown to me, can't judge on tt... But I heard [YH] couldn't make it cause she doesn't wanna go hiking... What kinda reason is tt?!?! How could she absent herself and leave me w/o a verbal sparring partner?!?! Hidoi~... *Sob*
Had [Subway] for lunch and the current meal promotion is really worth it... It's $5.90 for any 6 inch sandwich and it comes with 2 cookies and a medium drink... Which mean, I ordered the [Meatball Marinara] which is $5.50 by itself and I only paid like $0.40 for the cookies and drink... Worth it!!!
[Bec] gave a call later and her dad decided to give us - [SH], [JY], [MJ] and I - a lift to [Harbuor Front] and picking [XP] up on the way... Totally cool once again as the experience on the back of the lorry is fantastic... With the wind blowing on you... The scenery whizzing past... Sitting together with everyone and chatting... Yup, absolutely fantastic...

It's abt 1300 hrs tt we arrive @ [HF] and we have to wait again for [YQ] and [Cass] to escape from the clutches of some persistent insurance agent peddling some risk free investment with an interest of 20%... In the meantime...

It's only 30 mins later tt [YQ] and [Cass] managed to escape... Really, if they didn't [SH] was really gonna just drag the 2 away from tt insurance agent dude while he's still yakking... Pity tt didn't happen or it'll be hilarious... =P
WIth everyone assembled, the journey begins...

The really memorable moments...
@ the beginning of the hike... Boy are everyone energetic!!!
An uncle practicing [Tai Qi] on a sunny morning... LOL...
What's a soldier doing in the middle of the forest??? Searching for the still missing [Mas Selamat]???
We're supposed to imitate the toilet sign... Me doing a 'man' pose in the 1st one... Apparently, I'm incapable of doing tt...
If there's not enough prove, this should conclude the argument for all time...
[Cass] simply touched the flower and it came off!!! So rather than allow the flower to die such a horrible death, we've allow it to be immortalize with [Ms. Swan]...
I've absolutely no idea why I even do the 1st pic...

[Cass] playing peek-a-boo...
Attempting to practice [Tai Qi] too??? Actually, no... I just did a random snap and caught her in this pose... LOL... =D
Still looking very good after a while...
Hmmm... Can't say the same for these 2 who looked kinda exhausted...
The finale... The group pics...
I'm beginning to uncover the beauty of self-timer... LOL...
Taken by [XP]... =)
Ooohhh!!! And I was rummaging through [] to check out what I can post this time and I come across this!!!
[Sorry Sorry] - [Super Junior] (Animated Version)...
[Dar] couldn't make it cause he's returning back from [Taiwan] on tt day, excusable... [YL] couldn't make it for reasons unknown to me, can't judge on tt... But I heard [YH] couldn't make it cause she doesn't wanna go hiking... What kinda reason is tt?!?! How could she absent herself and leave me w/o a verbal sparring partner?!?! Hidoi~... *Sob*
Had [Subway] for lunch and the current meal promotion is really worth it... It's $5.90 for any 6 inch sandwich and it comes with 2 cookies and a medium drink... Which mean, I ordered the [Meatball Marinara] which is $5.50 by itself and I only paid like $0.40 for the cookies and drink... Worth it!!!
[Bec] gave a call later and her dad decided to give us - [SH], [JY], [MJ] and I - a lift to [Harbuor Front] and picking [XP] up on the way... Totally cool once again as the experience on the back of the lorry is fantastic... With the wind blowing on you... The scenery whizzing past... Sitting together with everyone and chatting... Yup, absolutely fantastic...
It's abt 1300 hrs tt we arrive @ [HF] and we have to wait again for [YQ] and [Cass] to escape from the clutches of some persistent insurance agent peddling some risk free investment with an interest of 20%... In the meantime...
It's only 30 mins later tt [YQ] and [Cass] managed to escape... Really, if they didn't [SH] was really gonna just drag the 2 away from tt insurance agent dude while he's still yakking... Pity tt didn't happen or it'll be hilarious... =P
WIth everyone assembled, the journey begins...
The really memorable moments...
The finale... The group pics...
Ooohhh!!! And I was rummaging through [] to check out what I can post this time and I come across this!!!
[Sorry Sorry] - [Super Junior] (Animated Version)...
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