Seriously, WTH... Then again, maybe tt's the whole pt as it'll be an unfair advantage over those ppl who doesn't own an [iPhone] or have the app...
@ least I can still clean my leisure buildings to generate a little bit of extra coins plus increase my population to its limit, which will also give me some puny exp... Which is better than nth anyway... =D
Besides tt revelation, I also met up with [Ah Ming] after I've completed my errands @ the bank for lunch as well as to borrow his comics... Before I actually collected the comics from him, we had lunch and my initial thought was to have something quite budget... However, as it turns out, I ended up eating [PastaMania]... -_-"'
Now, it would still be counted as being budget if all i ordered was a mere plate of pasta, and the cheapest kind @ tt... But, I ordered [Creamy Chicken] and the [Cheese Sticks] combo, which brought my expenses to abt $14.40 or so... Yep, tt's budget for me... HAHA...
Once the meal was over, I checked out the various volumes of comics which he brought out as I couldn't remember where I stopped reading @... LOL... I was hoping tt I have more volumes to read... As it turns out, I only didn't read the issues tt were out since Jan, which means tt I've only like 5 issues to cover, which can easily be completed in 2 days, max...
Note to self: Gotta find more stuff to kill time with...
Tt's [Wed]... [Thurs], well, tt's my b-day and I've no choice but to accept tt I'm 22 this yr, on the outside... Like what [XP] wrote on my wall, mentality-wise, I've finally reached my tens and am eligible to watch PG shows w/o parental guidance... WOOHOO~!!! LOL... -_-"'
In the afternoon though, I was @ [JP] out on another blind date (sort of)... Headed to [Pizza Hut] to try out the new cheesy pizza tt have cornflakes on em' and it was not too bad... The zhong dian of course, wasn't on the date or the lunch as it was only a shun bian thingy... My main mission was to collect my b-day cake from [Bakerzin] and once my mission is over, I'm back home to do more rotting in front of my com by managing my [FB] games as well as play a few rounds of [PvZ] to earn more money and move a few more inches closer to achieving the gold award in the game...
After dinner, @ abt [2000 hrs], my house was under attack...
*Evi grins* As you can see, [XP] was forced to take the pic as well, she's in my house and there's no where else she can escape to... MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA...
The 3 gals attempted to get me to make wild guesses on what they bought for me from [NTUC]... It was a fail attempt as not only does [NTUC] stock TENS OF THOUSANDS of items, I hardly enter [NTUC] too and so, it's really FREAKING TOUGH to even make a while guess as to what they bought... And they're so tight-lipped as to not provide a hint too... *Pouts*
After stoning for a while longer and with nth much to do, we decided to do the cake-cutting ceremony... HAHA... But before the pics of those, TA-DA~!!! The awesome [Oreo Cheesecake]!!! *Drools*
Okay la, it's not exactly THAT fantastic as most ppl find tt it's too cheesy... Though I don't think so (probably due to my already destroyed tastebuds, LOL...)...
And yeah, me and [MJ] couldn't stop reciting cheesy puns right out from [The Annoying Orange]... Bleah...
Well, this yr's b-day was indeed more fun thanks to [Yuling], [MJ] and [XP] who decided to pop up unannounced... Once again, I'm thanking ya for the ice-cream and yogurt!!! Haha... ^_^
Heh, before I continue with my [07-Ghost], I shall end this post with some pics of the day... The elusive [XP] has finally been sighted and caught on cam!!! =P