Okay!!! The 1st thing tt I wanna talk abt it of ppl's strange behavior when they're in a queue... Ever noticed tt in those M/M/1 server, there's always someone who'll stand really, really close to the person currently being served??? This happened a couple of times to me and personally, I feel tt it's a total intrusion of my personal space... As if simply by standing nearer to me when I'm being served, you'll get your turn faster... News flash, tt's not gonna happen... In fact, I think tt'll lengthen the service time cause I'll be aware of some unholy presence and begin to get a little bit uncomfortable... Plus, it tempts me to simply 'accidentally' stumble back and knock onto you... And you totally deserve it...
Some random pics tt I've taken during this mth...
But no matter what, [Jap Spitz] pups are still the best with its white fur and wolf like features... *SWOONS*
Of course, we did play [Monopoly Deal] too and I like tt game as well!!! It's a pity tt I can't truly enjoy it due to it being a game tt requires players to be able to see colours real well...
Speaking abt getting quick cash, it was only a couple of days ago tt I received an e-mail from sch asking me if I'm interested to participate in another survey... This time, I've to complete an online component as well as head to sch for another survey... It's estimated tt it'll take @ least 3 hrs to complete everything and we'll get $60 for our efforts...
W/o hesitation, I turned down the offer... Like WTH, right?! Where the hell can I ever find such good deals again??? And I won't get the chance to earn such easy $$$ again till the next academic yr starts... Yes, this is epic-ly dumb... -_-"'
And just yesterday, I met up with both a few of [The Gang] gals & my uni friends for some cycling action... HAHA... It was such a great exercise tt I think I overdid the cycling by riding too fast... I ended with very, very, very sore legs... They were so sore tt I woke up in the middle of the night wincing in pain... Erpx... =(