Okay, maybe there's not so much preparation as to merely printing out those [PowerPoint] slides by tml so tt I'll have something to refer to during the lect on [Mon]...
Moving on...
The week have been really hectic!!! Not only do I have to mug for the exam today, which translates to cramming all those facts on the [South Asian] community here, which for the record, requires alot of reading, and I really mean alot of them, I also have to prepare for yesterday's tutorial... Hmmm... Okay, so I didn't really do much preparation, but the whole cramming of info is really tiring... After all, there're a lot of articles to read and not all are as easy to understand with my not-so-fantastic conduct of [English]... Plus I don't have the luxuary to read the same 20+ pages article twice to fully understand it...
Not tt those information really stays in my head anyway... LOL... I'm talking abt 60% info retention rate here... Get the pic???
In other words, I was using the lect [PowerPoint] slides as my main source of info to survive the 2 hrs exam... It's those 6 choose 3 essays kinda situation, so this meant tt I don't have to really study EVERYTHING to excel... Which is like, 'DUH' if you've been through [Social Studies] in sec sch...
Anyway, I think I survived the exam... Just not my hands which is like totally cramping after writing for 2 hrs nonstop and churning out 9 pages of written works... I could hardly move my fingers from tt pen holding pose w/o feeling the muscle ache... Which goes to show just how long I've actually did so much writing and @ such a fast pace...
Now, if you tell me tt I can type the essay out, my fingers wouldn't be complaining... HAHA~!!!
Oh, and yesterday was such a bad day la!!! I initially wanted to enjoy a cheaper [Mac] breakfast by doing it in sch as they charge the food there cheaper... But when I arrived there, I saw the notice tt said tt the [Mac] won't be open till 11 am during semester breaks... Like WTH LA!!! I endured hunger pangs just to be in sch earlier for my breakfast and what do I get??? I've to wait for another 30 mins, 30 excruitating mins for [Mac] to open just so tt I can eat the normal lunch meals... NEI NEI lor!!!
Now, apart from ice-cream, I can't get [Mac] breakfast outta my head... Zzz...
Oh, oh and I went for a haircut on [Mon] after my lec!!! I headed to [Beauty Reveal] for a cut + wash... Interestingly, the hairdresser was a person of indetermine gender... Serious!!! The name seems suited for a guy, but the appearance seems like a gal... Even I can't tell from the voice and the clothing really hides the visible signs of both gender... Oh well, I don't really care as long as I get my haircut and it looks nice on me...
Not so for my mum though... When she came back, she asked me whether it was a guy or gal who did the haircut for me... I said I didn't know and she was like 'how can you not know?!?!' Zzz... I didn't wanna be mean to the hairdresser who did my hair, so I simply told mum tt it's so-and-so and she got the point...
My point here is, how can I be such an idiot as to not know whether if it's a guy or gal who did my hair?!?! Therefore, my 'IDK' simply refers to someone of indetermine gender... Ugh, and my mum's reaction to the hairdresser was simply those old gen negativity... Pfft...
Moving on once again...
Before my lec on [Mon], I thought wrongly tt [SL] could be @ camp, so I decided to stop by the [Faculty Of Engineering] to see-see look-look and test my luck in my attempts to disturb the poor dude... The plan backfired as not only was the camp starting on [Tue], but I FREAKING GOT LOST IN THE FACULTY LA!!! As a result, I was more pre-occupied with finding my way out of the faculty than seeking out group of ppl doing orientation-looking activities...
As a result of tt, my quest evolved to those scenes in an [RPG] game when I don't know how to proceed and ended up randomly walking everywhere just to find the not-so-hidden passage way tt leads to the continuation of the story... BAH!!! Zettai hopeless~... *Sigh* -_-"'
LOL... Anyway, [Wed], I decided to eat some lunch @ [Pizza Hut] and I brought [Sis] along... Had the [Chicken Sausage Baked Rice] student meal again while my sis did her ala carte order... And this time, I really did my research... If you order the add-on from the lunch menu of 3 garlic bread, the cost is like $1.95... BUT!!! If you were to buy the whole garlic bread, which consist of 6 slices, it's only $3!!! In other words, it's better if you order it separately!!! Woots~!!!
Side-track a little... Me eating bake rice has fuelled the desire to try the meatball baked rice @ [Mad Jack] again... LOL!!!
Back to topic...
LOL... Time for me to sign off... Haha... And I just remember this... You know just not too long ago I was moaning abt having to write tt 2k words essay??? Well, I got it back yesterday and I got a 'B' grade for it!!! HAHA!!! Kinda proud of myself... LOL!!! ^_^
The following is what [YH] said was 'nice'... And I admit... After listening it for a couple of times, it's kinda rubbing off on me... Ha~...
[Deja Vu] - [SS501] (Animated Version)...