Well, this post is dedicated solely to my visit to [Atelier Royale], the butler's cafe... It'll probably be quite a short post since the cafe has a no pictures allowed policy, unlike the maid's cafe next door... Nonetheless, the personal experience itself is mind-blowing and yes, I was drooling and foaming a lot... It's a miracle tt I'm still alive and didn't spastically convulsed happily to my death... ROFLMAO...
As mentioned in the previous post, I visited [AR] after I was done with the [Regional Cosplay Competition 2011] and by then, I was kinda hungry... It kinda took quite a while to enter the cafe cause by around tt time of 1600 hrs, [AFA11] was in full swing and there was a line of mainly young gals waiting patiently for their turn into [AR]... Yep, when I joined the queue, I was the only dude in line... LOL... Looks kinda weird, isn't it??? But I heck it la... *Grins* =P
1 thing good abt a table for 1 is tt it's relatively easier to get a seat compared to a larger crowd and tt was what happened to me... The group of 4 gals in front of me had to wait a little longer while a table was prepared for me... Haha... I was glad tt happened cause by the time it was my turn, I was totally starved and I need some kind of food in my stomach, any food... X_X
As I placed my order for my set meal, the lady manager (@ least I think she is) kinda recognised tt I patronized [AR] last yr as well... @ this pt in time, I got a little awkward cause it's not everyday tt ppl noticed me, much less someone who has only seen me like once, a yr ago...
It seems like the cost of taking pics with the butlers have increased as well... Last yr, it was an additional $2 if you want an extra butler to join you in the phototaking... This yr, any additional butler will cost a whopping $5... The same cost for the 1st butler tt you take the pic with... @ this pt in time, I told the lady manager tt I'll think abt it, but in actual fact, I've already made up my mind to take a pic with 2 butlers... I just haven't decided who...
'Maybe I should ask for Yutaki again, should I???'
I could only think tt much cause when the lady manager introduced me to [Yutaki] and said tt he'll be my butler for the 45 mins tt I'll be in the cafe, well, I lost all higher level brain processes...
'OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG, OMG... Yutaki is my butler!!!'
Yep, tt's all I could think abt now...
I was still in shock when he served my green tea cheesecake set meal tt comes with well, the green tea cheescake, a kit kat bar and a cup of normal coffee... I totally forgot to snap a pic of the meal to illustrate how it's absolutely not worth the $18.90 tt I paid for it due to the lack of brain functionality... However, when I finally recovered enough brain power to get my hand to add the sugar to the coffee, but my hand was trembling and I could hardly open the pack of sugar properly... Yes, I was uber excited and all my molecules are buzzing rapidly... I'm trying my best not to jump and squeal like some 12 yr old sch girl... LOL...
[Hiroshi] came to greet me later and subsequently proceeded to help me to add the creamer to my coffee... Tt's when my brain stopped working again and my entire body just froze... I just stared @ his hand adding the creamer... Now tt I thought abt it, I should've commended my head to turn to the 2'o clock position to stare @ his side profile... Gah, dammit... -_-
Anyway, it was kinda troublesome as the butlers took quite some time to add the creamer and sugar into the coffee and stir it... But like [Steph] mentioned, it's to allow the customers to stare @ the butlers longer and yes, I'm not gonna bitch abt it any more... =D
Okay, now for a short critique of the food... Despite the cake being called a green tea cheesecake, I couldn't taste any cheesecake in it and there was like 2 other layers of sponge cake in it... In other words, it's more like just green tea sponge cake... Nonetheless, it's still cake and I like it... Yep, end of review...
Now this is section is probably the most exciting part in my entire visit to [AR]... 3 other butlers came to talk to me and I was reduced to some shy, high sch sch girl... Making hasty eye contact and crappy replies just came out of my mouth when they asked me some questions... My brains totally exploded and I totally lost my act...
[Hiroshi] came over and tried to talk to me and asked me what kinda animes I like... I couldn't even list out a single anime tt I like and all I said was tt I watch whatever tt my friends recommended... This is fail no 1...
[Haru] then tried chatting with me and he recognises me from last yr, which freaks me out a little cause he's my butler last yr... He thanked me for my continual support to [AR]... Okay, I thought this is quite fail, but it's not really la...
Fail no. 2, and most likely the worst fail ever is when [Ren] came over to chat with me... He asked me whether if I did checked out the maid's cafe and why didn't I check it out and visit the butler's cafe only... My awesome reply was...
'Cause I just like the butler's cafe...'
O.M.G... I mean, what kinda crappy answer is tt?! It sounds damn gay no matter from which angle you look @ it from... Like, what is wrong with me??? Okay, my forever alone r/s status and being man-crazy with cute, guys around my age or younger is wrong with me... URGH... Gawd... Like even a 'Oh, I like the butler's cafe cause I'm a huge fan of [Kuroshitsuji]' sounded wayyyyyyy so much better than what I uttered out to [Ren]...
After I finished my cheesecake, I proceeded to utilize my awesome ability to take forever to drink my coffee just so tt I can let my eyes drink up the sight of all the butlers in action... Truth be told, the butlers this yr are all damn bloody cute and good looking... Wah lao... I AM SO GONNA DIE ALONEEEEE... ='(
After I had my coffee, I proceeded to take a pic with the butlers... And @ tt pt in time, the degree of brain dmg tt I suffered was so severe tt I could only recall [Ren]'s name... So I decided to take a pic with him & [Yutaki]...
After tt pic was taken though and in the absence of any cute guys tt always screws up my brain functions, I realised tt [Ren] is not as hot as [Shou]... Like, I should've taken a pic with [Shou] instead... Haha... I actually stalked [Shou] a little on [FB] and I found out tt he's actually younger than me, studies in [NYP] and is a model somewhat... ALL THE MORE REASON FOR ME TO VISIT [NYP] AGAIN... *Pedobear look*
This last part is my final confession... I saw the [AR] merchandise and they were selling badges of the butlers in chibi form and pics of the butlers... I can't remember the badges cause I wasn't interested in their cartoon forms... I was more interested in their pics and they're being sold like in packages of 5 pics or $10... Plus if you're lucky enough, you might even get a pic tt's autographed by the butlers themselves...
I got sold and bought the pics which frankly speaking, could be DL-ed like from [FB] or the [AR] webby...
Yes, by now, anyone reading this post would know for sure what my Achilles' Heel is already... ROFLMAO... =P