And where are we going??? We're heading to [McDonald's] for breakfast because I was having the cravings for the hotcakes... HAHA...
Once breakfast was over, [Sis] took out her [Korean] stuff to read before meeting her exchange buds to learn more and I decided to kpo a little... Much to my surprise, it's quite interesting... It's like drawing circles, squares and straight lines to represent consonants and vowels... Totally reminded me of the drawings from the cavemen era... HAHA~!!! =P
Anyway, @ abt 1030 hrs, [Sis] has to leave for [NYP], so I'm left to kill time all by myself... So I took out my novel and read till abt like 1115 hrs before wandering to the entrance of [Lot 1] to wait for [Yuling], [MJ], [SH] and [JY]...
It turns out tt [JY] will be kinda delayed but nonetheless, the rest of us decided to head out to shop for [XP]'s prezzie... Setting a budget in mind, we 1st thought of buying watches, but after looking @ a few designs, we've no choice but to abandon the idea as all the nice, cool, boomz designs are wayyyyy outta our budget...
In the end, aside from [SH] goofing around and reciting the script from [Avatar], trying to distract us, we managed to settle on a 8 GB, thumbdrive, an iPhone cover (of sorts cause it hardly protects anything, but ppl still buys it) and an anti-glare screen protector...
Once [JY] met up with us, we headed to [BB Stn]... While waiting for [SH] who went to draw some cash from the ATM, we saw [YH] and [Bec] who came from their [Korean] lessons @ [JE]...
When we finally got to [XP]'s, most of the food's almost ready, but before we actually tucked into it as we're waiting for the rest of [XP]'s friends and [Cass] to arrive, we decided to play a little bit of [Uno Stacko]...
A few of us were playing while the rest decided to watch [Erin Brockovich]... However, after 1 round of the game, with me losing because of [MJ] who decided to create an artificial gust of moving air molecules with her mouth, causing the already wobbly blocks to toppl, all of us decided to watch the movie anyway as it's quite interesting and meaningful...
[Cass] arrived soon after and I was presented with a belated b-day card...
Lunch was so-so for me as I didn't really eat much, except for the curry and the bread... It's a wee bit spicy, but I still ate quite a lot of bread with the curry as I feel tt it's better than eating rice... Besides, the potatoes are yummy too... Haha... Yeah... I kinda like to eat those potatoes tt're found in the curry, provided tt the curry isn't THAT spicy of course... ^_^
The spring rolls stuffed with bananas and prawns are not too bad, though if it's only stuffed with bananas -... Wait, then I might as well have friend bananas, right??? =P
The mango and prawn salad is nice... Well, the mangoes are nice as they're not sour and tt's all tt matters... Of course, I didn't consume any of the prawns...
After the lunch, I interacted a little with [XP]'s friends before [SH] decided tt ice-cream is a must and decided to head to the nearby [West Mall] to get some ice-cream...
Anyway, when we got back, the gang was just sitting around gossiping while [XP] was playing the card-game version of [Monopoly], which I find quite challenging... Well, I was trying to understand the game and attempting to be [XP]'s financial advisor, so I didn't really quite notice what was going around me, but I kinda noticed [SH] cam-pimping, AS USUAL...
I stayed till around 1730 hrs before I made my way down to [JE] to do something to my messy lock of hair... And the end result is...