Well, with such a start, it's rather obvious tt there's gonna be some bad news... It wasn't bad, bad... More like newsflash tt doesn't fall into the category where you'll laugh and jump for joy...
Me planning for this mth's gang outing was shingz-ed after [MJ] suddenly bailed and [Darrell] was too drained from attending his friend's 21st the previous day... The attendance was already so poor and with 2 more absentee, it was pointless, of sorts, which is why I've decided to postpone this cycling event indefinitely...
The only thing tt can be deemed as a consolation is tt [XP]'s kinda holding her b-day celebration (of sorts) tml and I guess we can consider it as another gang gathering even though some of [XP]'s [Kendo] friends will also be present, not tt it'll matter much anyway... Haha...
Speaking of [XP]'s b-day celebration, as per the b-day gal wish, it'll just be a lunch and games event which will definitely not include any cakes... Even though there'll be some mild displeasure among the ppl who'll be attending, I suppose, it'll be a HUGE prob for me as I absolutely love pastries!!!
*Yet another sigh* I guess this can't be helped tough... Haha... Anyway, I guess I should do a little control as I've been letting my sweet tooth enjoy a wee bit too much sweet stuff lately... Not only will I crave for more glucose, fructose, and any other compounds with a -ose @ the end like a freaking drug addict, I'll also inflate considering tt [Ah Ming] once mentioned tt the metabolism will start to slow down once we've reached the mid-20s...
I'm nearly there, so I better watch it or else, I'll develop some unsightly belly... *Faints*
Rantings aside, I've still been bumming abt, but I've also been reading the papers... There's a spare copy and it's always nice to catch up on current affairs... However, after reading some of the articles, I do wish tt they were published like 1 mth earlier, cause the articles on [SG] taking 1st place globally in terms of business competitiveness as well as the issue on fathers taking a more active role in parenting would surely help me out for both my [BSP2005] & [MNO1001] mods respectively...
Well, after chiong-ing like 2 animes - [07-Ghost] & [KuroKami] -in 4 days, I'll admit, it's indeed overkill... This is because even though the animes are interesting and exciting (overall, as the ending for [07-Ghost] kinda suck as the manga isn't complete, so I've heard)... Once I'm done with it, I'm back to bumming abt... Which is why for my current J drama - [Bloody Monday], I'm not gonna rush and shall limit myself to a max of 2 episodes in a day, which translates to me taking a max of 10 days to complete the anime...
Not tt this is gonna be an issue anymore as I've kinda got myself employed for the remaining of my hols, thanks to [SH]... Apparently, [Diners Club] is looking for more temp staff and it was kinda nice *cough* of [SH] to let us know tt there're some lobangs for us... I'm not into the pay though $60/day is a nice paycheck for a temp job...
Considering tt I'm working from 0830 hrs to 1800 hrs with a 1 hr lunch break, tt $60 roughly translate to $7.06/ hr (3 s.f)...
Nonetheless, now my parents will no longer nag, I'll have extra pocket money to splurge - not tt I'll do anything like tt, the most impt thing is tt it'll help me in my quest to fill my CV to a full page...
Ha~... When [SH] 1st SMS-ed me abt this lobang, my initial reaction was to reject instead of thinking abt it 1st and so I did just tt... Reject the offer w/o a 2nd thought... It's only after I've rejected it tt I decided to give it some thought... After all, here was a job opportunity presented to me in a platter... I don't have to source high and low for it nor wait for the right 1 to come popping by from the [Biz Career Services Centre] - those jobs have scary looking job descriptions *insert scared look of your choice*...
I admit, doing a customer services job seems kinda outta my league, but hey, if I don't try, I'll never know for sure... Besides, no one is born knowing EVERYTHING, and with practice, I'm sure to get the hang of it... Furthermore, such interaction with ppl, even if it's only via a phone, is a good learning exp considering tt I'm from the [Biz] fac...
And like I've mention, this will helped me to add more stuff to my resume and allow me to be equipped with another new skill sets which I don't possess @ all...
Anyway, before I end this, the following's my initial conver with [Cass] as I was blogging... I was naturally curious with her pm of 'Roach infestation'...