The last time I went on a shopping spree, I believe tt was like in [Nov 2007] when I've to shop for clothes for tt memorable grad night... Of course, during these 2 yrs, I did buy a few clothes here and there, like tt time in [HK] when I bought like 3 tops...
Needless to say, I have tons of tops and not enough bottoms to go along, which is why I've decided to head down to [Jurong Point] with [Mum] for some shopping...
There seems to be an abundance of discounts arouns, like in [Baleno], the long pants are all priced @ $19 while in [Girdano], the pants are priced @ $59, but there're on a 50% discount... Therefore, I purchased a pair of long pants from both shop each, both black, but obviously the cutting's different...
Next, I headed to [V.I.P] to check out their shorts... Once again I eyed a white shorts, but like 2 yrs ago, they don't have my size... However, when I tried the similar pants of a different colour, I realised something... Even though I liked the pants, the belt slot is like too narrow to fit my belt... Zzz... It's such a bummer...
I'm almost lured to the dark side as I did eyed more interesting tops tt're of my liking... I resisted the lure of the darkness as frankly speaking, I'm a little afraid of the dark... LOL~!!!
Anyway, I can never shop w/o eating, so when [Mum] suggested trying tt [HK] style dessert shop, I'm all for it... Tried out the chilled [Mango With Sago] and [Durian In Sticky Rice Rolls] to calm my sweet tooth... I would say tt the food's average only... Price-wise, I believe it's similar to any [HK] style dessert shop you viist islandwide - a little overpriced... Yet I'll close 1 eye and enjoy the slow meal with friends and/or love ones...
If I want to enjoy stuff alone, I'd rather do [Starbucks] as I'll be able to ppl gaze while slowly sipping my kohe... Haha...
Had my yougurt again while totally satisfied my need for sweet stuff...
Hmmm... Tt's abt it la... Shall go watch some [Kuroshitsuji], play some [Rappelz] and count down the days to 7 Feb... Woots!!!
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
Island Creamery Re-Visited...
The sweet tooth has been nagging and I decided to make use of tt opportunity to treat my sis and our cousin to some ice-cream @ [Island Creamery]... I decided to treat them both cause [Sis]'s b-day's just around the corner and I'm @ a loss for gift ideas, so I decided to give a treat instead... As for treating my cousin, I couldn't treat my sis and not my cousin as tt seems a little... Unfair...
Therefore, it's for tt day, it's an all expenses paid day for the 2 of them... Travelling costs not included...
Before we set off for lunch and to our ultimate destination, I decided to fool around for a while and my cousin happily obliged to join me in my stupidity...
Decorative items for the house used as mega earrings... It's lame, I know... But hey, you don't get to do this on a daily basis... And I don't get to do something stupid daily as well... Ha~...
Had [Subway] @ [Lot 1] before making the trip down [Bt. Timah Road]... Being a road dummy (I'm not tt bad to be labeled as a road idiot), I managed to direct everyone to [Island Creamery] w/o missing the bus-stop... Thanks to the display on the bus tt said 'Opp. Coronation Plaza (Please move to the rear)'...
The following are what my cousin and sis ordered combined...
From left: [Yougurt In Peach], [ReversO]
[Nutty Buddy]
And this's what I ordered for myself...
From left: [Hollicks], [Kalau Latte]
From left: [Mudpie], [Teh Tarik], [Pineapple Tarts]
In order words, they didn't really benefir from the treat cause they didn't eat as much... Which is a good thing for my wallet after looking @ what I'm capable of whenever ice-cream and I share the same breathing space...
The following are some of the shots tt we took when I'm indulging in sin... Or so most say...

[Sis] hogging everything... LOL...
Sick of ice-cream??? Never!!!
After the feast (only applicable for describing what I've experienced), we saw [Ronald] outside and decided to have some fun as well...
Mirror image...
Attempting to seduce [Ronald]... Wahaha~!!!
It's interesting tt they have [Pineapple Tart] flavoured ice-cream... Chances are tt it's only for this festive [CNY] period... *Sigh*
And tt flavoured ice-cream brought another bout of laughter when I was on the phone with someone and said caller misheard the ice-cream flavour as...
'Private parts flavoured ice-cream'... Which really cracked the both of us up... LOL...
Therefore, it's for tt day, it's an all expenses paid day for the 2 of them... Travelling costs not included...
Before we set off for lunch and to our ultimate destination, I decided to fool around for a while and my cousin happily obliged to join me in my stupidity...
Had [Subway] @ [Lot 1] before making the trip down [Bt. Timah Road]... Being a road dummy (I'm not tt bad to be labeled as a road idiot), I managed to direct everyone to [Island Creamery] w/o missing the bus-stop... Thanks to the display on the bus tt said 'Opp. Coronation Plaza (Please move to the rear)'...
The following are what my cousin and sis ordered combined...
And this's what I ordered for myself...
In order words, they didn't really benefir from the treat cause they didn't eat as much... Which is a good thing for my wallet after looking @ what I'm capable of whenever ice-cream and I share the same breathing space...
The following are some of the shots tt we took when I'm indulging in sin... Or so most say...
After the feast (only applicable for describing what I've experienced), we saw [Ronald] outside and decided to have some fun as well...
It's interesting tt they have [Pineapple Tart] flavoured ice-cream... Chances are tt it's only for this festive [CNY] period... *Sigh*
And tt flavoured ice-cream brought another bout of laughter when I was on the phone with someone and said caller misheard the ice-cream flavour as...
'Private parts flavoured ice-cream'... Which really cracked the both of us up... LOL...
Thursday, January 22, 2009
Observing The Overt...
Not to allow any more distractions to steal my attention, I've decided to do some blogging before the inspiration eludes me again...
I believe it's [Mon] in which I discovered and experienced some stuff for real in my 20 yrs of existence... The feeling should be very similar to tt of bestowing the ability for me to see and appreciate colours properly... Of course, I'm only imagining how the feeling will be - of joy and awe - as my sight is still pretty much screwed up...
Actually, my absolutely existence is screwed up and this is another issue for another time...
As of [Mon], I've officially been working for 9 days and it's only after tt 9 days tt I started to notice some JC personnel - guys, if you want me to be very precise - alighting @ the same MRT stop as me... Which got me wondering as I couldn't seem to recall any JC in close proximty...
It's only after I traced the movement of the students tt the memory hit... [Anderson JC] is in [Yio Chu Kang] and as I looked on, I finally knew the exact location of where tt JC is located - just opposite [NYP]...
As I submerged myself in the plain ignorance of my being, I also made another observation... The exterior of [AJC] looks... Tattered and torn... Okay, so I've heard tt the JC isn't in the very best of shape, but to actually give tt kinda impression on 1st sight... *Sigh*
Tt's abt it for my discovery... Now on to my experience...
Being in [NYP] is the best I could be to trying out the working realem when it comes to managing my finances... With the need to spend $$$ to travel, for lunch and the inability to purchase concessions, I feel like I'm being thrown not into the deep pool, but into the shark infested ocean and learning how to swim through tt ordeal... In addition, the onslaught of delicious snacks life wafers, hotdogs and the occassional exhibition @ the [Atrium] is just making things worse...
Limiting myself to $30 is stretching it a little, but I intend to persevere and master the art of being thrifty... LOL... I kinda finally understand how [XP] feels when she's working... I'm so tempted to simply buy a loaf of rasin bread and consume tt as my lunch... For $3, I think it's able to last for 3 days tops, which is so much better than spending $3 a day per meal... Or $4.80 for a [Mac] if the rare urge kicks in...
I'll be so much less depressed if money woes is the top concern of mine... *Sigh*
Another [Super Junior] video simply because I feel tt their MVs are a little wacky... Haha... Who am I kidding really??? If I were to see anymore of their vids... *Leaves thought unfinished*
[Pajama Party] by [Super Junior]...
I believe it's [Mon] in which I discovered and experienced some stuff for real in my 20 yrs of existence... The feeling should be very similar to tt of bestowing the ability for me to see and appreciate colours properly... Of course, I'm only imagining how the feeling will be - of joy and awe - as my sight is still pretty much screwed up...
Actually, my absolutely existence is screwed up and this is another issue for another time...
As of [Mon], I've officially been working for 9 days and it's only after tt 9 days tt I started to notice some JC personnel - guys, if you want me to be very precise - alighting @ the same MRT stop as me... Which got me wondering as I couldn't seem to recall any JC in close proximty...
It's only after I traced the movement of the students tt the memory hit... [Anderson JC] is in [Yio Chu Kang] and as I looked on, I finally knew the exact location of where tt JC is located - just opposite [NYP]...
As I submerged myself in the plain ignorance of my being, I also made another observation... The exterior of [AJC] looks... Tattered and torn... Okay, so I've heard tt the JC isn't in the very best of shape, but to actually give tt kinda impression on 1st sight... *Sigh*
Tt's abt it for my discovery... Now on to my experience...
Being in [NYP] is the best I could be to trying out the working realem when it comes to managing my finances... With the need to spend $$$ to travel, for lunch and the inability to purchase concessions, I feel like I'm being thrown not into the deep pool, but into the shark infested ocean and learning how to swim through tt ordeal... In addition, the onslaught of delicious snacks life wafers, hotdogs and the occassional exhibition @ the [Atrium] is just making things worse...
Limiting myself to $30 is stretching it a little, but I intend to persevere and master the art of being thrifty... LOL... I kinda finally understand how [XP] feels when she's working... I'm so tempted to simply buy a loaf of rasin bread and consume tt as my lunch... For $3, I think it's able to last for 3 days tops, which is so much better than spending $3 a day per meal... Or $4.80 for a [Mac] if the rare urge kicks in...
I'll be so much less depressed if money woes is the top concern of mine... *Sigh*
Another [Super Junior] video simply because I feel tt their MVs are a little wacky... Haha... Who am I kidding really??? If I were to see anymore of their vids... *Leaves thought unfinished*
[Pajama Party] by [Super Junior]...
Saturday, January 17, 2009
Tt Foreign Emotion...
There was an exhibition @ the [NYP's Atrium] yesterday... From my short tour around the booths, I gather tt it's a project for a group of [Occupational Therapy] students and they're talking abt emotional health for the different age groups - infants, children, young adults, adults and the elderly...
I admit, my emotional health isn't in the best of conditions as I hardly voice out my feelings as I couldn't find someone to relate to... Which is ironic because if I don't take the 1st step to voice it out, I'll never know whether there's anyone out there whom I can relate to...
I lack the guts to attempt the experiment due to the mistrust tt was developed and I'll just stick to suppressing the emotions and stashing it in the subconscious...
I believe the following is due to some chemicals in the brain being activated when one reaches a certain age... It's the desire to find a partner and to be involved in a relationship... Ppl reasoned it to some chemicals in the brain... I call it stupidity in humanity to be insensible as someone once mentioned tt 'If you're sensible when you're in love, then something is wrong'...
I know I'm stretching it a little and this is because I haven't been very lucky... Okay, scratch tt... I haven't have much luck @ all in my entire life and to actually hope tt I'll be able to strike the lottery on my 1st attempt is a hugh joke played on myself by myself... And [April's Fool Day] isn't even near!!!
How I wish I could go back to the olden, er, I mean good old past where there's no such desire to be so stupid... Times when going online would mean blogging, gaming and watching animes... Not diving for [IRC] or waiting for some guy to be online just so tt I can chat and attempt to date...
I think I can manage tt after seeing how inaccurate horoscope readings really are... [Taurus] and [Capricorn] are matching??? Puh-leaze... [Dragons] can't find love for this yr??? It seems like tt's an annual affair...
Ah, whatever... I'm left with no more juice after thinking abt this for too long already... Esp so after I realised tt there's a scratch on my beloved transition specs... *Sigh*
Somehow, I find the following MV amusing... Not tt the singers are really tt nice or anything... No offense though... =P
[Cooking, Cooking] by [Super Junior]
I admit, my emotional health isn't in the best of conditions as I hardly voice out my feelings as I couldn't find someone to relate to... Which is ironic because if I don't take the 1st step to voice it out, I'll never know whether there's anyone out there whom I can relate to...
I lack the guts to attempt the experiment due to the mistrust tt was developed and I'll just stick to suppressing the emotions and stashing it in the subconscious...
I believe the following is due to some chemicals in the brain being activated when one reaches a certain age... It's the desire to find a partner and to be involved in a relationship... Ppl reasoned it to some chemicals in the brain... I call it stupidity in humanity to be insensible as someone once mentioned tt 'If you're sensible when you're in love, then something is wrong'...
I know I'm stretching it a little and this is because I haven't been very lucky... Okay, scratch tt... I haven't have much luck @ all in my entire life and to actually hope tt I'll be able to strike the lottery on my 1st attempt is a hugh joke played on myself by myself... And [April's Fool Day] isn't even near!!!
How I wish I could go back to the olden, er, I mean good old past where there's no such desire to be so stupid... Times when going online would mean blogging, gaming and watching animes... Not diving for [IRC] or waiting for some guy to be online just so tt I can chat and attempt to date...
I think I can manage tt after seeing how inaccurate horoscope readings really are... [Taurus] and [Capricorn] are matching??? Puh-leaze... [Dragons] can't find love for this yr??? It seems like tt's an annual affair...
Ah, whatever... I'm left with no more juice after thinking abt this for too long already... Esp so after I realised tt there's a scratch on my beloved transition specs... *Sigh*
Somehow, I find the following MV amusing... Not tt the singers are really tt nice or anything... No offense though... =P
[Cooking, Cooking] by [Super Junior]
Friday, January 09, 2009
Play's Out, Work's In...
I badly wanted to rot for a mth... But it seems like ever since I've gotten out of the [SAF] and with my parents always being around in [Dec], I was unable to literally hog the com from 8 am to 5 pm on a daily basis... So despite it's being [Jan], I couldn't shake off the habit of constantly caring how long I've been on the com such tt using the com is now seeming like a chore, which is why I'm beginning to maximise the time I have on the com by gaming as much as I can...
Somehow tt seems like a lame excuse to cover why I'm so inactive online... My [Facebook]'s practically a haunted zone, the blog's dull and boring... I'm feeling bimbotic as I age... Plus I'm really starting to be conscious of my non-existing social life...
Anyway, I decided to get some fresh air on [Tue] by bringing my sis and cousin to [Clementi]'s [Sakura]... I was tempted to ask [YH] and [MJ] out but as it's a really impromptu thingy and the former is studying while the latter is working, I decided against asking and therefore, it's just the 3 of us not-so-great eaters taking on the [Suki Group]... How naive...
@ least this time, I was really looking @ the vast selection of food tt's available and I moved a ltitle out of my comfort zone and tried other stuff... For once...

Tt's my cousin @ the left and my sis on the right... The ppl with the decent pose...

And me with the spastic pose...

After hugging poles, I feel tt they're too skinny and thus, I went back to hugging trees... LOL...
As we're making our way back home, I received a call from [NYP] informing me tt I'm now officially employed in the library as a temp staff... @ least I've gotten a job with a decent pay of $6.30 per hr... The only downside of it is tt it's bloody mundane... Data-entry still sounds way better than tt... However, to be optimistic as I'll be doing this for the next 2 mths, I've got something to kill time with, which is a good thing in my parents point of view...
The really, really bad thing abt getting employed during this week is tt I couldn't accompany my sis to the various poly open houses as well as [PJ]'s open house... A total damnation, I must say... After all, I like going to open houses because 1, the atmosphere is nice and I can get to feel young again, not tt I'm in any way an old foggy, but I like to surround myself with ppl younger than me due to my mentality... LOL... 2, poly open houses equates the opportunity to ogle @ guys, which is my all time favourite hobby when I'm not gaming...
It's a good thing tt I'll be hanging out with young ppl and there's also a possibility to ogle @ guys tml as well when I'm heading to [Sentosa] with [The Gang]... Kinda anticipating what will happen there as I've never been to [Sentosa] with friends...
I'm more interested with the vomitting abomination though...
Anyway, the following video is making me drool... Damn those clothes...
[Mirotic] by [Dong Fang Shen Qi]...
Somehow tt seems like a lame excuse to cover why I'm so inactive online... My [Facebook]'s practically a haunted zone, the blog's dull and boring... I'm feeling bimbotic as I age... Plus I'm really starting to be conscious of my non-existing social life...
Anyway, I decided to get some fresh air on [Tue] by bringing my sis and cousin to [Clementi]'s [Sakura]... I was tempted to ask [YH] and [MJ] out but as it's a really impromptu thingy and the former is studying while the latter is working, I decided against asking and therefore, it's just the 3 of us not-so-great eaters taking on the [Suki Group]... How naive...
@ least this time, I was really looking @ the vast selection of food tt's available and I moved a ltitle out of my comfort zone and tried other stuff... For once...
Tt's my cousin @ the left and my sis on the right... The ppl with the decent pose...
And me with the spastic pose...
After hugging poles, I feel tt they're too skinny and thus, I went back to hugging trees... LOL...
As we're making our way back home, I received a call from [NYP] informing me tt I'm now officially employed in the library as a temp staff... @ least I've gotten a job with a decent pay of $6.30 per hr... The only downside of it is tt it's bloody mundane... Data-entry still sounds way better than tt... However, to be optimistic as I'll be doing this for the next 2 mths, I've got something to kill time with, which is a good thing in my parents point of view...
The really, really bad thing abt getting employed during this week is tt I couldn't accompany my sis to the various poly open houses as well as [PJ]'s open house... A total damnation, I must say... After all, I like going to open houses because 1, the atmosphere is nice and I can get to feel young again, not tt I'm in any way an old foggy, but I like to surround myself with ppl younger than me due to my mentality... LOL... 2, poly open houses equates the opportunity to ogle @ guys, which is my all time favourite hobby when I'm not gaming...
It's a good thing tt I'll be hanging out with young ppl and there's also a possibility to ogle @ guys tml as well when I'm heading to [Sentosa] with [The Gang]... Kinda anticipating what will happen there as I've never been to [Sentosa] with friends...
I'm more interested with the vomitting abomination though...
Anyway, the following video is making me drool... Damn those clothes...
[Mirotic] by [Dong Fang Shen Qi]...
Thursday, January 01, 2009
New Year's Eve...
The day started off fine, with me playing [Rappelz] early in the morning... However, the 1st sign tt the day isn't gonna be tt fantastic is when the bloody notice came out when I was playing the game telling the players tt the server will shut down in a minute's time... Nei nei de!!!
Guess if I did read the notice on the webby, I wouldn't be so worked up over the weekly mantainence...
The feel wasn't there to play [Cabal], so I ended up doing some finger exercise by launching the [Audition] programe instead and boy did I did some exercise on my right hand by playing all those > 150 bpm songs on the [Beat Up] mode... In addition to all those intensive workout my fingers are subjected to, I was also surprised tt I'm now capable of palying [Beat Up Battle 6 Directions]!!! I tried playing [No Space] and the team won twice before losing on the 3rd attempt... By then I was fairly certain tt I'm 80% responsible for the failure cause I simply couldn't score enough 'Perfects' and mantain my 'Beat Up'... This is once again, a sign tt I need more practice...
And I'm due for my lv. 9 license as well... Couldn't meet any of the requirements when I'm doing the practice... BAH!!!
Ended up watching some episodes of [Vampire Knights] before I switched to reading the papers... It's interesting tt before 2008 ends, an extra second is added to do some balancing on the slowing down of the [Earth]'s rotation due to the tides and what-not... Which is kinda interesting how the scientists actually determine the time as after all, this element is totally relative...
Headed to [BPP] @ abt 1630 hrs to check out the library there... Thank goodness I was there before 1700 hrs cause in lieu of today's holiday, the library's closing @ 1700 hrs... So I was like, 'Phew!!!' However, the moment I went searching for the book tt I've set my eyes on since last week, the feeling of being in luck turns to feelings of irritation and regret... Cause the book isn't in the library anymore!!! Someone has decided to place a reservation on the book!!! Damnation!!! Nei nei!!!
I'm feeling regret cause I should've followed my date back to [BPP] on [Mon] to get the book instead of waiting... In the end, I settled on [The Last Days], which is a sequel to [Peeps]... Of course I've more regrets as I didn't check if there're any [Neil Gaiman] books available for loan too... Darn it...
Went to have my lunch cum dinner by ingesting a [Chicken Culet] as part of my modus operandi before any BBQ in general, after which I've no choice but to get petirified slowly @ [BPP] while waiting for [XP] to stop by to collect my games... I think she only wants the [Bishi Bashi], but I decided to just lend her everything cause the disc is doing nth but take up space if I'm keeping them...
I was supposed to by @ [Yew Tee Stn] by 1930 hrs, but I was there by 1840 hrs... Which gave me time to hide in plain sight while I read the novel which I've just borrowed...
1900 hrs came and I decided to see who has arrived @ the stn and I saw some very familiar faces, like DUH!!! as they were my classmates or schoolmates from 4 yrs ago... We did more stoning while waiting for [SL] and [YP] to come before heading to the BBQ pit where I saw more of my ex-classmates...
I didn't really eat much as usual, but I think I ate a record low this time round as I can practically count what I ate... 2 sticks of satay, 2 sausages, 1 crabmeat, some raisin rice and noodles... Yeah, tt's practically all which I ate...
Of course, I did mingle and soaked up some of the atmosphere from the BBQ but I simply feel kinda awkward for it's been almost 4 yrs since I've last saw any of those faces and the conversation topics seems to revolve abt the same old stuff like the [SAF] and even if I attempt to do conversation with the girls, I'm thrust into topics which I've never heard of in my entire life, jokes which I do not know how to appreciate... Plus I'm seeing ppl who were not so nice to me in the past and despite me sort of moving on after those incidents, I'm still keeping away from them as if they're carrying some plague, which is why it toally confuses me when they're like all nice and friendly...
The cue for me to leave is when the group decides to play some games and there's a penalty for the loser... But not before I managed to get a snap shot of the following...
2 'beggers' sitting on the road discussing... The amt of food they managed to collect for the whole day??? The whole stretch of pavement is like deserted!!! LOL!!!
I bet I would enjoy myself more if it's daytime... >_< Okay, the following video is just too cute to not post it here!!! Gah!!!
[Balloons] by [Dong Fang Shen Qi]
Guess if I did read the notice on the webby, I wouldn't be so worked up over the weekly mantainence...
The feel wasn't there to play [Cabal], so I ended up doing some finger exercise by launching the [Audition] programe instead and boy did I did some exercise on my right hand by playing all those > 150 bpm songs on the [Beat Up] mode... In addition to all those intensive workout my fingers are subjected to, I was also surprised tt I'm now capable of palying [Beat Up Battle 6 Directions]!!! I tried playing [No Space] and the team won twice before losing on the 3rd attempt... By then I was fairly certain tt I'm 80% responsible for the failure cause I simply couldn't score enough 'Perfects' and mantain my 'Beat Up'... This is once again, a sign tt I need more practice...
And I'm due for my lv. 9 license as well... Couldn't meet any of the requirements when I'm doing the practice... BAH!!!
Ended up watching some episodes of [Vampire Knights] before I switched to reading the papers... It's interesting tt before 2008 ends, an extra second is added to do some balancing on the slowing down of the [Earth]'s rotation due to the tides and what-not... Which is kinda interesting how the scientists actually determine the time as after all, this element is totally relative...
Headed to [BPP] @ abt 1630 hrs to check out the library there... Thank goodness I was there before 1700 hrs cause in lieu of today's holiday, the library's closing @ 1700 hrs... So I was like, 'Phew!!!' However, the moment I went searching for the book tt I've set my eyes on since last week, the feeling of being in luck turns to feelings of irritation and regret... Cause the book isn't in the library anymore!!! Someone has decided to place a reservation on the book!!! Damnation!!! Nei nei!!!
I'm feeling regret cause I should've followed my date back to [BPP] on [Mon] to get the book instead of waiting... In the end, I settled on [The Last Days], which is a sequel to [Peeps]... Of course I've more regrets as I didn't check if there're any [Neil Gaiman] books available for loan too... Darn it...
Went to have my lunch cum dinner by ingesting a [Chicken Culet] as part of my modus operandi before any BBQ in general, after which I've no choice but to get petirified slowly @ [BPP] while waiting for [XP] to stop by to collect my games... I think she only wants the [Bishi Bashi], but I decided to just lend her everything cause the disc is doing nth but take up space if I'm keeping them...
I was supposed to by @ [Yew Tee Stn] by 1930 hrs, but I was there by 1840 hrs... Which gave me time to hide in plain sight while I read the novel which I've just borrowed...
1900 hrs came and I decided to see who has arrived @ the stn and I saw some very familiar faces, like DUH!!! as they were my classmates or schoolmates from 4 yrs ago... We did more stoning while waiting for [SL] and [YP] to come before heading to the BBQ pit where I saw more of my ex-classmates...
I didn't really eat much as usual, but I think I ate a record low this time round as I can practically count what I ate... 2 sticks of satay, 2 sausages, 1 crabmeat, some raisin rice and noodles... Yeah, tt's practically all which I ate...
Of course, I did mingle and soaked up some of the atmosphere from the BBQ but I simply feel kinda awkward for it's been almost 4 yrs since I've last saw any of those faces and the conversation topics seems to revolve abt the same old stuff like the [SAF] and even if I attempt to do conversation with the girls, I'm thrust into topics which I've never heard of in my entire life, jokes which I do not know how to appreciate... Plus I'm seeing ppl who were not so nice to me in the past and despite me sort of moving on after those incidents, I'm still keeping away from them as if they're carrying some plague, which is why it toally confuses me when they're like all nice and friendly...
The cue for me to leave is when the group decides to play some games and there's a penalty for the loser... But not before I managed to get a snap shot of the following...
I bet I would enjoy myself more if it's daytime... >_< Okay, the following video is just too cute to not post it here!!! Gah!!!
[Balloons] by [Dong Fang Shen Qi]
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