Guess if I did read the notice on the webby, I wouldn't be so worked up over the weekly mantainence...
The feel wasn't there to play [Cabal], so I ended up doing some finger exercise by launching the [Audition] programe instead and boy did I did some exercise on my right hand by playing all those > 150 bpm songs on the [Beat Up] mode... In addition to all those intensive workout my fingers are subjected to, I was also surprised tt I'm now capable of palying [Beat Up Battle 6 Directions]!!! I tried playing [No Space] and the team won twice before losing on the 3rd attempt... By then I was fairly certain tt I'm 80% responsible for the failure cause I simply couldn't score enough 'Perfects' and mantain my 'Beat Up'... This is once again, a sign tt I need more practice...
And I'm due for my lv. 9 license as well... Couldn't meet any of the requirements when I'm doing the practice... BAH!!!
Ended up watching some episodes of [Vampire Knights] before I switched to reading the papers... It's interesting tt before 2008 ends, an extra second is added to do some balancing on the slowing down of the [Earth]'s rotation due to the tides and what-not... Which is kinda interesting how the scientists actually determine the time as after all, this element is totally relative...
Headed to [BPP] @ abt 1630 hrs to check out the library there... Thank goodness I was there before 1700 hrs cause in lieu of today's holiday, the library's closing @ 1700 hrs... So I was like, 'Phew!!!' However, the moment I went searching for the book tt I've set my eyes on since last week, the feeling of being in luck turns to feelings of irritation and regret... Cause the book isn't in the library anymore!!! Someone has decided to place a reservation on the book!!! Damnation!!! Nei nei!!!
I'm feeling regret cause I should've followed my date back to [BPP] on [Mon] to get the book instead of waiting... In the end, I settled on [The Last Days], which is a sequel to [Peeps]... Of course I've more regrets as I didn't check if there're any [Neil Gaiman] books available for loan too... Darn it...
Went to have my lunch cum dinner by ingesting a [Chicken Culet] as part of my modus operandi before any BBQ in general, after which I've no choice but to get petirified slowly @ [BPP] while waiting for [XP] to stop by to collect my games... I think she only wants the [Bishi Bashi], but I decided to just lend her everything cause the disc is doing nth but take up space if I'm keeping them...
I was supposed to by @ [Yew Tee Stn] by 1930 hrs, but I was there by 1840 hrs... Which gave me time to hide in plain sight while I read the novel which I've just borrowed...
1900 hrs came and I decided to see who has arrived @ the stn and I saw some very familiar faces, like DUH!!! as they were my classmates or schoolmates from 4 yrs ago... We did more stoning while waiting for [SL] and [YP] to come before heading to the BBQ pit where I saw more of my ex-classmates...
I didn't really eat much as usual, but I think I ate a record low this time round as I can practically count what I ate... 2 sticks of satay, 2 sausages, 1 crabmeat, some raisin rice and noodles... Yeah, tt's practically all which I ate...
Of course, I did mingle and soaked up some of the atmosphere from the BBQ but I simply feel kinda awkward for it's been almost 4 yrs since I've last saw any of those faces and the conversation topics seems to revolve abt the same old stuff like the [SAF] and even if I attempt to do conversation with the girls, I'm thrust into topics which I've never heard of in my entire life, jokes which I do not know how to appreciate... Plus I'm seeing ppl who were not so nice to me in the past and despite me sort of moving on after those incidents, I'm still keeping away from them as if they're carrying some plague, which is why it toally confuses me when they're like all nice and friendly...
The cue for me to leave is when the group decides to play some games and there's a penalty for the loser... But not before I managed to get a snap shot of the following...
I bet I would enjoy myself more if it's daytime... >_< Okay, the following video is just too cute to not post it here!!! Gah!!!
[Balloons] by [Dong Fang Shen Qi]