Craptastic... It seems like the whole [] is still as messed-up... I'm beginning to doubt if I should ever place hope in the situation ever improving... Nonetheless, as long as I can still type my entry, I'll just have to make the best out of this lousy situation... BAH~!!!
With the tutorials coming in faster than I can clear them, it kinda spells trouble for me if I don't increase my efficiency, which is why instead of moaning the inability to construct graphs for my [ST1131A] tutorial using [Excel], I actually went to sch on a [Wed] - when I've no classes @ all - to use the [MiniTab] statistical software to complete my assignment... The alternative is to manually do everything, including calculating the standard deviation... But I'm not tt much of an idiot to waste tt precious time if I can get those info with just a few mouse clicks...
After completing tt task, I was supposed to join [MJ] and [YQ] for a certain dance audition, but I chickened out @ the last min despite me giving them my words tt I'll join them... It's mean, I know... But I just couldn't ignore the flight instinct...
Anyway, after the gals were done with the audition, [MJ] and I headed back to [Lot 1] for dinner before she accompanied me to [Bata] as a consultant in my quest to purchase a new pair of shoes... And I've to really thank her for having the patience to comment and bear with me as I was taking a hell long of a time to decide which pair of shoes suit me... Hmmm... Perhaps this can be explained by the fact tt I haven't bought any shoes for close to 5 yrs already... LOL...
And I didn't bring enough cash even though I know I'll be buying shoes on tt day... How lame!!! As a result, I've no choice but to use my cards, which I try my best not to touch... It's still better not to have the bad habit to always rely on cards...
LOL... Well, enough harping on the whole shoes sage... I've bought 1 pair and I'm now left with the decision on what sports shoes to wear, which is an easier decision... HAHA!!!
*Sigh* I've no probs with my parents signing up to [Facebook], it's only natural tt they'll want to join the hype, despite it having died down a little... However, I do have a prob the moment they start commenting tt I should change my display pic and stuff... Like, HELLO?! Who's pic is it anyway??? Zzz...
And it seems like both my parents are nosiy computer users... They couldn't keep quiet while using the computer, constantly having the need to make some sounds or comment abt something... Sheesh!!! All the noise is making me lose my inspiration when it comes to blogging...
I'll probably die when I've to do my homework...
Sunday, August 30, 2009
Sunday, August 23, 2009
Time Is My Limited Resources...
Well, after I'm done with the previous entry, I'm feeling kinda guilty... I've this nagging feeling tt the previous post wasn't really tt well done and tt there was the lingering touch of me rushing through the post... Which to some extend, I was thanks to my attempt to multi-task which severely reduces my efficiency level...
I'm working on the prob @!!! Haha... Of course, whether I'm able to overcome this problem of min is a whole new issue by itself... In fact, as I'm typing this entry, I'm trying to do more than just blogging by chatting with a friend of mine simultaneously... Despite his being not tt responsive, it's still counted as multi-tasking anyway...
Zzz... Enough yakking on abt nonsense, I know... Well, I'm feeling kinda agitated lately, which takes a toll on my quality of life... With parents constantly monitoring what I'm doing online, it's seriously stressful to stay online for long or to even attempt to use the laptop... It's definitely not fun whenever someone walks in on you playing [Restaurant City] and assumes tt you've been gaming and tt $2.5k have been used only for tt sole purpose... It's even more stressful when the comment made every single time said adult walks into my room when I'm using the computer, be it me on [RC] or merely watching [Tales Of The Abyss]...
Neither did I recall said parent saying those similar comments to my sis when she's watching [Boys Over Flowers] a couple of mths back and have the [MSN] chat window constantly on...
It seems like there's selective sight going around here, where only the bad stuff are sighted... Dssatisfaction seems like an understatement all of sudden... =S
On the other hand though, I do concede tt I shouldn't be on the laptop this often and should bury my head not only in my tutorials, but in the reference texts which I've spent $63 to purchase... The only problem here is tt I'm totally lacking in self-determination to read those stuff other than the lecture notes and this brings on yet another wave of guilt as I'm supposed to be studying harder than the current situation...
From [MJ]'s latest entry dated 23 Aug, it seems to be tt she has been rather successful @ being productive and [XP]'s taking 6 modules so she's forced to be productive... [YH] and [Sis] re mugging like made for their exams... Everyone seems to be rather hardworking except me, who has only completed 2 tutorials, leaving 2 other tutorials and 1 assignment left undone... And here I am, still have the audacity to tend to my farms and restaurant as well as blog...
Now I'm disgusted with myself...
Plus I still need to find time to exercise... Tt nagging vision of a bloated version of myself bumping into [Soon Leng] is positively unpleasant... Can walking 15 mins a day for 4 days a wk be counted as exercise??? I intend to incorporate this tiny routine in my trip to sch... Not only do I save on a bus trip from my home to the interchange, I don't have to reserve additional time for this exercise activity...
I'm keeping my finger crossed tt walking can be counted as some form of exercise... If not, I'll better start hunting for ppl to accompany me to the sch's gym after I've checked tt place out...
*Sigh* It seems like the sch's recommendation of an anti-virus software - [TrendMicro] - is simply too good of a software... 3 trojans were found in the [Cabal] game client after I've DL-ed it and tried to install the game, which means tt I can't even launch the game, let alone play it... Just when I've finally decided to continue the game to uncover the story behind the whole [Cabal] saga as well as to explore the additional maps... ... I've yet to test out those dungeon training cards too!!! Zzz... =S
As an alternative, I'm playing [MapleStory] once again... With the new [Ep. 2] and it's additional goodies, I'll be kept occupied... Besides, I've yet to actually obtain [Deed To THe Land] from those nasty [Curse Eyes]... LOL... Those pesky monsters simply refuse to drop tt frigging item!!! -_-"'
I hate to admit, but I'm all of 21 now and I should have the good sense to actually quit playing all these online games... However, I'm seriously resisting the whole growing-up process... I'm determined to remain as childish as I am...
Well, I've transferred all the distasteful thoughts onto this entry... Yoshi!!! For a better tml!!!
I'm working on the prob @!!! Haha... Of course, whether I'm able to overcome this problem of min is a whole new issue by itself... In fact, as I'm typing this entry, I'm trying to do more than just blogging by chatting with a friend of mine simultaneously... Despite his being not tt responsive, it's still counted as multi-tasking anyway...
Zzz... Enough yakking on abt nonsense, I know... Well, I'm feeling kinda agitated lately, which takes a toll on my quality of life... With parents constantly monitoring what I'm doing online, it's seriously stressful to stay online for long or to even attempt to use the laptop... It's definitely not fun whenever someone walks in on you playing [Restaurant City] and assumes tt you've been gaming and tt $2.5k have been used only for tt sole purpose... It's even more stressful when the comment made every single time said adult walks into my room when I'm using the computer, be it me on [RC] or merely watching [Tales Of The Abyss]...
Neither did I recall said parent saying those similar comments to my sis when she's watching [Boys Over Flowers] a couple of mths back and have the [MSN] chat window constantly on...
It seems like there's selective sight going around here, where only the bad stuff are sighted... Dssatisfaction seems like an understatement all of sudden... =S
On the other hand though, I do concede tt I shouldn't be on the laptop this often and should bury my head not only in my tutorials, but in the reference texts which I've spent $63 to purchase... The only problem here is tt I'm totally lacking in self-determination to read those stuff other than the lecture notes and this brings on yet another wave of guilt as I'm supposed to be studying harder than the current situation...
From [MJ]'s latest entry dated 23 Aug, it seems to be tt she has been rather successful @ being productive and [XP]'s taking 6 modules so she's forced to be productive... [YH] and [Sis] re mugging like made for their exams... Everyone seems to be rather hardworking except me, who has only completed 2 tutorials, leaving 2 other tutorials and 1 assignment left undone... And here I am, still have the audacity to tend to my farms and restaurant as well as blog...
Now I'm disgusted with myself...
Plus I still need to find time to exercise... Tt nagging vision of a bloated version of myself bumping into [Soon Leng] is positively unpleasant... Can walking 15 mins a day for 4 days a wk be counted as exercise??? I intend to incorporate this tiny routine in my trip to sch... Not only do I save on a bus trip from my home to the interchange, I don't have to reserve additional time for this exercise activity...
I'm keeping my finger crossed tt walking can be counted as some form of exercise... If not, I'll better start hunting for ppl to accompany me to the sch's gym after I've checked tt place out...
*Sigh* It seems like the sch's recommendation of an anti-virus software - [TrendMicro] - is simply too good of a software... 3 trojans were found in the [Cabal] game client after I've DL-ed it and tried to install the game, which means tt I can't even launch the game, let alone play it... Just when I've finally decided to continue the game to uncover the story behind the whole [Cabal] saga as well as to explore the additional maps... ... I've yet to test out those dungeon training cards too!!! Zzz... =S
As an alternative, I'm playing [MapleStory] once again... With the new [Ep. 2] and it's additional goodies, I'll be kept occupied... Besides, I've yet to actually obtain [Deed To THe Land] from those nasty [Curse Eyes]... LOL... Those pesky monsters simply refuse to drop tt frigging item!!! -_-"'
I hate to admit, but I'm all of 21 now and I should have the good sense to actually quit playing all these online games... However, I'm seriously resisting the whole growing-up process... I'm determined to remain as childish as I am...
Well, I've transferred all the distasteful thoughts onto this entry... Yoshi!!! For a better tml!!!
Saturday, August 22, 2009
STGCC 09 & G.I Joe...
I've absolutely no idea what's wrong... 1st [FaceBook] decides to screw up on me with the page loading all wrong for a couple of days... Then when the problem seems to be magically resolved, [Blogger] gets more screwed up than it already was for the previous few time tt I've actually log on to do some blogging... I'm now able to do some formatting w/o spewing all kinda HTML codes... Yet the page seems to be loaded all wrong, with the links all jumbled up and stuff... Zzz... -_-"'
Can't everything be alright like in the past??? Sheesh!!! =S
With all the hype abt [G.I Joe] ever since the move hit the theaters, I couldn't resist but to have a go @ it too to, esp after I've seen the ads on TV with the special effects... Eager to get it over and done with and not wait till I'm able to use my last [Shaw] complimentary pass, I watched the movie on [Wed] and I'm not dissappointed, just not tt impressed... Don't get me wrong... The effects are superb... It's just tt the camera seems to be a little jerk when the action scenes gets a little intense, causing me not to be able to understand what's really going on @ some pt in the movie...
Mind you, overall, I still more or less get the idea of what the movie's all abt... I'm after all, not tt dumb... =D
Once the movie's over, I stopped by [Bata] to test out some shoes and hopefully, to be able to find a pair or 2 which I'll fall in love with... It's long overdue tt I should buy a few pairs of new shoes as both my sneakers are already in their CMI states...
Ho-ho... Obviously, with me shopping alone, I'm unable to get any second opinions, which is why after trying a few pairs, I couldn't make up my mind of what to buy and hence postponed the purchase to a later date, probably within the wk... LOL... Well, tt's my shopping pattern... I'll look @ a certain stuff, consider it over a period of time, all the while re-visiting the shop for a couple more times before actually deciding to buy it after getting a few other opinions...
I'm such an indecisive shopper... =D
Anyway, the whole purpose of this entry is actually to announce tt I've actually attended the [Singapore Toy Games & Comics Convention 2009] last [Sun]... It's only the 2nd time in which the convention is being held here and comparing the experience which I've had last yr and a couple of days ago, I'd say tt this yr's so much bigger and better...
The [Cos-Con] competition seems to have garnered much more contestants and some of them are simply just too awesome... What's with the elaborate costumes as well as the portrayal of the character's attitude... Furthermore, there's no more of those hilarious 'I'm from Singapore' kinda answers...
[XP] was with me as we toured the convention and I was the trigger happy dude who couldn't resist snapping pics wherever I went and a cosplayer pops out of nowhere... I would gladly post almost all of the pics - a good 100 of them - here, but seeing tt the darn [Blogger] is so screwed up and I can't preview the pics to arrange the order, I'm feeling kinda bummed cause I couldn't share the joy with everyone...
The pics are on [] though... ^_^
Can't everything be alright like in the past??? Sheesh!!! =S
With all the hype abt [G.I Joe] ever since the move hit the theaters, I couldn't resist but to have a go @ it too to, esp after I've seen the ads on TV with the special effects... Eager to get it over and done with and not wait till I'm able to use my last [Shaw] complimentary pass, I watched the movie on [Wed] and I'm not dissappointed, just not tt impressed... Don't get me wrong... The effects are superb... It's just tt the camera seems to be a little jerk when the action scenes gets a little intense, causing me not to be able to understand what's really going on @ some pt in the movie...
Mind you, overall, I still more or less get the idea of what the movie's all abt... I'm after all, not tt dumb... =D
Once the movie's over, I stopped by [Bata] to test out some shoes and hopefully, to be able to find a pair or 2 which I'll fall in love with... It's long overdue tt I should buy a few pairs of new shoes as both my sneakers are already in their CMI states...
Ho-ho... Obviously, with me shopping alone, I'm unable to get any second opinions, which is why after trying a few pairs, I couldn't make up my mind of what to buy and hence postponed the purchase to a later date, probably within the wk... LOL... Well, tt's my shopping pattern... I'll look @ a certain stuff, consider it over a period of time, all the while re-visiting the shop for a couple more times before actually deciding to buy it after getting a few other opinions...
I'm such an indecisive shopper... =D
Anyway, the whole purpose of this entry is actually to announce tt I've actually attended the [Singapore Toy Games & Comics Convention 2009] last [Sun]... It's only the 2nd time in which the convention is being held here and comparing the experience which I've had last yr and a couple of days ago, I'd say tt this yr's so much bigger and better...
The [Cos-Con] competition seems to have garnered much more contestants and some of them are simply just too awesome... What's with the elaborate costumes as well as the portrayal of the character's attitude... Furthermore, there's no more of those hilarious 'I'm from Singapore' kinda answers...
[XP] was with me as we toured the convention and I was the trigger happy dude who couldn't resist snapping pics wherever I went and a cosplayer pops out of nowhere... I would gladly post almost all of the pics - a good 100 of them - here, but seeing tt the darn [Blogger] is so screwed up and I can't preview the pics to arrange the order, I'm feeling kinda bummed cause I couldn't share the joy with everyone...
The pics are on [] though... ^_^
Wednesday, August 12, 2009
The Attack Of The Sotong King...
The day after [National Day] is a public holiday and I fully intended to chill out @ home, get [YulgangOnline] installed on my laptop and spend a couple of hrs test running the game and see how it beautifully it runs on it... Not to mention cover a few more chapters on my vampire romance novel...
Instead, I spent the whole afternoon down @ [Orchard Road], exploring the whole of [Orchard Central] (OC) all by myself before meeting my OG mates for a movie... However, the main focus is still the new OC mall with it's 2 express escalators outside the mall and one within... So the 1st thing I did upon arriving @ OC was to ride the escalators all the way to the 8th floor, all the while enjoying the trip there and marveling @ the view as I get higher... LOL...
Though the view wasn't tt scenic... It's all concrete... -_-"'
I started walking from the top floor down and I spent abt 4 hrs touring the whole mall... And I did come across some interesting stuff too... Like there're comfy chairs located on certain levels for the patrons to sit and relax... Read a novel, chat with friends or simply to ppl watch all you want... Though falling asleep on them seems a little out of place... I mean, if you wanna sleep, might as well just do it @ home, right??? Haha...
The mall also allow ppl to do some indoor rock climbing, for a price of course... If you've read abt it in the papers, you'll know the hype abt it is on the whole rock climbing using the iron rungs thingy, which both [XP] and I feel tt climbing it is really easy and perhaps, it's a waste of hard earn cash... Maybe it only seems easy, I don't know, as the climbers seems to be spending a hell lotta time climbing those iron rungs...
And the last thing tt caught my eyes was a shop tt sells some kind bear figurines from [Bad Taste Bears] collection... It's totally OMG-la material and it's kinda amusing to look @ the various poses the bears have...
The mall also has 2 sets of lifts... One stops @ every floor while the other is an express version tt stops only @ certain levels... The doors to the lifts are all transparent and tt's kinda freaky esp for blur ppl like me... I might just wrongly assume tt the door's open when it's not and smack myself silly or if there's a technical glitch and the door's open but the lift's not there, some unsuspecting blur sotong might fall to their death... Okay, so the latter seems so [Final Destination], but hey, there's always tt possibility there... =D
Half-way through my touring of the mall, @ abt 3 pm, I received an SMS informing me tt the movie outing has been changed to a dinner meet up instead @ [Fish & Co], which caused me to be totally sian diao as this means tt I've an additional 3 mor ehrs to kill before the meet up... So I decided to teleport myself all the way to [PS] just to check if there's any chance tt I could catch [G.I Joe] alone... I wanna watch and if there's no one watching it with me, tt's not stopping me... However, what stopped me from watching it is the horrendous queue for tickets and the sad fact tt the ticket for the 1640 hrs show has been sold-out...
With not a choice left, I headed back to OC to continue my window shopping as well as to waste yet another 3 hrs of my life... Really, by tt then, I was seriously considering calling it quits and making my way back home... Why I stayed on is perhaps yet another wrong decision which I made...
Dinner with OG mates feels like dinner with strangers... No matter who's chatting with me, the conversation will inadvertently be directed back to sch-related stuff and tt's just plain boring... Crap and screw it... The whole class thing is driving me nuts...
I'm going to push this to the back of my mind and pretend tt no such thing existed...
Before I sign off, I did a totally idiotic thing on [MSN]... For some reason, I freaking mistook [MJ]'s nick for [XP] and I didn't realise the blunder throughout the whole conversation which lasted for like 90 complete mins or so... I only know what a dodo I was when she gave me her matric no.... GAWD!!! Tt's downright embarrassing!!!
Luxkily it's someone from [The Gang]... Phew!!! Haha... =D
Instead, I spent the whole afternoon down @ [Orchard Road], exploring the whole of [Orchard Central] (OC) all by myself before meeting my OG mates for a movie... However, the main focus is still the new OC mall with it's 2 express escalators outside the mall and one within... So the 1st thing I did upon arriving @ OC was to ride the escalators all the way to the 8th floor, all the while enjoying the trip there and marveling @ the view as I get higher... LOL...
Though the view wasn't tt scenic... It's all concrete... -_-"'
I started walking from the top floor down and I spent abt 4 hrs touring the whole mall... And I did come across some interesting stuff too... Like there're comfy chairs located on certain levels for the patrons to sit and relax... Read a novel, chat with friends or simply to ppl watch all you want... Though falling asleep on them seems a little out of place... I mean, if you wanna sleep, might as well just do it @ home, right??? Haha...
The mall also allow ppl to do some indoor rock climbing, for a price of course... If you've read abt it in the papers, you'll know the hype abt it is on the whole rock climbing using the iron rungs thingy, which both [XP] and I feel tt climbing it is really easy and perhaps, it's a waste of hard earn cash... Maybe it only seems easy, I don't know, as the climbers seems to be spending a hell lotta time climbing those iron rungs...
And the last thing tt caught my eyes was a shop tt sells some kind bear figurines from [Bad Taste Bears] collection... It's totally OMG-la material and it's kinda amusing to look @ the various poses the bears have...
The mall also has 2 sets of lifts... One stops @ every floor while the other is an express version tt stops only @ certain levels... The doors to the lifts are all transparent and tt's kinda freaky esp for blur ppl like me... I might just wrongly assume tt the door's open when it's not and smack myself silly or if there's a technical glitch and the door's open but the lift's not there, some unsuspecting blur sotong might fall to their death... Okay, so the latter seems so [Final Destination], but hey, there's always tt possibility there... =D
Half-way through my touring of the mall, @ abt 3 pm, I received an SMS informing me tt the movie outing has been changed to a dinner meet up instead @ [Fish & Co], which caused me to be totally sian diao as this means tt I've an additional 3 mor ehrs to kill before the meet up... So I decided to teleport myself all the way to [PS] just to check if there's any chance tt I could catch [G.I Joe] alone... I wanna watch and if there's no one watching it with me, tt's not stopping me... However, what stopped me from watching it is the horrendous queue for tickets and the sad fact tt the ticket for the 1640 hrs show has been sold-out...
With not a choice left, I headed back to OC to continue my window shopping as well as to waste yet another 3 hrs of my life... Really, by tt then, I was seriously considering calling it quits and making my way back home... Why I stayed on is perhaps yet another wrong decision which I made...
Dinner with OG mates feels like dinner with strangers... No matter who's chatting with me, the conversation will inadvertently be directed back to sch-related stuff and tt's just plain boring... Crap and screw it... The whole class thing is driving me nuts...
I'm going to push this to the back of my mind and pretend tt no such thing existed...
Before I sign off, I did a totally idiotic thing on [MSN]... For some reason, I freaking mistook [MJ]'s nick for [XP] and I didn't realise the blunder throughout the whole conversation which lasted for like 90 complete mins or so... I only know what a dodo I was when she gave me her matric no.... GAWD!!! Tt's downright embarrassing!!!
Luxkily it's someone from [The Gang]... Phew!!! Haha... =D
Thursday, August 06, 2009
Feeling Crappy...
School's starting in a couple of days' time and before the start of tt, there's always the orientation program to help the newbies to familiarise themselves with the campus and all... To some extend, it's helpful as we've been taking the shuttle bus and zooming all over sch, except to the [Faculty Of Science], [FASS] and [School Of Computing]...
Furthermore, most of the time was spent on games and other bo-liao activities tt supposedly will help us bond as an orientation group (OG)... Which I've absolutely no interest in whatsoever, which brings me to this whole whining session of why I even register for this orientation in the 1st place and paid $50 in total tt consisted only of 3 meals, an orientation tee, a clan singlet (which I'll never wear unless hell freezes over) and a mask for the masquerade party which I've decided not to attend @ the last min for reasons which I'll elaborate later...
On the 1st day of the orientation, the freshies were told to dressed up in their office attire and get to sch by 0730 hrs... So I did just tt, just tt I ended up being late by a couple of mins and decided instead to gather in the [School Of Business], I might as well just meet everyone @ the [University Cultural Centre] (UCC) instead as I don't have to make so many detours... So both [MJ] and I were waiting @ the [UCC] until my OGL called and told me tt the [Freshmen Inauguration Ceremony] (FIC) will start @ 0830 hrs instead, and I should just head to LT18 after all... Zzz... Really, if it's starting so late, why get us gathered so early??? Anyway, the worse for the day has yet to come...
So after I got to the LT, I stoned a little while listening to the guys trying to do some small talk while the gals were practically a collective entity already... As usual, I couldn't think of any interesting topics, so I merely kept my trap shut... When it's the time to move off for the [FIC], there was an announcement informing us tt our clan could attend the event as there're insufficient tickets... Each sch was only given 300 tix, so it's just too bad... However, before I could actually get out of my formal attire, it appears tt there're still a few more vacancies left and I immediately grabbed tt chance to visit the [UCC]... Hey, you can't expect me to wear my forma attire for nth, right???
A few freshies dozed off during the ceremony which consisted of a couple of performances as well as 2 talks, one by the president of [NUS] and the other by the president of the [NUS Student Union]... I couldn't fall asleep as tt's not within my ability...
There's a mini-buffet after tt, but I didn't eat much as most of the stuff there contains veggies... Found [MJ] after some searching despite her height as she's wearing a white top which is very common... Wondered why so many ppl have tt impression tt 'office wear' equates a black and white combination... Then again, I couldn't care more as colour combinations are so outta my league...
I got back to [School Of Business], changed into something comfy and joined my OG for some light-hearted ice-breakers before getting my 1st free lunch as well as entering some daytime nightmare...
I'm not tt disturbed over pairing up with another gal or guy... What totally freaks me out are the games tt requires me to get wet and dirty or a combination of both, like [Dirty Musical Chair]... As if having flour over my body isn't bad enough, they have to add water on the flour tt's on the chair and you're expected to sit on it... How yucky is tt?!?!
Which is why I deliberately chose to get eliminated during the 2nd round... The faster I got out of tt game, the better for me...
I decided to leave after all tt nonsense was done and by then, it's already like close to 1900 hrs... So I met up with [MJ] for dinner @ [Subway] before heading home... In addition, the trip to [Subway] wasn't a safe one as as I was exiting LT19 with [MJ], I didn't see the bench tt's right next to the exit and freaking kicked on it, hard... I didn't get a bruise, but a skin tear tt's freaking painful and the wound refuses to stop bleeding... Even after 3 days, it's still a ugly sight to behold... Yucks...
The meal went fine, just not the trip to the 188 bus stop... Street lighting was like non-existent around the area where the [Kent Ridge Terminal] was located and if not for the presence of [MJ] who helped to guide me, I'll probably fall into some drain and hurt myself yet again... Sheesh!!!
Day 2 of orientation was even worse as our OG ended up doing the [Rag] activity instead of [Flag]... Instead of moving around the little red dot sourcing for donations, I was trapped in sch doing arts and craft... So after the lunch break, I pulled off a [Houdini] and went to the [Central Library] for some bidding research before getting my early dinner @ [Burger King] and leaving straight for home...
It's only on tt day itself tt I realised tt there's a [BK] in the [FASS] canteen... How slow can I get???
Then for yesterday's orientation, it zettai was a waste of time... I went to sch just to listen to some talks before getting an hr break where our OG did play another game to kill the time... Then, we went to the big field just to have a telematch, an activity which I conveniently skipped on the basis of my injury...
As a result of tt, I was guarding the belongings while stoning @ the same time, all the while envying [MJ] who's @ home enjoying her game of [Audition]...
Had my free dinner before everyone went back to the [School Of Business] for their night walk briefing... But before tt, 3 videos of [Kumar] in drag was played to keep us entertained and I stayed for tt 3 vids before deciding to call it a day...
It's only then tt I got [MJ] to check the result of my bidding and I found out the freaking bad news of me being outbidded by a mere 19 pts!!! WTH?! If I didn't listen to my OGLs and had followed my gut instincts to increase my bid pts to 150, I would've gotten the frigging [Introduction To Computing] mod... As a result of tt folly, I've now gotta resort to my next plan and even tt's impossible now as the demand is way above the supply, meaning tt the bid pts for [Heavenly Mathematics: Cultural Astronomy]'s gonna cost a bomb... If I bidded for tt previously, I would've gotten it for like 1 pt... Now, tt's outta the question already...
Of course, seeing tt I've already taken 2 mods during the [Special Sem], I could take 4 mods this smemester and it won't slow me down... But I'd rather have the lesser workload @ the later part of my undergraduate yrs... For now, I'll stick to 5 mods per sem...
I've no choice but to listen to [XP] and try out [Genes And Society]... If she can get an A- by sleeping throughout the lecture, I don't see why I couldn't score as well, or even better... Haha...
I just pray tt I'll be successful this time round...
*Sigh* After all the agony of my not getting the mod, I've lost the mood to attend the masquerade party tonight... Not tt I'm feeling bad or anything abt it... After all, the thought of wearing a mask over my specs to eat and converse is gonna be freaking uncomfortable... Not only tt, I've heard news tt the party's just a cover for some spd dating activity... Online dating, I don't mind as I can access [Facebook]... But real-life spd dating??? Just kill me la... It's a complete waste of time for me lor... -_-"'
Oh well, I shall end my whining session here... Off to [Audition]!!! *Grins* =D
Furthermore, most of the time was spent on games and other bo-liao activities tt supposedly will help us bond as an orientation group (OG)... Which I've absolutely no interest in whatsoever, which brings me to this whole whining session of why I even register for this orientation in the 1st place and paid $50 in total tt consisted only of 3 meals, an orientation tee, a clan singlet (which I'll never wear unless hell freezes over) and a mask for the masquerade party which I've decided not to attend @ the last min for reasons which I'll elaborate later...
On the 1st day of the orientation, the freshies were told to dressed up in their office attire and get to sch by 0730 hrs... So I did just tt, just tt I ended up being late by a couple of mins and decided instead to gather in the [School Of Business], I might as well just meet everyone @ the [University Cultural Centre] (UCC) instead as I don't have to make so many detours... So both [MJ] and I were waiting @ the [UCC] until my OGL called and told me tt the [Freshmen Inauguration Ceremony] (FIC) will start @ 0830 hrs instead, and I should just head to LT18 after all... Zzz... Really, if it's starting so late, why get us gathered so early??? Anyway, the worse for the day has yet to come...
So after I got to the LT, I stoned a little while listening to the guys trying to do some small talk while the gals were practically a collective entity already... As usual, I couldn't think of any interesting topics, so I merely kept my trap shut... When it's the time to move off for the [FIC], there was an announcement informing us tt our clan could attend the event as there're insufficient tickets... Each sch was only given 300 tix, so it's just too bad... However, before I could actually get out of my formal attire, it appears tt there're still a few more vacancies left and I immediately grabbed tt chance to visit the [UCC]... Hey, you can't expect me to wear my forma attire for nth, right???
A few freshies dozed off during the ceremony which consisted of a couple of performances as well as 2 talks, one by the president of [NUS] and the other by the president of the [NUS Student Union]... I couldn't fall asleep as tt's not within my ability...
There's a mini-buffet after tt, but I didn't eat much as most of the stuff there contains veggies... Found [MJ] after some searching despite her height as she's wearing a white top which is very common... Wondered why so many ppl have tt impression tt 'office wear' equates a black and white combination... Then again, I couldn't care more as colour combinations are so outta my league...
I got back to [School Of Business], changed into something comfy and joined my OG for some light-hearted ice-breakers before getting my 1st free lunch as well as entering some daytime nightmare...
I'm not tt disturbed over pairing up with another gal or guy... What totally freaks me out are the games tt requires me to get wet and dirty or a combination of both, like [Dirty Musical Chair]... As if having flour over my body isn't bad enough, they have to add water on the flour tt's on the chair and you're expected to sit on it... How yucky is tt?!?!
Which is why I deliberately chose to get eliminated during the 2nd round... The faster I got out of tt game, the better for me...
I decided to leave after all tt nonsense was done and by then, it's already like close to 1900 hrs... So I met up with [MJ] for dinner @ [Subway] before heading home... In addition, the trip to [Subway] wasn't a safe one as as I was exiting LT19 with [MJ], I didn't see the bench tt's right next to the exit and freaking kicked on it, hard... I didn't get a bruise, but a skin tear tt's freaking painful and the wound refuses to stop bleeding... Even after 3 days, it's still a ugly sight to behold... Yucks...
The meal went fine, just not the trip to the 188 bus stop... Street lighting was like non-existent around the area where the [Kent Ridge Terminal] was located and if not for the presence of [MJ] who helped to guide me, I'll probably fall into some drain and hurt myself yet again... Sheesh!!!
Day 2 of orientation was even worse as our OG ended up doing the [Rag] activity instead of [Flag]... Instead of moving around the little red dot sourcing for donations, I was trapped in sch doing arts and craft... So after the lunch break, I pulled off a [Houdini] and went to the [Central Library] for some bidding research before getting my early dinner @ [Burger King] and leaving straight for home...
It's only on tt day itself tt I realised tt there's a [BK] in the [FASS] canteen... How slow can I get???
Then for yesterday's orientation, it zettai was a waste of time... I went to sch just to listen to some talks before getting an hr break where our OG did play another game to kill the time... Then, we went to the big field just to have a telematch, an activity which I conveniently skipped on the basis of my injury...
As a result of tt, I was guarding the belongings while stoning @ the same time, all the while envying [MJ] who's @ home enjoying her game of [Audition]...
Had my free dinner before everyone went back to the [School Of Business] for their night walk briefing... But before tt, 3 videos of [Kumar] in drag was played to keep us entertained and I stayed for tt 3 vids before deciding to call it a day...
It's only then tt I got [MJ] to check the result of my bidding and I found out the freaking bad news of me being outbidded by a mere 19 pts!!! WTH?! If I didn't listen to my OGLs and had followed my gut instincts to increase my bid pts to 150, I would've gotten the frigging [Introduction To Computing] mod... As a result of tt folly, I've now gotta resort to my next plan and even tt's impossible now as the demand is way above the supply, meaning tt the bid pts for [Heavenly Mathematics: Cultural Astronomy]'s gonna cost a bomb... If I bidded for tt previously, I would've gotten it for like 1 pt... Now, tt's outta the question already...
Of course, seeing tt I've already taken 2 mods during the [Special Sem], I could take 4 mods this smemester and it won't slow me down... But I'd rather have the lesser workload @ the later part of my undergraduate yrs... For now, I'll stick to 5 mods per sem...
I've no choice but to listen to [XP] and try out [Genes And Society]... If she can get an A- by sleeping throughout the lecture, I don't see why I couldn't score as well, or even better... Haha...
I just pray tt I'll be successful this time round...
*Sigh* After all the agony of my not getting the mod, I've lost the mood to attend the masquerade party tonight... Not tt I'm feeling bad or anything abt it... After all, the thought of wearing a mask over my specs to eat and converse is gonna be freaking uncomfortable... Not only tt, I've heard news tt the party's just a cover for some spd dating activity... Online dating, I don't mind as I can access [Facebook]... But real-life spd dating??? Just kill me la... It's a complete waste of time for me lor... -_-"'
Oh well, I shall end my whining session here... Off to [Audition]!!! *Grins* =D
Saturday, August 01, 2009
Prelude To A Week Long Nightmare...
Looks like [Blogger]'s still not recovered from whatever probs it's been inflicted with, rendering me to type my entry using HTML codes... LOL... Once again, I'm complaining for the fun of it as in actual fact, I don't really have to do much coding when I'm typing my entries as I'm using just using lots of words and a few occasional pics here and there... Such stuff are no biggie for me as [PhotoBucket] and [YouTube] helps to generate the codes for ease of sharing... Furthermore, I do know a little bid of HTML coding, what's with [NeoPets] in the past and changing blogskins for abt 5 times now...
1st thing 1st... Remember a couple of wks ago, I was still freaking out over my [QET]??? I was getting the jitters as I'm having this nagging fear tt [NS] has killed my [English] and my blogging in [English] isn't helping my standards anyway, as [XP] would attest to it by spotting the numerous grammatical errors in my SMS, [MSN] conversations and blog entries...
And things just got worse as on the day of the [QET] the essay topic was related to the mass media!!! It's totally OMG la as tt's one of the [GP] topic and I've totally destroyed the notes as well as whatever the teacher has taught me... Not to mention tt my friends threatened to pass on the msg to our [GP] tutor in the event tt I actually do fail the [QET], showing how I've let our tutor down and all...
It's kinda depressing and once again, I've tt urge to hide in some secluded corner for my harvesting of mushrooms...
So it's really a relieve when 3 days ago, as I checked my results in sch, I found out tt I've done well enough to be exempted from taking further [Eng] modules which not only are compulsory, but they don't provide modular credits... @ ALL... Furthermore, depending on how badly you screw up the [QET], you'll have to take a total of 2 of those pesky modules which not only will increase your workload, it might kill you if you wanna graduate in time or delay your graduation...
Anyway, I took a screenshot of my results... I'm sooooo proud of myself!!!

Anyway, to escape from the harsh reality of all the admin stuff tt I've to do so tt I won't screw up my uni life, I liken this phrase of my life to any other [MMORPG]s which you can find online... Kinda similar, if you really do a comparison... You, as a freshie, start off in a faculty and after a yr or 2, you have to select your specialisation before you graduate and land a job... Does tt sound like you having to choose which job class you want, and passing the job advancement test 2 times before you can continue on to be the strongest gamer in the game??? Haha...
Besides, loads of stuff have been happening again within this wk... Not only have I finally purchased my laptop, I've been spending more $$$ than I have in ages... Just take [Mon] for instance... I headed to sch in the morning just to buy my laptop, which meant tt I've to lunch in sch and what did I eat??? I had [MegaBites] for lunch instead of cheap, equally delicious canteen food just next to the cafe... Then on [Tue], knowing tt [SL] will be going to sch as well, I decided to join him for lunch and I ended up spending more $$$ again travelling to [Clementi] and this time, I spent $7 for a 7 inch pizza with a bowl of soup and garlic bread... Which is much better than my alternative choice of eating [Botak Jones]...
The point I'm trying to drive here is tt if I'm really hell bent on socialising and networking, I must prepare to spend a hell lot more than what I'm comfortable with and to drive home tt point, the darn [Biz] talk on [Thurs] was literally stressing the importance of networking and having lots of leadership qualities, blah, blah, blah...
You can't expect me to really pay 100% attention when I've to study for my MCQ test in the evening on the same day itself and with the talk stretching past my lunch time as well as the 2 pm which it was supposed to end... Zzz... Anyway, I missed out on the chance to meet up with my class as after all the adrenaline tt came from rushing to [Sci] and doing some last min information camping as well as the fact tt I'm starving from the lack of lunch, I've practically lost the mood to be nice as well as wait till god knows when before I can have dinner... I mean, you know how it is with friends... The dragging increases proportionally with the group size, which is why I'd rather head home for dinner... The faster I get stuff into my stomach, the faster I'm outta my crappy mode...
Surprisingly, even [SL] noticed tt orientation aren't my cup of tea... Not only tt, it's also incredibly sexiest... So what if there're too many gals already in the orientation program??? Shouldn't the exco like anticipate this problem considering the fact tt there're like 15% more gals in the faculty itself??? TO actually deprive the gals just because 'there're simply too many girls who have already signed up for orientation' is simply unfair... Must the sch really help to matchmake us??? Zzz... I think the answer is really obvious with the phrase 'finding your other half' popping out of the speakers' mouth every other few mins...
I'm totally disgusted... Wonder why I even bother with this week long nonsense in the 1st place... Whatever...
As usual, I'll end off this entry with a video... I was searching [YouTube] for the trailer for [Yulgang Online], the latest [MMORPG] tt [AsiaSoft] hs under it's belt... Gameplay's supposedly like [Cabal]... However, it's having the theme of [Chinese] martial arts... Anyway, like I've mentioned, I tried to find the trailer, but I ended up stumbling upon [Yulgang 2 Online] instead...
The trailer graphics' totally awesome and I bet [YH] will like the video as it resembles her fav [Dynasty Warriors]... LOL... ^_^
1st thing 1st... Remember a couple of wks ago, I was still freaking out over my [QET]??? I was getting the jitters as I'm having this nagging fear tt [NS] has killed my [English] and my blogging in [English] isn't helping my standards anyway, as [XP] would attest to it by spotting the numerous grammatical errors in my SMS, [MSN] conversations and blog entries...
And things just got worse as on the day of the [QET] the essay topic was related to the mass media!!! It's totally OMG la as tt's one of the [GP] topic and I've totally destroyed the notes as well as whatever the teacher has taught me... Not to mention tt my friends threatened to pass on the msg to our [GP] tutor in the event tt I actually do fail the [QET], showing how I've let our tutor down and all...
It's kinda depressing and once again, I've tt urge to hide in some secluded corner for my harvesting of mushrooms...
So it's really a relieve when 3 days ago, as I checked my results in sch, I found out tt I've done well enough to be exempted from taking further [Eng] modules which not only are compulsory, but they don't provide modular credits... @ ALL... Furthermore, depending on how badly you screw up the [QET], you'll have to take a total of 2 of those pesky modules which not only will increase your workload, it might kill you if you wanna graduate in time or delay your graduation...
Anyway, I took a screenshot of my results... I'm sooooo proud of myself!!!
Anyway, to escape from the harsh reality of all the admin stuff tt I've to do so tt I won't screw up my uni life, I liken this phrase of my life to any other [MMORPG]s which you can find online... Kinda similar, if you really do a comparison... You, as a freshie, start off in a faculty and after a yr or 2, you have to select your specialisation before you graduate and land a job... Does tt sound like you having to choose which job class you want, and passing the job advancement test 2 times before you can continue on to be the strongest gamer in the game??? Haha...
Besides, loads of stuff have been happening again within this wk... Not only have I finally purchased my laptop, I've been spending more $$$ than I have in ages... Just take [Mon] for instance... I headed to sch in the morning just to buy my laptop, which meant tt I've to lunch in sch and what did I eat??? I had [MegaBites] for lunch instead of cheap, equally delicious canteen food just next to the cafe... Then on [Tue], knowing tt [SL] will be going to sch as well, I decided to join him for lunch and I ended up spending more $$$ again travelling to [Clementi] and this time, I spent $7 for a 7 inch pizza with a bowl of soup and garlic bread... Which is much better than my alternative choice of eating [Botak Jones]...
The point I'm trying to drive here is tt if I'm really hell bent on socialising and networking, I must prepare to spend a hell lot more than what I'm comfortable with and to drive home tt point, the darn [Biz] talk on [Thurs] was literally stressing the importance of networking and having lots of leadership qualities, blah, blah, blah...
You can't expect me to really pay 100% attention when I've to study for my MCQ test in the evening on the same day itself and with the talk stretching past my lunch time as well as the 2 pm which it was supposed to end... Zzz... Anyway, I missed out on the chance to meet up with my class as after all the adrenaline tt came from rushing to [Sci] and doing some last min information camping as well as the fact tt I'm starving from the lack of lunch, I've practically lost the mood to be nice as well as wait till god knows when before I can have dinner... I mean, you know how it is with friends... The dragging increases proportionally with the group size, which is why I'd rather head home for dinner... The faster I get stuff into my stomach, the faster I'm outta my crappy mode...
Surprisingly, even [SL] noticed tt orientation aren't my cup of tea... Not only tt, it's also incredibly sexiest... So what if there're too many gals already in the orientation program??? Shouldn't the exco like anticipate this problem considering the fact tt there're like 15% more gals in the faculty itself??? TO actually deprive the gals just because 'there're simply too many girls who have already signed up for orientation' is simply unfair... Must the sch really help to matchmake us??? Zzz... I think the answer is really obvious with the phrase 'finding your other half' popping out of the speakers' mouth every other few mins...
I'm totally disgusted... Wonder why I even bother with this week long nonsense in the 1st place... Whatever...
As usual, I'll end off this entry with a video... I was searching [YouTube] for the trailer for [Yulgang Online], the latest [MMORPG] tt [AsiaSoft] hs under it's belt... Gameplay's supposedly like [Cabal]... However, it's having the theme of [Chinese] martial arts... Anyway, like I've mentioned, I tried to find the trailer, but I ended up stumbling upon [Yulgang 2 Online] instead...
The trailer graphics' totally awesome and I bet [YH] will like the video as it resembles her fav [Dynasty Warriors]... LOL... ^_^
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