Perhaps I'm just trying to give some politically correct answers... Or I just don't know how to truly appreciate the arts... Oh wow... Now we're @ some [GP] topic now huh???
Anyway... There's this performance [K@smos] an adward winning show by [Puja!], an arts troupe from [Spain]... The performance is 'not bad' (I'm @ it again)... The performance took place @ the open field outside [Lot 1] and this is no ordinary performance, mind you... It's a gravity-defying performance where the performers were performing in mid-air...
It's a 1 hr performance and the finale's awesome... Nope... None of the 8 performers jumped 30m - 40m... There's a fireworks display... YES!!! A fireworks display @ [CCK]!!! Right in font of my very eyes!!! I've never witness a fireworks display up close and personal before in my 18 yrs of life and this is my virgin experience...
Though the performances were breath-taking, I don't understand what it means... You can say I'm an arts retard/ idiot... Even after I SMS-ed [Dar] and he told me tt he actually spoke to the performers, I found out tt it's abt life... Heke... Still can't see the link... LOL... Really can't appreciate Arts...
Oh well... Guess I'm really dense... Oh and did I mention tt I'm blind??? Nope I didn't...
I saw [LY] today... Not before my sis practically pointed @ her right in the face before I realised tt it's [LY]... Gosh!!! She's like only 75cm away from me and I can't see her... Zzz... Maybe because I'm seeing but not looking??? I'm preoccupied with the soccer thingy @ [Lot 1], so I didn't see who's walking past... LOL... I'm like used to my sis as my eyes le...
Which proves to be a very, VERY bad thing... Because I was so damn @#%^ blind tt I didn't see him tagging along with [LY]!!! The chance of seeing him again was right in front of me... And I stupidly missed it!!! Guess lady-luck doesn't really stick to you like glue...
I feel like there's a big $100 bill pasted on my specs... So freaking devastated abt tt... I shall try to de-stress now... Here's the fireworks tt I took from my [Nokkia 7260]... Pardon the poor quality... The phone can't zoom and for the love of GOD, it's a camera phone, not some high-quality video cam... So quit complaining and be thankful tt you could actually see some fireworks tt you've actually missed...