Friday, August 15, 2008


It's a no-brainer... Running regularly really does increase your life span, so kudos to whoever's been doing some regular running... Haha... As for me, running is the only exercise tt I'm willing to pick up, apart from my usual taking the stairs to my house instead of the life... I do wonder though, do I have the determination to carry on this exercise regime come 2009??? Or will the freedom bring me back to those com potato days??? Guess it's time I start to detach myself from the com and really GET A LIFE... How I'm going to do this is anyone's guess... I still couldn't get past my initial insane fear tt every stranger tt I met dislike me...

Oh my... Look @ tt... I can get so easily distracted even in my own thoughts... Hmmm... Speaking of thoughts... I've more or less decided tt when this year ends, I'll just take it tt I've just wake up from a coma or something similar... I don't think there's ANYTHING worth remembering, except for the working experience maybe... When it comes to friends, I couldn't say tt I've really made any friends... Yes, I'm a freak... I don't warm up tt easily to strangers, due to those horrible experience in the past... I'll just look forward to what new life that being in NUS will entail...

It's @ this pt tt I recall tt most ppl say tt life in the SAF will stay forever in the guys... I'm accepting whatever it is as it's unavoidable, yet in truth, I've never liked being in the SAF... I'd rather go straight to NUS so tt I won't have to worry abt a rotting, decomposing, maggot infested brain... Screw whatever monetary benefits tt the SAF provides, what $200 more in pay when we go to work in the future... I'm never 1 who'll be enticed by $$$... Give me work and I'll try to enjoy what I'm doing so tt I'll have a sense of achievement... Pay-wise, I'll accept the market rate and not be too greedy as asking for more is what'll doom us individuals in this country amidst this weakening economy...

*Sigh* I think the bottom-line is, I just feel so left out when I'm with my friends, like I'm on a totally different wavelength/country/plant/universe/galaxy... Once again, the thought of being enstranged from everyone in [The Gang] scares the living daylights out of me... To me, I feel tt [The Gang] are my true friends, ppl whom I'm so comfortable with tt I can be my own childish self... Something I fear tt I might not be able to do much among ppl who think tt being 20 means being adultish, among ppl who aren't tt crazy, who might be homophobic...

LOL... Yes, I do have many fears, which results in my many reservations, which therefore lead to me being a freak of nature...

Anyway, before I end this sort of dumb entry (I feel like I'm blogging for the sake of blogging)... I've been thinking... You have sex education to teach you all abt the dangers of slping around, not using contraceptives, etc... And normal education on the harm of smoking.. Why is it tt there're some ppl of our age out there who still do those stuff which they know is harmful??? Like picking up smoking and having sex just for fun??? I mean, those education isn't there for nth... I mean, it worked for me, which is why I don't smoke - just a victim of 2nd hand smoking which I can do nth abt - and don't slp around, even though it's really tempting... I wonder why it worked for me and othe others... What's wrong with teenagers nowadays, really?! *Puzzled*