But before tt, [Ah-Ming] gave me a treat @ [Subway] as a form of celebrating my b-day before I have to rush down to sch... And when I arrived @ the entrance of the LT, I chanced up this notice pasted on the notice board...
In exchange for learning [Chinese], [English] and [Jap], this [Korean] who's studying for his post degree @ [Biz] is willing to trade info on [Korean], interviewing, consultation and presentation skills... LOL... Upon chancing this, I'm positive tt [YH] will be very much interested... And I was right... Perhaps she can really, really consider the offer...
Okay, so I saw the ad... And I was happily waiting for my lecture to start when I saw ppl coming out of the LT and tt's when the little nagging fear in my soul mutated to a full blown leg crippling one, which is why I went to find a seat @ the canteen 2 m away, took out my timetable and atared @ it...
Damn, I arrived @ sch when the lec ended!!! And I couldn't believe this... My 1st time... Gone on the day when I turned 21... Seriously, this has got to be the most wacked out way of commemorating my b-day... *SIgh*
In the end, I headed over to the [Central Library] to read up on what was supposedly be taught on the lec... Haha... Going to the library's cool and it's indeed a very good place to study... Quiet, spacious tables... Simply perfect for me...
Anyway, after abt 90 mins, I began my journey back to [CCK] all the while still being traumatised by the experience... Good thing [XP] was there to join me for dinner and distract me for the time being... And I appreciated her being willing to travel so far to dine with me...
Back home, my family celebrated my aging with this absolutely kawaii cake which I ordered and collected myself...
Next yr, it shall be ice-cream cake again...
Then yesterday, I met up with [MJ], [YH] and [YQ] and we went over to [YQ]'s house... The initial plan was to watch a few movies... In the end, we ended up watching only [Ip Man] and got kinda excited over the movie, especially towards the ending, we were screaming for the useless bespectacled [Jap] soldier to be shot and was estatic when tt happened... LOL... Personally though, I really liked [Ip Man]'s cool and collected manner when he's being confronted as well as the various kung-fu fighting scenes... *Grin*
[Cass] joined us soon after and we chat a little before takign 2 pics and heading over to [JP] for our dinner buffet...
It's my 1st time visiting [Kushinbo] for a meal and boy was ti a good experience... There's really a HUGE variety of food available and for the 1st time, I tried a little piece of unagi... Not really nice for it tasted like steamed fish skin - something tt I find disgusting to look @ and equally not as tasty to my spoilt taste buds...
I think [MJ] single-handedly decimated the restaurant's stock of crab in tt single meal... It's amazing how much crab she can eat... I bet she ate more than the $42.25 tt each of us paid for the meal... LOL... I on the other hand, was pleased with the desserts... Agar agar, mini donuts, ice-cream, cakes, marshmellows and a pot of melted chocolate... I was happily sating my sweet tooth drinking the melted chocolate until the rest blabber abt me ending up being diabetic... I don't blame them for it's indeed for my own good...
[Cass] and [YQ] subsidised $20 off my bill as a b-day treat and I also know what present [XP], [YH] and [MJ] bought for me... I just couldn't wait to lay my hands on the tote bag... Ooohhh... Another bag to my collection!!! Yipee!!! =D
I didn't take any pics on the food tt we eat nor the mess tt we created for my hands weren't very clean during the meal... Zzz... -_-"'
[Eat You Up] - [BoA] (Animated Version)...