1st thing 1st... Remember a couple of wks ago, I was still freaking out over my [QET]??? I was getting the jitters as I'm having this nagging fear tt [NS] has killed my [English] and my blogging in [English] isn't helping my standards anyway, as [XP] would attest to it by spotting the numerous grammatical errors in my SMS, [MSN] conversations and blog entries...
And things just got worse as on the day of the [QET] the essay topic was related to the mass media!!! It's totally OMG la as tt's one of the [GP] topic and I've totally destroyed the notes as well as whatever the teacher has taught me... Not to mention tt my friends threatened to pass on the msg to our [GP] tutor in the event tt I actually do fail the [QET], showing how I've let our tutor down and all...
It's kinda depressing and once again, I've tt urge to hide in some secluded corner for my harvesting of mushrooms...
So it's really a relieve when 3 days ago, as I checked my results in sch, I found out tt I've done well enough to be exempted from taking further [Eng] modules which not only are compulsory, but they don't provide modular credits... @ ALL... Furthermore, depending on how badly you screw up the [QET], you'll have to take a total of 2 of those pesky modules which not only will increase your workload, it might kill you if you wanna graduate in time or delay your graduation...
Anyway, I took a screenshot of my results... I'm sooooo proud of myself!!!
Anyway, to escape from the harsh reality of all the admin stuff tt I've to do so tt I won't screw up my uni life, I liken this phrase of my life to any other [MMORPG]s which you can find online... Kinda similar, if you really do a comparison... You, as a freshie, start off in a faculty and after a yr or 2, you have to select your specialisation before you graduate and land a job... Does tt sound like you having to choose which job class you want, and passing the job advancement test 2 times before you can continue on to be the strongest gamer in the game??? Haha...
Besides, loads of stuff have been happening again within this wk... Not only have I finally purchased my laptop, I've been spending more $$$ than I have in ages... Just take [Mon] for instance... I headed to sch in the morning just to buy my laptop, which meant tt I've to lunch in sch and what did I eat??? I had [MegaBites] for lunch instead of cheap, equally delicious canteen food just next to the cafe... Then on [Tue], knowing tt [SL] will be going to sch as well, I decided to join him for lunch and I ended up spending more $$$ again travelling to [Clementi] and this time, I spent $7 for a 7 inch pizza with a bowl of soup and garlic bread... Which is much better than my alternative choice of eating [Botak Jones]...
The point I'm trying to drive here is tt if I'm really hell bent on socialising and networking, I must prepare to spend a hell lot more than what I'm comfortable with and to drive home tt point, the darn [Biz] talk on [Thurs] was literally stressing the importance of networking and having lots of leadership qualities, blah, blah, blah...
You can't expect me to really pay 100% attention when I've to study for my MCQ test in the evening on the same day itself and with the talk stretching past my lunch time as well as the 2 pm which it was supposed to end... Zzz... Anyway, I missed out on the chance to meet up with my class as after all the adrenaline tt came from rushing to [Sci] and doing some last min information camping as well as the fact tt I'm starving from the lack of lunch, I've practically lost the mood to be nice as well as wait till god knows when before I can have dinner... I mean, you know how it is with friends... The dragging increases proportionally with the group size, which is why I'd rather head home for dinner... The faster I get stuff into my stomach, the faster I'm outta my crappy mode...
Surprisingly, even [SL] noticed tt orientation aren't my cup of tea... Not only tt, it's also incredibly sexiest... So what if there're too many gals already in the orientation program??? Shouldn't the exco like anticipate this problem considering the fact tt there're like 15% more gals in the faculty itself??? TO actually deprive the gals just because 'there're simply too many girls who have already signed up for orientation' is simply unfair... Must the sch really help to matchmake us??? Zzz... I think the answer is really obvious with the phrase 'finding your other half' popping out of the speakers' mouth every other few mins...
I'm totally disgusted... Wonder why I even bother with this week long nonsense in the 1st place... Whatever...
As usual, I'll end off this entry with a video... I was searching [YouTube] for the trailer for [Yulgang Online], the latest [MMORPG] tt [AsiaSoft] hs under it's belt... Gameplay's supposedly like [Cabal]... However, it's having the theme of [Chinese] martial arts... Anyway, like I've mentioned, I tried to find the trailer, but I ended up stumbling upon [Yulgang 2 Online] instead...
The trailer graphics' totally awesome and I bet [YH] will like the video as it resembles her fav [Dynasty Warriors]... LOL... ^_^