Spending 1 hr on managing all my [FB] games is all I can manage before I couldn't take it anymore and hit the sacks...
Okay, perhaps I should back track a little... I did took up [SH]'s offer to work @ [Diners' Club (Singapore)] and it has been 3 wks already... And I used to think tt answering customers' queries over the phone requires tons of flexibility, with different ppl calling in... Yet after this short exp, I've come to realised tt the job is quite repetitive nonetheless and I'm using this as a form of motivation... LOL... Yeah, repetition and not much changes motivates me... The added bonus is tt all my interaction with the customers are over the phone, which is even better as I don't have to meet anyone @ all and frankly speaking, I'm more comfortable tt way...
Anyway, just barely 2 wks into my new job, I tio-ed the office infamous 'donut'...
Just kidding... It's punishment for not locking my com when I left the office... And the infamous donut implies tt you've to treat everyone in the office to some sort of edible item... Luckily, I don't have to do the treating immediately and to date, there're like 7 ppl sharing the burden... Which is good as I've been overspending lately...
Well, I can understand the reason for this interesting way of reminding ppl to lock their coms for security reasons... Besides, after tt 1 lesson, I'm more cautious and it's a good thing tt when I was still in the [SAF], I was also trained, in some sense, to lock my com whenever I've to leave my desk... ^_^
Oh, with [SH] around, work is never boring...
Anyway, on [Vesak Day], [The Gang] decided to meet up since it's a public hol and most of us were free... So we decided to head to the [Helix Bridge] for some sight seeing machiam like tourists like tt... Just w/o the tour guide holding a flag and straw hats... HAHA... =P
We were supposed to meet @ 1200 hrs, [JE] stn, but the organizer A.K.A [MJ], actually overslept because her phone bat died, resulting in her alarm clock not going off... As a result, we were delayed...
Time for me to lv. up my photo-taking ability...!!!
While walking towards the [Helix Bridge]...
I guess the shape of the DNA is so much nicer when it's on my notes... After looking @ the bridge, I can only see spirals... Now, tt can hardly be 'DNA-inspired', right???
The only indication tt it's truly inspired by the [DNA] can only be seen when you're walking through it and saw the following...
And I think tt if I actually took the time to observe the whole spiral, I should be able to identify the 4 molecules... Haha... =D
After spending some time taking jump shots and cam-whoring along the bridge, we decided to head to the casino and hotel to have a look...
There wasn't much @ the casino, so we decided to head over to the hotel and kpo a little...
After all the walking abt, [SH] decided to head down to town to hunt for his original DVD and so we headed to [Borders]... He couldn't find his DVD while I ended up spending $24.90 on [Sherlock Holmes]... Haha... And just before we actually left the bookstore, we uncovered this shocking sight...
In the movies section, 1 lone cardboard box actually contained...
Now zooming in...
Well, tt's for [Vesak Day]... The following day, I actually went out again... This time, it's to meet up with [YH], [Bec] and [SL] @ [Minds Cafe]...
We have to eat 1st to get the energy for gaming... So I ordered [Cheesy Fish & Chips]...
Well, it was a good experience and I do feel tt [Minds Cafe] actually offer better deals as compared to [Settlers' Cafe]... On weekdays, 4 hrs of gaming only cost $5 and tt includes free flow of drinks... If you wanna eat a proper meal, it'll cost an additional $6.50... On weekends, the 4 hrs of gaming and free flow of drinks cost $10... The pt is, a meal is provided!!!
Well, I'll just remember not to take the circle line from [Bishan] the next time I actually decided to head there again... Tt train ride takes wayyyyy too much time!!! -_-"'