Well, now tt my projects have all been submitted and my final exams have concluded yesterday, I'm OFFICIALLY ON VACATION (though for the past few wks, I've been on holiday mood every now and then too... =P)
I guess I shall not brood over the exams and how I think I fared... It's OVER and rather than worry abt how horrible I've performed, I should just chillax till the results are out sometime in the near future... HAHA... Yeah, I haven't even checked when the results will be made known to us... -_-"'
I'm getting lazy and it's time to really do something abt it... Should start getting organised all over...
Anyway, I guess I shall only talk abt the post-exams celebration... After [BSP1004], the class (or the majority of the class), decided to head over to [Holland V]... It's quite duh, but we really have 2 hrs of free time to kill and therefore, decided to head over there 1st before deciding on our next course of action...
@ abt 1600 hrs, we arrived @ the entrance of [Crystal Jade La Mian Xiao Long Bao]... I'm all for simply stoning and crapping for the remaining 1 hr as well as play my role of being the paparazzi, but it seems like the rest are totally restless and therefore, we went shopping...
The 1st stop??? [Cold Storage]... Yes!!! We were reduced to the stage where we have to shop inside a grocery store... GAH~!!! -_-"'
Well, seeing tt it's a grocery store and no reasonable person would buy any food knowing tt we'll be having a buffet, all of us decided to head to the next floor to do more window shop... Okay, we aren't really window shopping... We were practically walking, chatting and totally disregarding the existence of the shops there... Betcha the store owners were cursing us once we walked past w/o even looking @ the shops... LOL!!!
The shopping center was uber CMI with no down escalators, merely stairs and a lift tt can only house like 9 ppl max... Zzz... =S
Moving on... Once we're done wasting close to 2 hrs of out life, we went back to the restaurant's entrance...
The restaurant finally allowed us entry and we immediately chiong to the seat reserved for us... Alas, we have to split up as there wasn't any table big enough to house all 14 of us... Haiz...
TA-DA~!!! The star (I'm referring to the XLBs, not the humans) of the day!!! =D
Once we've posed with the star, everyone started to ZAM the buffet le... LOL...
Well, everybody ate the steamboat and XLBs... My initial plan was only to devour XLBs after XLBs... And I successfully ate like 15 of those delicious and totally sinful baos before helping to clear a little bit of the steamboat by eating some of the pork slices and... You guessed it... BALLS... Ahahahahaha...
The [Red Bean Jelly]'s yummy too!!!
I didn't get a chance to eat any ice-cream as my friends have decided to head over to [Marina Bay Sands] after the buffet to check out the double-helix DNA inspired bridge, so there aren't any company... And I'm not abt to travel all the way to [Marina Bay Sands] and not fully enjoy the scenic view or fully appreciate the bridge due to it being after sundown...
Yes, I headed home... I shall enjoy the magnificent view of tt bridge some other time... Hopefully, in the near future... =)