Thursday, May 21, 2009

Time Is Required To Recover...

I'm now in my 2nd wk of my special term and it seems like I've bitten more than I could chew... My brain has indeed been turned to mush and trying to do self-study is a near impossibility as I've realised this afternoon... I'm unable to peel myself from the com nor am I able to concentrate on the text which I'm reading for more than an hr... And I suspect my attention span to be even shorter than tt...

Perhaps it's time to re-evaluate my emotional state of mind and I guess the physical aspect is also a factor in this whole evaluation...

What will happen, will happen if you allow it and surprisingly, the novel which I was reading @ tt point in time was also discussing the same issue I'm facing... The lead character has finally found the man of her dreams, only tt she didn't dare admit it for fear of ending up like her mum who has to suffer from the wrong decision she has made when she agreed to marry the father... In another word, she's afraid of love, fearing tt wrong choice tt she might make... However, she realised tt she can't live in constant fear and thus decided to give herself and her lover a chance and not live to regret it when the opportunity slips...

A good morale of the story... Something which I have to deal soon if I were to ever want my concentration back...

Then there's this cover story in [Mind Your Body] tt's talking abt desired body figuers... Which lead me to think... Perhaps it's time tt instead of simply drooling and admiring those hunky-licious hot bods with uncountable packs, I should hit the gym... With all the articles abt the benefits of exercising, it has to be true, right???

Of course, tt's just a passing thought to get a life... Whether I'll put tt plan into action, it's another story...


And just this morning, I almost had a panic attack... For some reason unknown to myself yet again, I woke up thinking tt I just might have missed the registration for the 2nd part of the special term... Then my wild imagination started to worsen the situation by drawing the logical reasoning... If the registration for the 1st part is in [Mar] and the it starts in [May], it means tt there's a 2 mths gap b/w registration and lesson proper... Which means tt if the 2nd part starts in mid-[Jun], then the registration should be over by [Apr]... Thinking tt to be quite logical, I automatically switched to panic mode as I've no idea how to spend tt 6 wks... The camps available aren't tt appealing... Neither could I think of a good reason to explain why I'm not studying, which made the whole anxiety worse...

In the end, when I jumped out of bed and check the documents to verify the registration date, I literally heaved a huge sigh of relieve... The registration starts on 1 Jun... There's still plenty of time... *Phew*

I should start to get a grip on myself... Find the courage tt's latent, hidden in some deep recesses of my brain... x_x

[U Go Girl] - [Lee Hyori] (Animated Version)...