On 13 Sep 08, my lunch was almost non-existence... Rather, the meal tt I had was a cross b/w a lunch and dinner, which is just as well as I can cut down on spending more cash than I've already have for dinner...
I was quite contented with the whole of yesterday, with being able to meet up with [SL] in the afternoon for my meal, and [The Gang] later on in the evening for the highly anticipated BBQ, which I'm attending purely because of the company, and not for the food... The cake is an exception... *Grins*
Then again, the only regret I have was not having enough guts to ask
him to pose for a couple of photos... I've the impression tt he's not tt keen on photo-taking, as with most guys are... Overtly, [SH] is an exception, as you'll be able to see later on, what with his face appearing in almost every shot...
Oh well, enough with the yawn-inducing words...
@ [Mingles]...

[Bangers & Mash]... My order... I so shouldn't have ordered tt cheese sausage of mine... It's so embarrassing when the cheese spurted out!!! Can't believe
he's there to witness tt... *Groans*

[Mingles Fish & Chips]... What [SL] had...

[Rosti With Sausage]... What [Bec] ordered...

[Sinful Brownie]... The dessert tt was shared by all...
[YH] ordered [Poached Salmon]... I forgot to take the pic when it was served... As well as my 2nd order - [Rosti]... Pity...

Stare @ tt the pice!!! It was a spure of the moment thingy, but I treated all of them... Without hesitation... Yes, I admit... I'm bloody bias... *Sticks tongue out*
@ BBQ...
A full-moon!!! I wonder if there's any werewolves then... *Ponders* -_-!!!

The b-day cake for both [YQ] & [JY]...

The b-day girl showing off her gift...

The other b-day girl with dreams for world peace... *Snickers*

My attempt to get get myself frozen in air with varying degrees of failure... I think I'm way too fat to defy gravity... BAH!!!

We are really jumping around

This is awesome!!!

Finally!!! I managed to stay afloat... Guess I'm not so heavy after all... LOL...

The cake cutting process... Not in chronological order...

Some random moments... Once again, it's not in chronological order... The background of some pics tells all...

Last but not least, [The Gang]... Pity [Dar] couldn't make it... *Sigh*
Oh well, tt's abt it... I'm so proud of myself as I managed to not [Cabal] or [Audi] and blog instead... Kudos to my self-control!!! *Grins*