Monday, January 26, 2009

Island Creamery Re-Visited...

The sweet tooth has been nagging and I decided to make use of tt opportunity to treat my sis and our cousin to some ice-cream @ [Island Creamery]... I decided to treat them both cause [Sis]'s b-day's just around the corner and I'm @ a loss for gift ideas, so I decided to give a treat instead... As for treating my cousin, I couldn't treat my sis and not my cousin as tt seems a little... Unfair...

Therefore, it's for tt day, it's an all expenses paid day for the 2 of them... Travelling costs not included...

Before we set off for lunch and to our ultimate destination, I decided to fool around for a while and my cousin happily obliged to join me in my stupidity...

Me & Momo (2) Me & Momo Decorative items for the house used as mega earrings... It's lame, I know... But hey, you don't get to do this on a daily basis... And I don't get to do something stupid daily as well... Ha~...

Had [Subway] @ [Lot 1] before making the trip down [Bt. Timah Road]... Being a road dummy (I'm not tt bad to be labeled as a road idiot), I managed to direct everyone to [Island Creamery] w/o missing the bus-stop... Thanks to the display on the bus tt said 'Opp. Coronation Plaza (Please move to the rear)'...

The following are what my cousin and sis ordered combined...

Island Creamery (2) From left: [Yougurt In Peach], [ReversO]

Island Creamery (3) [Nutty Buddy]

And this's what I ordered for myself...

Island Creamery (4) From left: [Hollicks], [Kalau Latte]

Island Creamery From left: [Mudpie], [Teh Tarik], [Pineapple Tarts]

In order words, they didn't really benefir from the treat cause they didn't eat as much... Which is a good thing for my wallet after looking @ what I'm capable of whenever ice-cream and I share the same breathing space...

The following are some of the shots tt we took when I'm indulging in sin... Or so most say...

Me (34) Sis & Momo (4) Sis & Momo (7) Momo

Sis (14) [Sis] hogging everything... LOL...

Me (31) Me (32) Sick of ice-cream??? Never!!!

After the feast (only applicable for describing what I've experienced), we saw [Ronald] outside and decided to have some fun as well...

Me (33) Mirror image...

Momo (2) Sis (16) Attempting to seduce [Ronald]... Wahaha~!!!

It's interesting tt they have [Pineapple Tart] flavoured ice-cream... Chances are tt it's only for this festive [CNY] period... *Sigh*

And tt flavoured ice-cream brought another bout of laughter when I was on the phone with someone and said caller misheard the ice-cream flavour as...

'Private parts flavoured ice-cream'... Which really cracked the both of us up... LOL...