As a result of my incompetence, I've no choice but to catch the movie on [Thurs] @ the expense of completing my research for the tutorial today, but oh well, those can be done after I've watched the movie and am home @ night... And I really, really wanted to catch the movie instead of waiting for the DVD to be out...
In the end, the only cinema tt has an afternoon timing was [Lido]... Not being really sure of the exact location, I went to [Shaw]'s webby to double confirm where the cinema is actually located... You know, to prevent myself - someone with extremely bad sense of direction - from ending up @ another place, say like [City Hall] for instance... [Lido] is @ [Shaw House], in [Orchard] while [Balestier]'s @ [Shaw Plaze], which I believe is somewhere near [Raffles Place Shopping Centre]...
Yes, with location confirmed, I made a phone call to meet [SM] @ [Far East Plaze], noon so tt there's time to buy the tickets as well as to have lunch before ransacking my wardrobe to find something decent to wear tt will go with the scarf and tote tt are gifts to me by [The Gang]...
On a brighter side, it's a good thing tt I've waited till now to catch the movie because I can finally use the complimentary pass, which means tt I'm paying $0 for the ticket... Wahaha!!! No matter what, it's still better than the alternative of $6... LOL... This time, I really did bring my matric card around to cash in on the benefits of student price... If the need arise, of course... =P
Yeah, and the interesting thing was... [Shaw House] has those express escalators!!! 2 in fact, 1 from the 1st level to the 3rd, the other from the 3rd all the way to the 6th floor, where the cinema's located... Woots!!! Haha... I was so tempted to ride on it... However, seeing tt [SM]'s really, really afraid of heights and I'm not tt mean to have fun while he takes the lift all by himself and meet me @ the 6th floor, I took the lift with him...
Once we've bought the tickets, we headed over to [WheeLock Place] for [Burger King]... Interesting huh... How tt there's so many fast food restaurant on the 6th floor of [Shaw House] - [Mac], [KFC], [Subway] - just no [BK]... Zzz... This time, when I ordered my meal, I requested for the student's meal @ the last min and tt's what saved me from spending an extra $1+ if I were to order a normal meal...
I'm really sounding like a child being totally thrilled over the prospect of using the martic card to get those student benefits tt have been eluding me for the past 2 yrs thanks to my integrity in not carrying around my student EZ-link card... Pfft...
I bought my [java Chip] from [StarBucks] before heading to the theater... Which I almost regret as the air-con's really cold and I'm drinking a chilled, ice-blended drink, which might just make me colder half-way into the show... Thankfully, tt didn't happen thanks to my trusty scarf and long sleeves tee... LOL... The scarf part was BS la... You can't possibly actually buy tt tt thin thing can indeed keep me warm... =P
The movie's not bad despite it not following the novel... The really not good part was tt they didn't feature the [Illuminati Diamond] as the last brand, but used a cross or something... BAH~!!! The best scene however, was the part when the antimatter exploded upon contact with matter... The special effect's awesome... It's like something out of a RPG game... LOL... =D
Both of us headed to [Borders] after the movie and as we walked around, we realised tt there's a lot of vampire novels around... It's like vampire-themed novels is the 'in' thing now... Hmmm... Now tt I've thought abt this, perhaps it could be due to the whole [Twilight] episode tt propelled the interest in such genre...
Fast forward to [Sat], I joined both my grandmas, my cousin, my mum and sis for a trip down [ChinaTown] to consume dimsum... In my opinion, it's not a very big nor famous shop, but @ least the food there ain't tt expensive... For the 6 of us, we spent close to $57 in total for a good decent meal tt consis of 6 serviings of [Xiao Long Paos], 2 [Siew Mais], 2 [Prawn Rolls], 3 [Steamed Rice Rolls], 2 [Glutinous Rice], 1 [Yam Cake], 2 [Chinese Tea], 1 [Teh Tarik], 1 [Kopi], 1 [BBQ Pork Bao]...
Like I've mentioned, quite a meal...
Following tt sumptous lunch, all of us decided to head back to my paternal grandma's house to visit her pet bird - [Bao Bei]... As we were making our way there, we passed by a fruits stall and the durians was simply too irresistable and we ended up buying 3 of those for $20... It was really a good investment as the durians are totally fleshy and delicious, unlike some tt are totally bland... Ho-ho... To think tt we're eating duirans in this kinda crazy, hot weather...
I just hope I don't end up falling sick... Zzz... -_-"'