O-k-a-y... I know I haven't been blogging for uber long already... I actually did try to blog a couple of days ago, but I ended up deleting the draft which I've done cause it started getting really crappy...
Apparently, I'm totally confused and conflicted to be able to actually pen down my thoughts and feelings coherently... Actually, the other reason was tt whatever I wrote didn't sound very sophisticated, so I've decided to not publish them... Hey, I need to maintain some form of atas-ness okay... HAHA...
Anyway, [AFA11] happened over the weekend and according to the papers, this yr's event is more boomz, attracting a larger crowd compared to the previous yr and I can totally attest to tt lor... Whenever there's a cosplayer posing for pics, oh my gawd... All the photographers flocked towards the cosplayer like bees to honey and formed a human barricade around the cosplayer, rendering it virtually impossible for me to actually get a good shot...
This is compounded by those DSLR-wielders who have to scrutinize the pic tt they take on the spot, think for 20 secs before deciding whether they're happy with tt shot or not... I'll be happy if they're happy cause I can replace their spot and take the pics... Everyone should get their turn, kthxbye...
I shall leave those [iPad2]-wielders alone for now and not rant abt how their pad is more din teh than the darn DSLR, which totally blocks off more of my view if those ppl are standing in front of me...
Yep, enough ranting for now... I'm kinda on schedule and would like to complete blogging within an hr... LOL... =D
Card game competitions... Not very interested though, so NEXT!!! HAHA... =P
Initially, when I made the tour of the exhibition hall, I was like a wee bit disappointed... It's like, where are all the cosplayers/! Okay, so my eyesight fails me @ times, but still, I keep seeing figurines...
I also saw this small section tt screens the 1st ep of [Fate/Zero] and when I saw tt, I was going: 'OMG, I HAVE TO CATCH TT ANIME CAUSE I WATCHED [FATE/STAY NIGHT]!!!' So when I saw these, I went a little gaga...
It totally brings back memories of how I totally dig tt anime... Okay, I wasn't a huge fan of [Saber]... I was more interested in the other minor [Servants] and I guess it can be attributed to my preference for non-meelee fighting characters... HAHA...
More shots of the figurines!!!
Nostalgic moment no. 2:
[D. GreyMan]...
[Shakugan no Shana]!!! I totally can't wait for my finals to be over so I can catch up on the 3rd season... *Minor foams*
Okay, if these were cosplayers, it would be so much better... Heh... =D
And I took this purely because of the initials 'C.D.S'... The 1st thing tt actually came to my mind was [CREDIT DEFAULT SWAPS]... Can you believe this?! Gawd, I totally studied wayyyyyyy too much [Finance] le... -_-"'
And wait... It's... Real?!
LOL... JK!!! This is a cosplayer while the previous one is just a model...
Okay, did spot some cosplayers, BUT THESE ISN'T ENOUGH!!! *INSERT RAGE FACE*
So I decided to make my way out of the exhibition hall to check out the situation outside...
Saw crowd, must kaypoh... HAHA...
Oh yeah... [D. GreyMan]!!!
Hmmm... [Tsuna] in 10 yrs' time??? o_O
I'm very sure he's supposed to be [Lambo]'s adult form...
And some other shots of cosplayers here and there...
By then it was like around 1400 hrs and I've decided to head to the stage area to secure a good spot for the [Regional Cosplay Competition]... I mean, I paid the additional $10 for the stage access and I sure as hell, die die must go see the competition lor... Otherwise, it's a complete waste of my money what... -_-"'
More crowd... Not surprising...
The [Malaysia] team participating in the competition deserves special mention lor... The performances actually involved fake blood and 1 of the cosplayer is actually a guy!!!
Yep, this is the guy... I don't think it's THAT obvious lor...
Other selected shots of the competition...
Once the competition ended and everyone began to leave the stage area, I followed suit, but I chionged back to the festival area because I wanted to visit the [Atelier Royale]... HAHA... Yep, I so didn't forgot abt it and apart from checking out the cosplay competition, waiting to head to the butler's cafe was next on my priority list and I can finally ogle @ hot butlers while having my late lunch cum early partial dinner...
I'm so in love with this logo...
The menu...
Haha... I shall stop talking abt [Atelier Royale] here... Shall talk abt my exciting 45 mins experience in another post after I've scanned in the pics obtained from the cafe... The bottom-line however, was tt it's a place where I totally lost all forms of reasoning and be willing to spend as much as $39.80... Man-crazy TTM... ~_~
A [Hard Gay] cospalyer... LOL... *Amazed*
And if I thought tt was awesome, I obviously ain't see nth yet...
[9gag] has been spotted!!! OMG, the soul-stealers are here!!!
And here's my buddy Mr. [PedoBear]... =D
Final round of cosplayer hunting before I call it a day...
This was the last cosplayer tt I actually saw before I decided to really call it a day and head back home...
[Emma Ai]...
Haha... Before I end off this post, the following few pics are taken as I thought of [MJ]... I would've liked some company, but oh well...